Joe Rogan - Hillary Clinton Is A LIAR!


6 years ago



John Joseph

1 appearance

John Joseph is a musician, author and triathlete from New York City, most famous for his work as the lead singer of the Cro-Mags in the 1980s.


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You know what that doesn't mean that Hillary would have been a good choice. No, she was a terrible choice She's a corrupt politician one of the most unlikable people that's ever run for office She in so many ways crazy. They were trying to get it. They were trying to get people to be Supporting her just because she's a woman. There was a lot of that. It's like this is gonna be her history You know women ladies do I stand with her? So there's all these women of this blind allegiance towards this career politician It's completely full of shit She's been full of shit forever If you watch the conversation between James Comey when James Comey testified about what he did and what they found with the Hillary Clinton Emails and then her version of it. She's just a straight liar Yeah, she's she'll deleted 33,000 Do you do that and then and then even worse than that when they rigged the DNC they rigged the primaries So that Bernie Sanders was gonna lose they mean they she had her people Yeah, the DNC was cray in advance that Donna Brazil book about it is mind. Yes The thing was he was packing fucking stadiums. Yeah, she couldn't even fill a fucking high school gymnasium right she was pulling all the strings and she had all the favors that she was pulling in and she had a shit ton of Money behind her and they were completely arrogant and all the liberal elite in the media thought there was no chance she was gonna lose She's 95% shoe in to win the presidency and she walked around like she was she won Yeah, but you had the Benghazi shit what the fuck was up with that? Exactly what the fuck was going on over there and you know With the dirt that's on I hope you know, whatever bill Clinton. I know you evegan sometimes Got a real problem with it Times he pulled but like No, but like how the fuck did she get away with that like what like how about shaming all the women that came out and accused him She would attack those women and go after them and you know, I mean Bourdain talked about that recently before he killed himself there was a Thing about what she had done to attack the women who were victims of bill, you know, especially earlier. Yeah Oh god, she fucking she represented child molesters. There's one of the things that she did earlier in her career She got them off, you know, there's a there's a videotape that Dave Smith was she was laughing in one of them about the victims Like I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with she's laughing about the effectiveness of lie detector test. She's like obviously don't work Yeah, she's a piece of work she is man She's a long time Lifelong politician and a lawyer and what about all the shit that went down in Arkansas the shit that the whole they were all accused Of back in the day. What was that? The whitewater? White water fucking the whitewater shit like and just the string of people that have been fucking whacked who try about Vince Foster Yeah, what is a great book? I read a long time ago called the strange death of Vince Foster It's like wait a minute what they found the gun in his hand Which you never do when you kill yourself when you shoot yourself when you shoot yourself You pull that trigger blam. Everything goes. Yeah, the gun goes flying. You don't hold on to it. There's recoil in the gun Yes, like, you know and you blew your brains out. You're not holding your gun anymore It goes flying and he was he had the gun in his hand and the blood that was missing from his body was not on the scene Of the crime so the researchers think that they moved his body He was dead. They put him there and rigged the crime and then put a gun in his head up case closed But what was he testifying? He was going to fucking he knew he had information about whitewater. Yeah You know, I mean what he was gonna say and who knows they killed him never find out How about the guy that was one of the the whistle blowers for Enron shot himself in the head twice? How do you do that shit's hilarious you shoot yourself in the head twice what case closed? That's clearly a suicide I mean, I guess you could kind of graze your head if you pussy it out like ah and he like fuck I'm bleeding I got yeah, yeah, you could do it. It is possible, but it's more likely somebody killed. Yeah, it's just there's People kill people it's part of the thing when you're involved with billion dollar deals with giant corporations And they also tied into the military industrial complex who by the way kill Innocents all the time and write it off like all this this shit that happened with drones. What's the number? It's like in the high 80s or 90 percent innocent people killed by drones. They don't worry about that You think they're gonna worry about some guy who's gonna sink? Monsanto or sink and or sink the Clintons or sink anybody fuck that send the boys Yeah, whacked yeah clean it up absolutely shut up stuff the head twice okay conference. We're all good. Everything's wonderful Here's Monsanto with some new glyphosate. Yeah, it's gonna fix your corn