6 years ago
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John Joseph is a musician, author and triathlete from New York City, most famous for his work as the lead singer of the Cro-Mags in the 1980s.
6 years ago
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They were 50, it was 50 years ago. All right, we're talking about 1967. Nobody knew shit about diet back then. This is a fact. Okay, so the people that did live that long and they were living this, it's almost an accident in some ways or inconsequential. Like what is going on today with people's diet and how long will people live today? There's far more information in terms of like nutrition and what you should do and shouldn't do for your body. So what I'm concerned with is like what optimizes people today? I want to see blood work. I want to see like what is going on with your blood lipids? Absolutely. What is going on with your nutrient levels? What is going on with that? And in that case, we don't have, we have just a few studies from a few people or a few tests from a few people that have done this carnivore diet. We have some people that have done the vegan diet and have had real hard problems with that diet. Yeah, but let's just, let me just say one thing because to throw the word vegan on something, that does not make it a healthy diet. I know vegans that are fucking a hundred pounds overweight, they eat nothing but fried tofu. Vegan pizza. If you say an organic whole food plant-based diet, that's what I roll with. I don't fucking say I, a vegan diet could mean anything, but when you say whole food, foods in their original source, organic, no pesticides, whole food plant-based diet, that's what I roll with. So that's why I don't go around nutrient dense, mineral dense. And this is one of the things that's important with people that live a long time. One of the things that you get from a lot of plants, especially like rich, green, leafy plants, you get a lot of minerals. Absolutely. And more importantly, if these things are raised in an organic environment, you're getting soil that's not depleted. And this is a big problem with monocross. Did you see the article that just came out today that 40 years ago, an orange was 10 times more nutritious? I think it was, I think it might have been CNN online or something. They posted an article that said the fruits and vegetables from 40 years ago were 10 times more nutritious than the way they're being grown today. Because like you said, rows and rows and rows. It makes sense. How do they extract the nutrients properly from the soil? It's impossible. Well, they have to actually add nutrients to the soil. Most of the time they're just adding nitrogen and a few other different minerals, but there's mineral depletion. Or pig shit. Like what they do is to get, how do they get rid of that pig shit? They're spraying it on the fucking crops. Well, you're supposed to rotate crops. Crop rotation, what you plant next to each other. That are extra. Composting. I'm not a farmer composting, but I have a friend that is an organic farmer. His name is Keith and he farms up in New Hampshire and he knows all about crop rotation. Keith Leonforte. He's a Hare Krishna dude. That's what he does. He has a small farm. Small farms are legit. You can have a small farm and be in symbiosis. You could be in harmony with the land, but man, you're growing fucking a thousand acres of corn for cattle feed. You might as well be making oil. You're doing something that's crazy to the environment. It's not natural. Listen, I saw Ted Nugent play with fucking ACDC and Black Sabbath in 1976 at Madison Square Garden. I went to all them shows, but when he came on and the shit that he was talking, I was just like, the fucking GMO crops, 80% of the GMO crop is being fed to animals for fucking slaughter. What he called the stupid vegans are not the ones that are eating that shit. Most of the crops that are genetically modified because you have these corporations, McDonald's, every one of these corporations, they want every fucking piece of meat to taste the same. They want every fucking French fried potato to be the same. The only way they can control it is the control of the genetic markers. That's why they're using a majority of the genetically modified grains and Monsanto, who just got bought out by Bayer and they're changing the name because Monsanto has such a big rep. If you don't know it, Bayer just bought them. Do you know the history of Bayer? Pharmaceutical company. No, but IG Farben. No, prior to that, they made the Zyklon gas that went into the Nazi death chambers. Well, that's, you know, what's funny that that Nyklon Zyklon gas was created by Fritz Haber. Fritz Haber is also the guy who created the process of extracting nitrogen from the air. Really? So he's the guy, the reason why we can grow the kind of crops that we have today is because of Fritz Haber. They say the 50% of the nitrogen and most people's DNA comes from the Haber method. He also created Zyklon A. Zyklon A is a Nazi. Well, he created Zyklon A and they added this smell to it so that you could smell this toxic gas so you would know it when it was coming. So you can get out of the way. The Nazis switched it to Zyklon B. Fritz Haber was actually a Jew and they took his invention and cut out the smell portion of it so that they could gas Jews with it. Wow. It's dark shit. I said Joe's a smart motherfucker. I'm learning some shit here today. It's dark shit. But the Haber method saved a lot of people and killed a lot of people. They wanted to try that guy for crimes against humanity while he was winning the Nobel Prize for