7 years ago
6 appearances
Josh Szeps is a broadcast personality, political satirist, Professional Fellow at the University of Technology Sydney, and host of the podcast "Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps."
7 years ago
7 years ago
Hello freak bitches. Well shit, if you are a globalist and an internationalist like I am, if you basically believe... You're a globalist? That's a negative thing. I've only started using that term lately because the alt-right thinks that globalism is like this Jewish, you know, global conspiracy. You're a globalist, trying to take over the world. I'm an open-minded person, so I think... You would define it. Well, I would define it as being someone who doesn't like borders and who doesn't like nationalism and jingoism and believes that we are all one and should try to get along. You know what I hear bro? I hear New World Order. That's what I hear. This motherfucker's New World Order. I can't believe we had him on the show. I hear FEMA Concentration Camps! Was that an Alex Jones impression? It was getting close, wasn't it? Alex Jones is a performance artist. Is that what you're claiming? You know what? I ask people on Twitter what I should ask you and overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly, it's all like... Why does he legitimize quacks like Alex Jones? It creates a false equivalence problem. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why does he interview so many bad faith actors like Alex Jones? How many people do I interview like Alex Jones? I don't know. First of all, I don't interview anybody. I'm not interviewing you, am I? Nope. I'm not an interviewer. I suck at that. I've kind of interviewed Ron Miskovich yesterday. I talk to people and I record it. It's it. I'm not a journalist. But I just touch the imagination. Alex Jones has been my friend for 20 years. He's fucking crazy. I showed everybody how crazy he was on my podcast by getting him high and drunk and have him talk about interdimensional child molesters. If you watch that and you think I'm legitimizing Alex Jones in some sort of a way, then you're just... You're looking at things in a very cookie cutter way. You're deciding that this is what I've done. But a lot of people listen to you. And so I think the criticism that these people have is like people put faith in you. And they assume that if you don't raise a question against something, that that means that that you tacitly agree with what's being said. And that that allows the spread of a lot of bullshit. You don't think I raised questions about Alex? I don't know. I didn't listen to your... I definitely raised questions, but we were more bullshitting than anything and having fun. And he was hammered. I mean, people got a chance to see him. They're actually using footage of the conversation that we had against him in his custody battle because they're saying he was in Los Angeles on film smoking marijuana. He's a loose cannon. And that's literally being used against him. He doesn't. He doesn't give a fuck. Really? That his custody battle? They asked him a question about his kid he couldn't remember. He goes, I'm sorry, I had a large bowl of chili for lunch today. I can't remember. He's fucking crazy. He's crazy. And he makes ridiculous amounts of money. Alex Jones. He doesn't give a fuck. He's a great guy. I swear to God, he's a great guy. He's just got a ridiculous platform and he's kind of a character. But that's who he is, man. You think he's a performance artist? I think there is a part of what he does that is most certainly theater. I think anybody doesn't. Ty goes in, Ty goes out. Ty comes in, Ty comes out. It's a bad impression. You're going to work on it. It's almost as bad as my Trump impression. Fortunately, I never listened to Alex Jones. I don't actually know what he I mean, I see clips of him when someone shares something with me online, but like, life's too short to listen to Alex Jones. The best clips are when he gets mad and then he apologizes. I'm a Christian. I'm sorry. Someone said something about him recently and he went all, I never swear, I never swear. In 20 years, I've never sworn on the air, but this fucking fact, he went fucking crazy. I did see that. And then he said, I'm sorry, I apologize. I don't have children listening. This is wrong. I mean, he's a maniac. I'm not giving him legitimacy. He already has a massive platform, arguably bigger than mine. What I'm doing is showing you what I see when I hang out with Alex Jones. People like, why are you friends with Alex Jones? I'm like, he's a nice guy. I like him. Look, I have a friend who I argued with for a fucking hour yesterday who thinks, I'm pretty sure he thinks the fucking world is flat. Yeah, that's another one that I got. Satellites aren't real. Is he Zeti Bravo? Yeah, he thinks satellites aren't real. He doesn't believe in dinosaurs. He thinks dinosaurs are bullshit. He doesn't believe in nuclear bombs. He's out to lunch. He doesn't believe in nuclear bombs. Listen, man, you can't even hold it to the fire. It's ridiculous. I don't understand his thought process. And again, I've been friends with him as long as I've been friends with Alex Jones. I'm way closer with Eddie, way closer. Eddie's one of my best friends. He's fucking crazy. But if you talk to him about conspiracies, but if you talk to him about MMA or he's a jiu-jitsu genius, he's one of the very best jiu-jitsu instructors on the planet earth without a doubt. I mean, this comes back again to how we can compartmentalize our minds, right? It's like a religious person who believes in the story of Jesus, but is also otherwise super intelligent. That's a perfect analogy. Yeah. And I don't know how people's brains work. I don't understand. I've tried to study people's really irrational thinking and try to... But you know when I worry more than anything, I worry that it's a contagious disease. I think it is.