7 years ago
92 appearances
Eddie Bravo is a champion martial artist, founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, musician, stand-up comic, and author. He's the host of "Look Into It - with Eddie Bravo" podcast. www.10thplanetjj.com
Hello freak bitches. Huff Post had something about pedophiles and they eventually took it down I think. But this guy was saying I'm not a monster, I'm a pedophile. And he's basically saying that he has these thoughts and he just doesn't act on them. And everybody was like, what? Holy fuck. What the fuck are you? They say that for everything, right? If you rape kids, if you're a child molester, if you shoot people, it's a mental illness. The real child molesters are running this planet. Those are the ones. You opened the door. Fucked up. Those are the real ones. Do you hear that Donald Trump's going to open up the JFK dump? How about that? All the dump of documents from the JFK that had been sealed up by all the other presidents, like the JFK assassination investigation, they sealed some documents up because they're too sensitive. I know. Why wouldn't they shred those documents? Why would damning documents exist? Because these are people from 1962. Also Trump for sure focused on something else than this. Well hey, this is not a bad thing to focus on. There's so many other things we can focus on. Yeah, for sure. But first of all, no one really can be president. Let's be honest. There's not a single person that can focus on the economy and healthcare and international relations and the environment. There's no way. There's people who can do a better job though. Yes, for sure. But there's not enough time in the world to focus on any of those things. I agree. No one should focus on Donald Trump should focus on the Vegas shooting. He hasn't said shit about it. That's how we're ending it. You know what I mean? Well, this... You think there was some shady shit going on? Well, here's the thing about this Kennedy assassination. One of the reasons why if I was him, I would focus on the Kennedy assassination is they might fucking kill him. Like it's entirely possible that he's thinking that he could get assassinated. 100%. 100%. You don't have many people on the Internet. Maybe that's why he's opening it. I would. I wouldn't think there was any files. Like why would those files exist? They should have been burned a long time ago. Yeah, you would think so. There's no files. And also, is it... It doesn't even have the highest security of all time. Like they pay the most to protect him out of all time because there's such a threat now. Oh, he has crazy security. You've seen the doors on his limo. They had a video of him. I was... God, I can't stop coughing today. I was going... I was looking at this image of him. There was a video of him getting out of the limo and I was like, look at that door on that fucking limo. And then I went to some images of the limo. The limo door is like that thick. Is it different than Obama's though? Is it that the standard one Cadillac makes? I never looked at the other one. But I mean, the doors are fucking ridiculously thick. They're bomb proof. Yeah. Yeah, they're sick. That would be the dopest car to drive around in. You'd be like, fuck you. Fuck everybody, yeah. Fire away, boys. Drive me around, man. You'd be in there sipping tea. Whatever. Pinkies up. Whole world. Yeah. They make a car that you can buy. There's a company called DevRolo. D-E-V-R-O-L-O. And they make a car like your truck, a Toyota Tundra. But they make that motherfucker bulletproof. I used to work for a company that used to bulletproof vehicles for two weeks. It was a fiberglass. They do it fiberglass. I couldn't hang. Yes, I quit. It was too hard. Oh, the fiberglass fumes. Fuck. The dust. There's fiber. We made cars for diplomats and for like mobile check cashing vans. Those are the big things. Mobile and then private cars. You just fill the doors up with fiberglass, just sheets of fiberglass. Really? Yeah. That's it? But what about the windows? I don't know. I don't remember how the windows were thick as fuck. I don't think the windows are a different factor. Just bulletproof underneath, make it bombproof from underneath, fiberglass the shit out of the doors. But this DevRolo company, they do it like consumer cars. And I don't know what they do with the windows. In Brazil, they're popular. Bulletproof cars? Sure. Hell yeah. President's update. New Cadillac presidential limousine to debut later in 2017. Cadillac just runs that shit. You bet your ass it's a Cadillac. It's called the Beast. America. Oh, what a fucking clever name. The Beast. The Beast. AKA the Beast. The thing can't be cheap. Wait a minute. They're selling it to anybody? No, no, no, no. I need to get one. How come I can't buy with the president's house? Come on, bro. What do you think how much one of those limos goes for? What's the money? Say 600,000. Oh, no, no. If the taxpayers are paying for it, that's $30 million. Who's paying for it? Oh, okay. It's that tax money. Shit. No big contract. A billion dollar limousine. Two plus three plus two layout means it can carry chief executive and a couple of aides on most journeys. Pasture compartment would still offer conference style seating for five, and the rear passenger doors will still be positioned to the front of the rear quarter windows that will partially obscure the two rear seats. If I was president, I wouldn't have a Cadillac like that. I'd have something like that, but the front end would be a Viper. I would have the Punisher War Van. I'd put a fucking white skull on the side of it, too.