7 years ago
69 appearances
Ari Shaffir is the host of "The Skeptic Tank" and "You Be Trippin'" podcasts. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com
7 years ago
7 years ago
Hello freak bitches. We never found that video of the evergreen professor throwing his hands around. Oh yeah. There's one video I'm pretty sure it's in but I need to like double check and listen to make sure it's the part they're talking about. Okay. Because it was getting highlighted as it. Someone sent it to me and I had it, they sent it queued up like right where it is and it's it's so hilarious. There's probably, you know what, it's queued up in a website. If you google evergreen, uh, what is he the president evergreen? In evergreen hand motions are a microaggression. Google that. Hand motions are a microaggression. And they have it, there's a website for sure that has an article where they show the video and they have it queued up. And when it's queued up, you can see the kids laughing when they get the teacher to put his hands behind his back. That's them just not knowing. Well, I'll see it. But that's them not understanding what they really are looking for. They're just looking for power. It feels like, ha ha, made you do it. Another part says, that's a microaggression. Don't do that. It's like if you believe that, then don't laugh at someone for not doing it anymore. What they're doing is just enjoying power. These kids have taken over the school. Yeah, that's it. Give me some, give me some volume. Don't point. That's not appropriate. You gotta put your hands out. You don't have to put your hands out. He's apologizing. You're trying to do that yourself. Are you kidding? Yes, I am. Yes, I am. The dude walks up to the president and is like, put your hands down. Put your hands down. Put his hands down. Put his hands down. The dude walks up to the president and is like, put your hands down. Put your hands down. Put his hands to his side. Yes. Dude, and they're laughing at him. The thing is, that my ancestors were slaves and your ancestors were not. Your ancestors came here of free choice and decided to bring along my people of their, not of their own free will, to work and build this country. My dad came up to his gallery, army. Just letting you know that slavery still has repercussions in society today. And that is what we're here about. She's waiting for an applause. Yeah, she seems to not know. Oh, there she goes. She's trying to get off. What does he do about that? He's clapping as well. He's clapping too. He needs, he needs to seriously stop. He's clapping too. Like you had a really good point. She's saying something we know. We already know that. Okay, that version of that, that super liberal left is the feminists. That version of that? There's a version of that, which is just the feminists. Like that version of feminists. That version. Yeah, there's like, there's versions of that. The bloggers and the... There's versions of masculinists too, right? That's the alt-right, I guess. Is it though? I don't know. I don't really understand. It seems to me like the alt-right for more than a lot of what they're doing is having fun. Yeah, it does seem like a trolling. Some of it's like just straight trolling. Just a lot of it is, you suck, guys. I can't believe it. It's like, can't you believe it? Well, maybe it was a joke. I mean, Milo... Milo Yiannopoulos, surely. That guy gets him so mad. Milo is so theatrical. So much of what he's doing seems like he's having fun. But when they get on somebody and you just shit on them a little bit, like someone's a god to them all of a sudden. Beyonce after Lemonade, things like that. If you shit on them a little bit, you could get people so fucking angry at you. It's great. It's great. There's never been a time like this, Arj Fair, where you get so many morons mad at you. I love it. I love it. But yeah, what I've noticed is that of the super liberal... Okay, you know how American sports fans are kind of dumb? How dare you? I can't even believe I'm hearing this. More so than other places. We're not very thought out. Our political analysis isn't that smart. In the same way, our liberal left, our feminism, is some of the dumbest feminism in the world. Other ones are more thought out and more interesting and more like just thoughtful in general. Dude, I think you left America and became a fucking turncoat. That's what I'm hearing. I'm hearing a bunch of bullshit. Yeah. So what do you think, though? You should hear people talking. They're way smarter than the people we have. So are people just dumber? Saying this microaggression shit. That's us having too much fucking free time. That is, you've left behind what's actually wrong and you're jumping on... Which is a lot. There's a lot wrong. So like, worry about that and calm down. Microaggression. Guys, it's not like there's better shit to do so you shouldn't worry about what actually bothers you. It shouldn't bother you. Take that same venom and put it into something that's actually happening. There's this forced... Okay, but like that girl that stood up there and it's like, your ancestors were not slaves, you and I brought here, mine were. And slavery has repercussions and then everybody starts clapping and it's like, you're right, but what is the point? What's your corralling for? It's obviously ancestors. When do we get over this ancestor thing? When do we get over this, do we just treat people as individuals? I've asked people at some point, what do they want? Some people got an advantage for sure. White people got an advantage for sure. Okay, but it's more so, but it's not 100% of the time. So if I came from a divorced household, I didn't, you know, and my dad wasn't around and my dad would be my mom, you know, that can be a way worse and harder experience than the Cosby kids, you know? Right, today. Just because you're this, it might make the odds harder for you, but it's not 100%. But there's an origins thing and one of the origins that every black kid has to face that when they think about it is that someone down the line was a slave and they're not slaves anymore, but that's why people who look like him are here. They're all here because someone brought them over here in chains. Yeah, and there's still true remnants of that. Right, and there's got to be a weird self-esteem or a self-identity issue attached to knowing that everybody knows that your ancestors were slaves. And there's a certain, like, there's a certain thing that people do when someone has something and someone else wants it. You, if you have a group of people that's different, it's like really easy to almost think of them as not you. Like, that's how they've justified wars. That's how, I mean, so many people, like, by dehumanizing the other, you know? And this thing that has to balance out that I guess is, I guess just the echoes of that is, like, we have to get so many generations away from people being slaves and any repercussions of it socially or economically. We have to get so far away that it doesn't factor in anymore where we don't care. Okay, that's well-expressed for sure. Yeah. I like that. That kind of, like, calm way to explain something rarely gets put out anymore. Of course. It's screaming and it's yelling. You know why? And, like, you're not teaching anyone anything. The biggest problem on the left and the right, but the ones that are angry, the angry mobs, is they never seek to educate. They only seek to, like, punish. Also grandstand. Yeah, sure. They seem to want to make this big speech. You could hear in that lady's voice, she was going for audience clap two or three times, didn't get it, and was like, I'll keep going. She's seen Oprah. She knows how to manipulate a crowd. She knows how to get those people riled up. Yeah. Well, listen, man, that's part of being a person. Like, that's half the reward for saying something that's right is the love that you get from people when you say that it's right and they recognize it. And they go, yes! So people get addicted to that yes. So they constantly do things that they think are at least perceived as being right. And they get very vocal with things when they perceive those things are going to get a very big reaction for standing up against them. Yeah. Sometimes this moral, high ground, sort of grandstanding, peacocking sort of a thing where they just are constantly trying to let everyone even know how uncool it is to do this and how wrong it is to do that. Like, settle the fuck down. Yeah. Like, we can see what you're doing. They're setting up a weird thing. And then sometimes they'll see something that doesn't quite fit in. Like, they're trying to make, you know how they make rape broader and broader and broader? Oh, yeah. Which is, I really does think, does it disservice to rape? It does. It seems like, anyway, they were saying coercion is rape, where if you talk someone into it, that's rape. And then a bunch of men was like, oh, well, if that's true, then I've been raped a bunch of times. And then the super liberal left was like, oh, we don't want to make that. We don't want to make you be a victim. So, okay, that's no longer rape. Yeah.