Joe Rogan - Ari Shaffir on Being Suicidal


6 years ago



Ari Shaffir

67 appearances

Ari Shaffir is the host of "The Skeptic Tank" and "You Be Trippin'" podcasts. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube.


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How did you guys feel when I was going through all that like what was the effect on you guys? I was very nervous. Yeah, I was very nervous about you Cuz I don't I Didn't know what to do and I knew I could do I knew I could help you Financially. Yeah, I knew I could do that. So I did that immediately, but I didn't know what to do I don't I didn't didn't know what it feels like and I didn't know what would be the path to take but when you offered that you were having problems with your Psychiatrist and the medication and I said, okay. Well, let me let me get a hold of Matt Who I know will know the right people. Yeah, I think I see people they don't tell me anything Yeah, you were like, oh I it's like you were you're such a Non complainer that I knew when some I tell people this story We're playing pool and Ari's limping around the table. I'm like what the fuck happened to your leg, man Fucking spider bite or something. I go what let me see your fucking leg and he pulls his pants up I got dude you got to go to the hospital right now You have a very bad staph infection and this could fucking kill you and you're like, come on. You're joking I'm like, I start unscrewing my cue. I'm like we're going to the hospital now It was so bad. But the fact that you're so stoic you you never complained once while you have this gigantic pus-filled sack on your knee Kill those horrible man. Someone posted the juke lamb video and they were he was like, do you know that's there and he's like ah Spogging you not me So when you were when you were telling me that you were doing bad And it wasn't you weren't feeling good and you were you were telling me you were suicidal. I was like, okay stop we gotta Now this is we're gonna figure this out, you know, I don't know what to do. Yeah, we're gonna figure this out Maybe nervous because I was nervous that I wasn't gonna be there when you needed me to be there and You know and you I would just I would just get the call just get the call Yeah I mean as a friend That's the last thing you want to do is have some situation when you feel like maybe you could have called them and you could Have made them feel better and you they would have just gotten over that hump Yeah, and then they would have been okay like you became okay, man I mean you were my most depressed friend and now you're probably one of my happiest friends Even after I started seeing that guy it still took months Yeah before finding the right pill and the right dosage and then he would talk to me every like 30 days or whatever it was Yeah, I remember you describing the process and one of the things it was Disconcerting to me was how random it seemed to be what do you mean which pills they chose? It's like they're guessing. That's what seemed insane to me I felt like if you like save you know, then you had an infection They know which antibiotic works best on that infection boom they give it to you Yeah, but this one wasn't that cut and dry it was they were just trying stuff out on you Yeah, it's like oh you need ibuprofen. You have an inflamed thing. It'll take it down, but they know generally Yeah, this is like there's from what I get gather There's two things could be wrong with you. You either have too much dopamine too little dopamine too much Something else or too little something else. Huh? And so each of these pills I think they're into two categories or four categories and they either They either affect with your dopamine or they affect the other thing either Limit it or push more in and then the other so they don't know which one's doing it to you first And then once they narrow that down they gotta decide if it's like getting too much of it or too little If you're bipolar is a separate thing, they're just guessing And then while you take this shit you've added The horrible feelings and then added some awful side effect. It's like ah This is one of the things that I really wanted to point out When the one Roseanne was gonna come on I wanted to really talk about medication and how we're asking this really You know, she's an elderly woman. Yeah, who's taking an incredible amount of medication. She's taking