6 years ago
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John Joseph is a musician, author and triathlete from New York City, most famous for his work as the lead singer of the Cro-Mags in the 1980s.
6 years ago
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the people fighting each other over stupid shit, then you're not going to take the time to sit back. I compare those people, you know, what's really going on. I use the analogy of a magician. They're trying to tell you, look what's in the left hand, but what the real shit is in the right hand. So by doing all this shit and causing all these problems, you're not going to go back and look at the shit that he's pushing through, his agendas. He just cut taxes to the fucking richest people that the billionaires and corporations, which he said he wasn't going to do. He's gone back on everything. So if he could just get people, fuck you and fuck you and getting people to hate each other and keep this country. It's the United States of America. When the fuck, how did we become united as a country? Like, I think a lot of these countries right now who may pose a threat or whatever, they're seeing what the fuck's going on. And they're like, yo, this country's never been more fucking divided. It's the divided States of America, not the United States of America. Well, what he's doing with these, these rallies is he's getting people excited about being a part of a team and a team that's winning, you know, like we're the team that's kicking ass and this is team fake news over there. You tell them to go fuck themselves and everybody gets, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's consolidating his support. He, and it doesn't have to make sense. And especially it doesn't have to make sense with the people that are going to these rallies because they're not smart people in the first place. They're people that are easily led. But that's the same thing with people that would go to the rallies for Hillary Clinton or people that go to the rallies for almost all these people, a giant chunk of them are just, they're just lemmings. I don't know what to do. I do have to admit one thing. And that was when fucking Hillary Clinton was losing and the faces of the crying people who were like fucking losing their shit when Trump won. I was like, I'm sorry, but fucking dude, if that's the fucking truth of your existence, that you put every fucking ounce of your shit into this fucking corrupt ass politician, whether it's fucking Hillary Clinton or fucking Bernie Sanders or any of them, I feel fucking sorry for you. I was laughing at those people when she lost and they were losing their shit on TV. Like they were just fucking stunned that I'm like, cause you don't realize I travel through America and people may be progressive on the outskirts, but go into the middle of this motherfucker and see what you got. And that's the motherfuckers that voted for that too. Yeah. Well, there was also people realized that she was corrupt. I mean, he did a good job of calling her corrupt Hillary. Absolutely. He just kept the mantra was going. He loves mantras and he pushes those fucking, but they just had, yeah, he's got some good ones. Crazy Bernie. Crazy Bernie. Yeah. I mean, he's a, he's a, he's a good manipulator in that sense, but she, you know, she didn't do any service, but there was also like a lot of the women that were really upset were like, this guy was in that video saying you take girls and grab them by the pussy. And so they, they felt like this was going to give men a license to be sexually abusive. And I think that in a lot of ways is what like started the ball rolling with the me too movement. It wasn't just the exposing of monsters like Bill Cosby, but it was also the fact that you're dealing with this guy who gets in the white house. That's clearly not what you want. You want, if it's a man, you want a man who respects women, who's a statesman, who's a person who has worked their life to get to that position. Not a person who did it as an afterthought once they were already famous. See like the difference between a guy like Obama, like Obama is probably, he's probably measured his words ever since he was in college. Cause he was hoping one day he would be president. Whereas a guy like Donald Trump's just been banging hoes and fucking flying around with a jet with his name on it since the eighties. I mean, this is what the guy did. So then once he's in office, people are like, no, they just couldn't believe like, how could this happen? This is like the pussy grabber. He's not supposed to be in there. And I get their pain. I understand it, but it is also funny. No, but there's something like the women's on her knees with the glasses. You ever seen that chick with the name on screaming? She's like, she's a meme. They call it Trump derangement syndrome now because people are literally, they're so angry that he is in power and there's nothing to do about it. But the problem is that anger and that, that going derange that, that empowers the people that support him. They don't understand when you're on your knees screaming, fuck you. The people on the other side that are Trump supporters with their fucking red hats on, they think that's hilarious. They think, look, this is the liberal left unhinged, detached from reality. Meanwhile, we're making America great again and black unemployment at an all time low. And you know, it's a weird time for the truth because there's so many people that don't want to go any further past the surface. The truth is this guy figured out a way to win a rigged system. He did. He figured out a way to win a rigged system by pretending to be a Republican guy was a Democrat his whole life, Democratic supporter his whole life figured out a way. Oh, just buck a beer Republican. They're easier to scam weaseled his way in figured out a way. This whole make America great again. Yeah. Raw, raw, raw. Call people a bunch of stupid shit. Campaign like a motherfucker. Take diet pills. Keep that energy high. Just travel all across the country doing these rallies and one, you know, and one a system that really shouldn't be there to win. Right. And I think that we need a better way to run our government. I think, I think your idea is fucking genius. Having an alpha male or alpha female, that one person, the one at the top of the peak running 300 million people's insane. Yeah. Running 300 people's insane. You have 300 people, one person running shit, you're going to have disagreements. You're going to have people that are upset that this one person gets to dictate for the next four to eight years the path of everyone in this group and your financial future, your healthcare, your, your all these, how much taxes you pay all depending on what dip shit wins the popularity contest. That's outrageous. Yeah. It's an archaic way of handling things. It's just not necessary. But the problem with letting everybody vote too is that people are really easily manipulated and they're really under educated. People, they don't have any incentive to pay attention to the real issues and what's at stake and what the consequences of each vote are. They just vote with whatever feels good and they're busy and people are tired because they're eating shitty food and they're not exercising and they're working all day in a job that sucks and they come home and their wife's bitchin' at them and they're on antidepressants and pills and their, the kids are all fucked up and they don't have the time. They don't have the time and they don't have the, the incentive to be enlightened. They don't have the incentive to have an objective, enlightened approach to how you handle the future of our, our society.