5 years ago
3 appearances
Annie Lederman is a standup comedian, host of the "Meanspiration" podcast, and look for her new merch at AnnieLederman.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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You know I had Bernie Sanders on yesterday and that guy is running for something like a government. He kind of looks like my dad. A little bit. And I briefly looked into the comments of one of the posts and so many fucking people are so goddamn toxic. They're just battling it out left and right and misrepresenting his position and misrepresenting. Someone was calling me an alt right white supremacist white nationalist like what in the fuck. That's so hot. They said that I had a t shirt. Someone said that I had someone what is this storm front or something like that. What is that white supremacist page storm front or something. They said I had the founder of storm front of my public. The fuck are you talking about. You just made you proud boy. I'm so proud of those guys. I had Gavin McGivins Gavin Gavin who is the founder of the proud boys. I had him on before but I had him on before there was a proud boys. I didn't even know what the fuck. Yeah but also why can't you talk to a person. I asked him about it and I was critical. I was criticizing him. I was like you can't just claim you're going to have violence with people. It's so fucking dumb. And then all the proud boys shit that happened with violence came far after that. But people are like blaming me for having him on. I don't even know what the fuck it is. He's the co-founder of vice. It's also just it's also interesting. Don't you want to hear the other side. Like don't you want to hear everyone's opinions and everyone's thoughts. Don't you want to try to understand and come to a common ground. Don't you want to realize like I'm not religious really or anything but it's like we are all God's children like there's missing this whole thing. It's this fight against each other. Yes but no. Yes but no. Okay the problem is there's a lot of these people that do go on shows and try to reinvent themselves in a disingenuous way and they try to whitewash what they're doing or whitewash their past. And to that point I mean the idea is that you're helping them recruit people. Okay. Before he was on my podcast though there was no recruit there was no people for him to recruit to. So people need to understand like he wasn't there was nothing like I had a mom because it was this guy was funny and he used to do a lot of interesting videos. Right. He fucked up when he started that group and he fucked up when he was calling for violence and telling people to choke a bitch and punch people and grab these people and he was doing it in response to the violence that Antifa was was pushing on right wing people that would have these meetings and show up. Yeah doing like a clown mirror back at them. It's all crazy. Yeah. It was all poorly thought out but the idea that that makes you a white nationalist because you talk to him. Yeah. It's so fucking stupid but it's like this is the world we live in and everything's so polarized. It's like you're left or right you're black or white you're one or zero. It's like there's no gray area. They also freeze you in the one moment that you said the thing and then there's no before or after there's no growth there's nothing it's like you're fucking out. Yeah they just look for this quote trap and just that's it. You said that you said that like no I'm like I clarified I expanded I took it back I revisited it like there's a lot of things that people do when you talk or you just you know you say things like you say things like you don't even know what the fuck you're gonna say when you're saying it. Yeah. And then you go that doesn't make sense and then you re-clarify and when you're talking in a long foreign conversation and like this in a podcast and someone wants to take a snippet out of it and then just decide that that's who you are it's nuts it doesn't make any sense and it's this is the world we're living in today. Everybody wants to paint everyone is toxic. Yeah. You want to paint so many people I should say want to paint people as being a problem or a negative thing and it's like this is the Twitter world where 20% of the people make 80% of the posts. Yeah. So many of them are fucking losers. And it's also it's such a you're giving all of your power out to outward you're not paying attention to yourself you're blaming others you're trying to change the world around you you're trying to create a safe space through other people. Yeah. Like do you know how unhappy you're gonna be in your life if you're expecting other people to come cower to all of your demands and do all of your stuff everyone's dealing with their own fucking shit. They're not trying to be happy part of it what's what they're trying to do is somehow or another score points and rack up was you know and distract themselves from their own life by focusing on these external issues that they think are critical and super important and some of them are obviously running for president whoever's gonna be president very important issue and most of the time like 95% of the time I avoid comments but for whatever reason I just found myself flipping through it because I wanted to see what the people think about Bernie. Yeah. I'm like oh what a mistake. You can't look you can't look. It seems worse though it seems like every time I check if I if I don't check Twitter for four months and then I check it it's like whoa is it if things accelerated this much are people are so angry at so many different things and just they they paint people in such character caricature will AOC I she is a woman who I don't think they're I don't think I've ever seen anybody work so people work so hard to miss characterize her or paint her in a horrible light and I'm like look she says things that I don't agree with yeah why is everyone so fucking angry like what is this well people will put all their thing on things on you know they have these beliefs and like definitely when I was in my whole like you know when I was extra angry and feeling you know you you have this whole system around you and you know you can't hear the other side you have to like yes everyone has to be a villain in that or they they're either with you or against you and I don't know it's just to me it's just unhealthy I had to tap out I stopped paying attention to a lot of stuff and I don't know if that makes me ignorant I just got to live a happy life no I don't think it does make you I don't think it's a an effective way to communicate I think it's a really piss-poor way to communicate and I think it it fosters rage more than anything yeah there's something about being able to talk to people where you don't have social cues you don't have empathy you're not looking at them and people say the meanest nasty shit each other and it's insulting people and dunking on people is more important than actual communication well it's attention to so it's you know they're maybe trying to impress their other buddies that are on they're trying to get those extra little likes right they're like the the main point would be they want to get your attention holy shit they got Joe Rogan's attention that's so cool you know they just want to feel alive or whatever and that's you know people have their own process I try to not take anything personally it's like you don't know me if you don't like me like that's weird you don't know me you shouldn't really have that much of an opinion it's like not finding your validation you can't find the good stuff or the bad stuff in the comments you can't well if you look at the comments for good things it's just as bad as looking up for bad things yeah I mean some people think that's a good idea to gauge like whether or not the conversation was effective whether or not you could have done something better to navigate it more efficiently or more more entertaining for the make it more entertaining for the people that are listening looking for the constructive criticism yeah there mean there can be some of that from some people the problem is you're trying to manage all this data at scale right you're dealing with thousands and thousands of humans that are chiming in and a lot of them are deeply unhappy yeah a lot of people that are commenting on things that are just really frustrated with their lives like imagine if someone saw or listened to you when you're like fuck man yeah and they're like oh that's who she is right exactly and you see they see you on here laughing and being silly yeah wait a minute who's this bitch yeah yeah like that doesn't make any sense that's not the same person yeah well you're not the same person you're not the same person you're not the same person who you were six months ago