5 years ago
15 appearances
Steven Rinella is an outdoorsman, conservationist, writer, and host of "MeatEater." Watch season 11 now at www.themeateater.com.
5 years ago
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5 years ago
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Yeah, most people would think that I'm conservative, that I'm a Republican or an alt-right or something like that. I vote left on almost everything except gun control. I just don't think that people understand what they're talking about when they're talking about gun control. I don't think they understand the nuances of the Second Amendment or the nuances of taking away people's ability to defend themselves or to hunt or to, you know, to own something that may or may not be used against someone else, but they never would use it. You don't have the right to tell people what they can and can't have just because some people abuse things. It's like this is a very complex conversation that people on the left want to boil down to guns equal bad. Oh, for sure. It's like I don't have them, and I can't understand why someone would. But therefore, I don't know why you would, but at the same time, we're sitting here with a drink, but at the same time, you look at alcohol and one could make a very cogent argument about the overall destructiveness of abused alcohol. For sure. But people, I don't hear a lot of people talking about prohibition. No. No, I had this conversation with Dan Crenshaw. I don't drink and drive. Dan Crenshaw is a congressman. He's not for legalized marijuana, but he likes scotch. So we had this weird conversation. I'm like, come on, man. Stop. When we're standing in front of an ashtray filled with blunts, I'm like, come on. And this idea that if you're a marijuana smoker that somehow or another you're lazy, work out with me. Come get up with me. Just stop.