science at the same time. He was also the first people, he was one of the first people that implemented a gassing program where they used it to gas the Allied troops in World War I. That was Haber. Haber was a big part of that. I did not know that. Yeah, it's crazy shit. So that is how we get nitrogen. We get nitrogen from the Haber method when they're pouring nitrogen into the soil so they can grow plants. That's a big part of it. When you say genetically modified too, a big part of that is like we want to think about labs and science and all this jazz. But almost everything we eat is genetically modified, including all of our grains, like especially all of our fruits and vegetables. What we were saying about tomatoes or orange being different than it was 10 years ago, fucking everything's different, man. Because they want these things to be durable so they could throw them in a bus or a truck rather and travel across the country and sell them somewhere else. Well, here's the thing. And I know what they do. They take the DNA of a flounder and inject it in a tomato so it can resist the fraud. How the fuck do they do that? I don't fucking know. Is that real? That's real. So if you eat a tomato, does it have flounder in it? Yeah. Now, vegans, if you're eating GMO shit, maybe you're not eating vegan food. You could be eating a fish tomato. Well, one thing is if you eat plants, plants absorb, like they've found salmon DNA in some plants because plants absorb the fish that people use for fertilizer. So you're getting some of that animal, but it's a natural cycle that you're getting it through. I mean, animals eat animals. Plants eat animals. Animals even eat plants. I mean, there's fucking crazy plants in South America that eat. It looks like a vase and these rats, they get attracted to the sweet smell around the edges and it's slick and they fall into the hole and the plant closes in on them and swallows them and eats them. Wow. Yeah. Well, the other thing is this. You have chemical companies making your food. Their job is not to feed the world. Their job is not to keep you healthy. Their job is to sell fucking pesticides. Let's be fucking straight up about it. So yeah, they created, what was the other cross genetic? There's a vegetable. I think it was cauliflower or broccoli. They mixed two things and came out with. It's a different process, what they're doing now. And really what they do when they can take round up and pesticides and put it in the fucking seed is what they're doing now. So the plant from the growth cycle is resistant to these bugs. Right. And all the people that I have in the gut issues, I don't know if you listen, I know you had Rich Roll on twice. He's my fucking boy. He's a homie. He's a great dude. Dude, he's fucking, everyone asks me like, what's that motherfucker like in real, what's he like in real life? I'm like, that's the most genuine fucking dude you ever have anything going on. He just wrote the forward to my new book, The PMA Effect. I mean, he's such a fucking, he's a solid cat. Very solid. But where was I going with that? You took me down a fucking- Plants, glyphosate. Yeah. So he just had Dr. Zach Bush come on. Who's a doctor? This is clinical research. This is not speculation. This is not fucking vegan propaganda. This is fucking science. And he proved that glyphosate and what's happening now with the gut health of it, gut health is such a huge issue. Everything, the bad fucking disease, it starts in the gut and the glyphosate is eating through the stomach wall and causing leaky gut and all these other physical diseases from happening. Now, the other thing is you have to realize what these pesticides are. They're neurotoxins and then the ones that they're putting inside the seed, when the bug eats the leaf, it fucking dies. So you're eating these fruits and vegetables that are completely fucking toxic. Well, here's what happens when they created it. One of the reasons why they were able to implement it, they said it doesn't kill people, it kills plants and it kills bacteria. So everybody's like, oh, fine. Yeah. No problem. It only kills plants and bacteria. That's totally safe. No, your body is filled with bacteria. Good bacteria. Your gut has more E. coli than there's ever been a human being on the planet ever. There's more E. coli in your st eif than any humans that have ever lived, more numbers and you need them. You need the bacteria. This gut flora gets destroyed by glyphosate. It gets destroyed by round. That's, I mean, that podcast that he did, that episode with Dr. Zach Bush is fucking unbelievable. And I'm surprised like, you know, motherfuckers didn't try to take that dude out at this point. Well, they're making so much money and people aren't listening and there's so much signal. There's so many noises going on. And they use the word that everyone loves to use, the two words, conspiracy dearest. Yeah, that's a good one. But here's the thing. Once you can prove something and there's data and evidence to back it up, it's no longer a theory, it's a fucking fact. So it's not even a conspiracy. Yeah, exactly. It's just reality. And by the way, when they implemented it, they probably did think that they could get away with it. They think it would be fine. They really probably didn't know as much as we know today about gut biome. That's all new shit. That's all within the last couple of decades. And this stuff was already, yeah, a lot of probiotics. How about free biotics? Yeah, chem cheese is fucking amazing. I drink a lot of, I eat a lot of kombucha, eat a lot of kimchi. That's where I get it from primarily. Yeah, that's good stuff.