Joe Rogan on Dan Bilzerian's Lifestyle


6 years ago



Eric Weinstein

7 appearances

Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team.


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It's also this thing, this need to belong and need to be accepted. Like we work to be accepted instead of work to be someone that you would want to be a part of the group. Instead of being like really honest about who you are and how you think and how you behave and how you operate in the world, instead of doing that and trying to prove upon that, you try to project an image of this. Well then what, here's a question for us. Why is vice signaling so much more powerful than virtue signaling? Vice signaling like a person who admits their problems like an alcoholic who steps up and says I've got a real issue. Could be that way or it could be sort of Dan Bilzerian type of vice signaling. Like you want to know what I'm into? I'm into hot chicks, weed and guns and making tons of money and showing it off. Well he's super honest. That's one of the reasons and he's bulletproof in that regard. Like you can't fuck with him. Like you can't say, hey, look at you, you're just a playboy. He'd be like, yep. Yeah, I like girls. Yeah, it works. Yeah, what else? Right. You know, I'm nice. Like he's a nice guy. Talk to Dan Bilzerian. He's friendly. He's not a bad guy. No, I mean he had this post which was, he was I think offering a hand to a woman up a stair and it said, come with me, I'll ruin your life but it'll be fun. It was just like, it's so disarming. And I think that this is also partially a secret to your success which is that you're a nice guy. You're really into fighting. You know, you hunt elk. You're clear about which ones you're going to kill, which ones you won't based on the reproductive cycle. You're promoting all sorts of things that people don't want to talk about to a fairly conscious level. And it's produced an incredible level of trust in an era where all of the virtue signaling gives way. I mean if you scratch any person enough below the surface, you're going to see that they're really warning you about themselves. And so the people who are the most sort of self-critical, and this is like, you know, I think I brought this up recently on Twitter about meta-honesty where there was in the Castro in San Francisco there was a bar or a restaurant that was advertising free food, naked servers plus false advertising. And you know, it was just fun and playful. And as a result, you know, you had an instant desire to eat there and to trust them. And so I think that in this world of virtue signaling, vice signaling is really the growth industry. And that's what's working for good people because they are more in touch and, you know, they are going to lie to you and they're going to do all the self-interested things, but they're not going to surprise you quite as much. Well, in the case of Dan Bilzerian, I really don't think he's going to lie to you. I don't think that's what he's doing. I think what he's doing is living like a guy who's got $100 million and happens to be 35 years old and likes to bang hot chicks and fly around in private jets and live in some ... Have you seen that fucking house that he's got? He just bought some crazy house in like Bel Air, I guess with that weed money. Jesus. It looks like it probably cost $100 million or something ridiculous like that. It's a fucking insane house, but that's what he likes. You know, the guy likes to drive around Ferraris, but he's a nice guy. So it's like, well, what's wrong with this picture? What's wrong with this picture is he's doing things that ... Look at this. This is his house. What in the ... Holy fuck is that? Does he have a golf course on his roof? What is that? This is a fucking ridiculous house. Look at this fucking place. He gives us a dress out? Is that his address? It's pretty hard to hide that thing. Why the fuck would he give us a dress out? I don't think he can get there at some Bel Air. Whoa, look at this house. It's preposterous. Anyway, this is what he likes. But why is that bad? I mean, look, we only have 100 years if everything goes perfect. I know. What do you give a shit? Why does everybody give a shit? But they do give a shit. They give a shit a lot, because for a lot of folks that are working, making a good living, making 50 grand a year, whatever, that's completely out of the realm of possibility. And his lifestyle wouldn't be sustainable for them. I mean, because he's taking real risk. There's no question about it. When you get everybody stoned and then you take them to fire automatic weapons out in the desert. Oh yeah, that's real risk. And also the gambling. He does a lot of crazy gambling. But this is the thing about the relationship with the unforgiving. This is partially why I think you're a UFC and jujitsu life is that when you have a relationship with the unforgiving, you can say, you know, that guy doesn't really know what he's doing, but then you're in the ring. You're the man in the arena. And you find out very quickly whether or not the trash talking paid off or it didn't. And I think that many people have no relationship with the unforgiving. You take them out on a hike into, you know, let's say the Trinity wilderness and then two hours in, they'll just sit down and say, I want to go home. You're thinking like, okay, you're signaling something, but there's no car service and there's we're not calling a helicopter. You know, it just, there's this, if you live in the social layer, you're surprised by the existence of the unforgiving. But girl.