5 years ago
3 appearances
Billy Corben is a documentarian and producer. His new series, "Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami," is now available on Netflix.
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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Well, sort of. They got Kraft for getting a hand job. That was Florida too. So stupid. It's crazy stupid. Well, we were talking about it. Like, how does he not have a guy who can get him jerked off? Like, there's probably a lot of gals out there that would like to make some money. You don't have to go to a massage parlor. The biggest bummer of it is now my massage parlor is closed down. That's the problem. Where do I go now? Where do broke guys go? Well, the fact that they were filming you too. The whole thing is so strange. And if there was human trafficking going on there, what were cops chilling there for like six months in some ongoing investigation? Like, can you save these poor victims? But human trafficking has become like this keyword. It's like this new sort of like fear mongering kind of a term to get everybody all up in arms. And now they're kind of backtracking on that. They're like, well, maybe it wasn't exactly human trafficking. Maybe it was just more of a prostitution operation. That's the reason why he was a horrible person because he was contributing to these people that were essentially being sold for sex slavery. Turns out that might have been a bit overblown. No pun intended. Overblown. Of course, that's kind of how they have to sell it, right? Otherwise people are like, why are you wasting all this money on hand jobs? No one cares. You know why? Because solving real crime is hard. Oh, and dangerous. And dangerous. Okay. So you can go and pick somebody up for marijuana or getting a hand job or whatever. And you can look like you're being proactive. Yeah. But solving a murder, that's hard, man. That's hard work. Hard, dangerous. And, you know, if you go to a weird little Asian massage place and guys are coming out smiling like, hmm, you can start there. Yeah. You know, what about low hanging fruit? Really? No offense to craft. I mean, you know, it's probably this older fellow starts hanging. There was a weird law in Hawaii where they were letting cops actually have sex with prostitutes, like to prove that they were prostitutes. I think nearly half the states in the union have a law that allow police officers to have sex with people in custody. What? Yeah. Really? I can't make it. How do you make this shit up? That's hilarious. Well, it was consensual because it was consensual. They're in fucking handcuffs. What do you mean it's consensual? That's human trafficking, if you ask me. I mean... Well, yeah. And obviously they're going to try to make deals. Hey, I'll suck your dick if you get me out of here. Of course. How is that consensual? How's that legal? That's crazy. It's crazy. It's the ultimate... I mean, you talk about people holding power over people. That's the ultimate. It's kidnapping. Coerce consent. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, that is more than an employer doing that to an employee. I mean, you're literally dangling their freedom. Talk about an abuse of power. Seriously. Look, I have all daughters. I'm not... I don't want anybody's daughter to be a prostitute. But I'm also 100% in favor of people being able to do whatever the fuck they want. And if someone's in a weird stage in their life where they'd rather jerk guys off than work at Denny's, like, who's anybody to stop them from doing that? The only problem is the social stigma that's attached to it. The actual act itself is... it's beneficial. The person gets something out of it. Some people have a really hard time getting someone to have sex with them. I don't see it... it's just a crazy thing that we regulate. Something that... I mean, George Carlin had a great bit about it. It's the only thing where it's illegal to make someone pay for it. But it's fine if it's free. Like, it literally doesn't make sense. There's nothing wrong with sex. But there's something wrong with people paying for it. And it's fine if you pay for it and then videotape it for distribution. Because then that's porn. I don't really... First of all, it's a contract between two consenting adults. If we're talking about small government deregulation, let's allow two consenting adults to engage in a contractual relationship. Offer acceptance, consideration. As with anything else, the stigma, as you mentioned, a lot of that is part and parcel of the prohibition. The illegality of it is what brings the seediness. It's what brings the danger. Because it's forced underground, you introduce all of these elements that don't have to be there. They could take place in clean environments. They could take place instead of in the black market and underground. It could take place where you can protect all the participants involved. But it's been true of liquor. It's been true of marijuana. It's been true of prostitution, which they call for a reason the oldest profession. The second we introduce the prohibition, it creates a level of danger and a threat to society that wouldn't exist if you're like, well, wait, what if you just let me smoke this? What if you just let me drink this because I'm an adult making a responsible decision for myself? What if you just let me engage in sexual activity with this person who is perfectly willing to do it in exchange for some remuneration? Why should anybody give a shit about that?