Joe Rogan on CNN Threatening to Dox the Trump Meme Creator


7 years ago



Moshe Kasher

4 appearances

Moshe Kasher is a stand-up comic, actor, writer, and co-host of podcast "The Endless Honeymoon" with Natasha Leggero. His latest book, "Subculture Vulture: A Memoir in Six Scenes," is available now.

Natasha Leggero

2 appearances

Natasha Leggero is a writer, actor, and comedian.


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Hello freak bitches. I gotta ask you guys this before you take off. Did you see this Trump thing? The CNN thing? Yeah, they're going after the kid who made the meme. I heard it wasn't a kid Well, this is the thing Jamie will explain the whole thing But it was a kid that they went after who had made a video or made a meme but apparently the meme came from a video and the video was made by someone else other than this kid and They they're essentially they threatened to docks this kid They they said they reserved the right to expose him and I heard he's 15 I don't know if that's been a hundred percent proven I don't know if it's been a hundred percent disproven, but I just heard that that is a lie It was a lie the 15 year oldness of this kid Well, I don't know if that's the case because he's not actually 15 or it's because now they're talking about a different person They created the original video that was turned into a video file The Trump body slamming the CNN. Oh, they're saying that that's face Trump This is what it is Trump was on the WWE and he did a thing where he slammed the guy to the ground and so they're gonna they took that And put a CNN head over the person's body who Trump slammed to the ground and then Trump tweeted it But by the way, very very offensive very inappropriate very non-presidential pretty fucking funny I mean I got nothing compared to him talking about that woman having plastic surgery Saying that her face was bleeding badly from the facelift. That's just gross like that is like something wrong with him That's so beneath anybody. That's not that's not just beneath like the president. That's beneath anybody It's there's something deeply wrong with him. He's getting worse. He's going off these he's on pressure right now pressure Probably getting mentally ill at this point because Isn't isn't mental illness like your brain chemistry changing and can you imagine what would by the way when the alt Right came after me for the show. I had this other realization, which is even people you don't respect if enough people hate you it it's it's got a effect on your brain and Imagine being Donald Trump where half the world or more is like fuck you all day Every more than half the world. It's a imagine a large number of people Exactly, but it's way more than half of America now There's a large number of people in the Republican Party that are criticizing What makes me mad is that we called it the women's March and that no one really gives it respect for what it was because it Was the largest protest protest in the in our history of our lives was to an anti basically an anti-Trump Protest like when that guy was elected and like we should just be talking about that more like that's never Happened in our lifetimes or our parents lifetimes Right there was that big of a protest because someone was being elected and it just kind of gets like pushed to the side I mean, I'm glad it's called the woman's Yeah, March But she thinks that basically that we the idea of it was marginalized and the scope of those marginalized because they called themselves a woman's March maybe I don't know because it's such a huge deal Like I mean it was so exciting to be a part of that and you saw those pictures and they weren't just in every city In America, they were in every city in the world. That's how opposed we were that didn't happen Well, you know anyone who in our lifetimes know we've never seen this kind of a reaction to a president before never But you wanted to talk about the CNN at all It's what's crazy is that CNN is becoming a monster to fight a monster, right? And they're threatening to doxx people that are making funny memes. I all that was was funny I mean nobody really thought that Donald Trump was actually slamming the person that is CNN That doesn't even have a head that as a CNN for a head and all soon He was some reporter from CNN was going after the person They tracked the person down on reddit who made the memes who gives a fuck who made the memes That's crazy. By the way, the meme itself isn't offensive The self is funny the offensive part if anything is that the president of the United States thought it was appropriate to retweet it It's more dumb than it is a fact. It didn't offend me even slightly I saw him that he retweeted. I was like, huh, that's my reaction Listen, you are correct in my opinion that the that CNN in particular and the press in general is as filled with warts Not as filled with warts, but he's filled with warts in the same way that there is your five pound dick Sorry Joe that was the right joke to make in the right time I didn't didn't mean it and They're there that there we would have such a laugh over this We got to sand them off before I see the missus But it's not that it's this this new realm that we're in where these cable networks are struggling so hard Yeah to get attention and they're focusing on really crazy shit like CNN had a bunch of people fired for making up fake stories about Russia and Trump or not substantiating these stories and Making sure they're correct before they released it and put it live and so three people had a result I think was three but CNN's not struggling. That's what's interesting are they're struggling. They're down 20% in ratings I thought CNN and MSNBC and some other left-leaning thing, although I don't really consider CNN left-leaning is like At the top of the charts now and what I read and it might be bullshit. I don't know Well, let's pull this up See if you could find out what I read was that CNN is down 20% since June and that Fox is actually up 20% No, no, so this looks like typed in CNN ratings. It says Trump is way off on CNN's ratings being down and No, no, I didn't I didn't hear it from Trump and I heard it from someone else was probably parroting Trump Yeah, I mean we're all that's that this therein lies the problem We're all being wrapped filled with misinformation from both sides and each side is so Ideologically in their in their echo chamber that they all accept the left and the right included all Accept the information that they're getting as gospel truth that cannot be assailed by the other side's facts And so nobody even knows what the truth is anymore. Nobody knows what the argument even think if they read it, it's true Oh, so Fox News CNN and MSNBC so Trump is responsible for everybody paying attention Yeah driven by surges for the Rachel Maddow show last word with Lawrence O'Donnell I have no idea who that is. MSNBC is up a whopping 86% in local view total viewers. Wow in prime time That's amazing. You watch do you watch Rachel Maddow? No, I think she's great. I think she's a beast. She's just so good Tucker Carlson Good vibe, you know what he is though what he is is like this odd bridge between reasonable people and right-wing maniacs For sure So much more reasonable than Just a dick though, that's the problem. Okay. He's an he's an asshole to the people he interviews His whole thing is that he bombards them with like kind of snide interviewing that they Relentless snide interviewing until they deserve it Like he brings on some preposterous people just because he knows that they're gonna say something stupid is this I need can mock exactly You