6 years ago
Oh, yeah, look at skinny neck. Has the modern male... Yeah, he's got no neck. Look how skinny his neck is. Look at that. That is a preposterous neck. Yeah. I feel like if you had kicked him, he might die, right? His head's not gonna stay attached. You just snap that shit down. Yeah. Look at Tyson's neck. Look at that. Yeah. Jesus Christ. He's like a pit bull, isn't he? That was the dark days right before... That was the court, but when they were putting him in jail for rape. Did he do it? What does that article say if you have a... No, I don't believe he did. I might be wrong, but that girl, she falsely accused someone of rape earlier. Oh, yeah. If you have a thin neck, you're most likely a beta male. How about take out most likely? What? How about just you are? You are a beta male. Who's out there running shit with a thin neck? Yeah. You can't be running shit with a thin neck. How could you be running shit with a thin neck? Your mom's house got this guy. You probably have a thin... Oh, that neck guy? Damn long neck. What do you mean? He's got the longest... Who's this guy? Super skinny kid. Oh, I thought... I have seen that guy. Yeah. I thought you were going to bring up that guy who's been in the internet memes, the dude who's now fighting MMA, black guy, whose neck starts at the top of his head and goes straight down here. Oh, the energy guy. Is that real? He's got the craziest neck ever. He's just got a weird neck. Oh, I thought it was just like distorted or... No. Oh, that's real. I've been seeing that. Yeah. And I was just like, oh, they just did the thing and made it... No, they didn't do the thing. The dude has a nutty neck. You know how some girls have giant tits? This guy is just a crazy neck. A giant neck. Yeah, I mean, some people just have huge hands. He's an MMA fighter? He's going to start fighting MMA, but... What's he from? I don't know. Probably Florida. What does he do? I bet he's from Florida. Look at him. Look at his neck. He got arrested again? What does it say? Yeah. When did he get arrested? Well, how's he... The guy was the first one, I think. How's he not fighting MMA? Well, someone's going to teach him, but what is going on with that neck? That's his real neck. That is fucking crazy. That's like he's got a double neck. Maybe he just has a small jaw. No, that is a big neck. What do his parents look like? I bet they have giant necks too. I'll put that shit so I can get a genetic... Mom? What is it, Dad? Mom. Mom's a thick old dog looking lady. First police mugshot showed off his really big neck. This time he's not smiling. So it's the same... So he's probably powerlifter or something like that. And Plus got a fucked up neck. What's his name? They don't know his name? No need to blow his poor man spot up just because he got a fucked up neck. But I take his neck over the skinny neck. No, I wouldn't. You know what? Maybe his neck is genetically fucked up like that. And maybe the guy with the skinny neck just doesn't work out. The situation... So that's what... It doesn't bug me when somebody has just... They have a slender neck. But when they go through so much trouble to look like an alpha male. But they have that little chicken neck. And then they're posing like they're... That's gotta be a big issue with you.