Joe Rogan & Bill Burr Watch Crazy Bear Videos


4 years ago



Bill Burr

12 appearances

Bill Burr is a standup comedian, actor, and host of the Monday Morning Podcast. He's also the voice of Frank Murphy in the Netflix animated sitcom F is for Family, currently in its fourth season.


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It's really bad. Dude, I got one for you. Because you got me watching those fucking videos of animals eating other... First of all, I love bears, but I can't watch them kill anything because they don't... Did you see the recent one? The bear took down the buffalo and yellowstone. They don't kill it. Why won't they kill it? Oh, they killed it. Well, they just... They kill it because they start eating it before it's dead. They just hold it down. And start eating. Yeah. That's what bears do. I got one for you. Okay. Have you watched the praying mantis' videos? Yes, I have. Did you see the one where the praying mantis eats the lizard and tries to eat him? Well, because he fucking alligator armed it. He was like, I'm going to kill you. He kind of did the little flicky... He gave him a little jab, and then that thing just grabbed him. He was like, ah, what the fuck? And then started... Yeah, he licked at him. Then started... Yeah. Eat his jaw. But if he let his hands go, as you guys say, with his tongue, I think he could have pulled that thing in and crushed him. No. No. The praying mantis is so fucking strong. They're so much stronger than you would imagine them being, because they have these little stick arms. Yeah. I watched one eat a hummingbird. Oh, yeah. Yeah. They eat all kinds of shit. They eat everything that they get ahold of. We're lucky they're little. Praying mantis' are amazing. I fucking love those little things. They're crazy. What they can do to a bird or something much larger than... The lizard was the most impressive, because the lizard thought it was going to eat him. And the thing was totally immobilized. Yeah. It reminded me of watching the shit that you say. Well, he's passed his guard. Yeah. Now he's going for this. That thing was just like, oh. It's exactly like that, because their clamp is so... It's like if somebody got you in a darce. It's the same thing. If someone gets this grip and then cinches it up to a darce choke, you're trapped in there. That's what it was like. There it is. This is poor fuck. Look, he thinks he's going to get him. And he's like, bitch, you ain't getting nothing. But look how he holds his mouth open. And then he's like, oh, dude. I feel so drunk. But this lizard, he gets away. He gets away for a second. But this is what's crazy. For a second? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at... He starts eating his mouth. He just starts slowly pulling him apart. I know what he's doing, Joe. I love it. Have you ever seen Prangmantis versus a murder hornet? You know, everybody's afraid of murder hornets. Look at him. He's like, fuck. What did you do to my face? Oh, Jesus. He's like in pain. He's shaking it off. And the Prangmantis is like, bitch, I'm not done with you yet. Like he's in agony. And he's spazzing around. And the Prangmantis just locks onto him again. And slowly starts pulling him apart. And at the end, he's dead. He just starts eating his brain. Look at that. They just can pull that skin apart and bite right through it. But it thinks so much bigger than him. That's like you eating a cow. That's like you holding a cow down, eating its head. I wouldn't do that to him, Joe. Look at that. He's eating his fucking brain. The lizard's dead as fuck. Well, that part's not a problem for me right here, because now it's dead. Yeah, but it died this way. I know it did. I love it. I'm a big fan of the Prangmantis. I like their technique. I'm not going to begrudge. I just I don't need to pull the video. The grizzly taking down the buffalo was only two days ago. It was in Yellowstone. It linked me to a 30 minute video of it just fucking up all sorts of animal. Or Prangmantis. Yeah, I'll put that on by the way. There's so many fucking people. Here it goes. What's this? What's it? Fucking all kinds of things. Leaf bug. Is that a leaf bug? Oh wow, what a weird looking creature. Oh, the Prangmantis is pink. He's camouflaged himself. Oh wow, now he's the color of the leaf bug. Yeah, this is a good 10 million views on this Prangmantis video. They're amazing animals, man. What were you going to say? What were you mad about? I wasn't mad about anything. I was just like, you know, I love bears, right? Yes. I love when they ride the bikes at the fucking surface. I love when they ride the bike at the circus. This is my thing about that. What did they have to do to that bear? When you see what this thing can do to a bison, what did they do to that bear to get him to get on a fucking bicycle? Give them food. That's how they train them. Is that how you did it? You got a bear in the back? You just did the confidence the way you said that. Because I've seen them train them. I've seen them train bears. Yeah, they can train bears a bunch of things. Are you one of those guys who doesn't need any sleep? Like of all the random fucking things. I've seen it. This is the one where the bear freaks out. Oh, with the whip? That little whip there? He's just on a bike. I don't think he freaks out. I don't think he's beaten the bear. I'll tell you right now. That guy is not dressed to get a fucking to be attacked by a bear. No, but the bear's got a muzzle on and it's a little ass bear, but bear still fucking. Fuck you, man. Fuck you. They got the Freddy Krueger claws. He got four of them. He's on a Vespa now. Look at that. Wow. I mean, can you humiliate a bear even more? He's got to wear that frilly outfit. Now you got to. Didn't give him a motorcycle. The other one who's a big fan of the bears riding bikes. I was joking. Me too. I was joking. I didn't know. Maybe the bears should have a mask on. I actually watched a whole training video of how like, where do you find? What part of the internet are you on? Well, I don't know. I was trying to figure out why people are like, what the fuck? That guy's got a giant grizzly bear on the back of his bike. He's playing a horn. Yeah, it's playing a trumpet. Because he got any volume on this trumpet? Let me hear this. Back it up there. This person that's filming this is an idiot. You think it can't break out of that seat belt and just. That thing has on a fucking lap belt. Yeah. What is the bear doing? He's just. Imagine this got to be Russia, right? I mean, the only way they would allow this is in Russia. Yeah. Yeah. Look at the language in the back of that truck. He's yelling out the fucking traffic. Jesus Christ, let's fucking go. Size of that fucking thing. My God. Just throwing his arms up. Just thinking about ripping a person apart. No, he is. Yeah, he's thinking like I used to be in the woods. Who'd fucking eat whatever I wanted. The weird thing about bears is if you train them when they're young, they're like almost like dogs. They become your buddy. There is weird. Day somebody tells that bear that it's riding bitch. That guy fucking. That guy riding the motorcycle. He's gonna. He's gonna be in trouble.