Joe Rogan - Apple vs. Android


5 years ago



Erik Griffin

1 appearance

Erik Griffin is a stand-up comedian, writer and actor. His new special "AmERIKan Warrior" premieres on June 8 on Showtime, and he can be also be seen in the Showtime show "I'm Dying Up Here."


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Oh, there's a takes on Samsung AR emoji. Yeah, they ripped off the idea fuck cheap fucks taking on isn't that funny apples? Always apples ripping people off now They were first with the iPhone the iPhone was the first of these kind of things the first iPhone But androids are real close now. They're real close I mean, it's it's very debate but everything after that they were late like really like on an Android You could copy and paste on an Android. Oh, you can do that three years before you could do it Apple so you've always been an Android. Yeah, I've always been an Android guy. I know I'm the man you get an Android you get it. Yeah, you get an Android. We'll Skype it It'll be me giving by turn is there anything native to Android like uh like the FaceTime thing there's something that's on the right. They do they have like they have like their own version of that They have their own version of that, but I don't think people really use it. They have their own like Samsung video Oh, but Samsung has one, but yes, what if you have say like a Google Pixel phone? Yeah, that's they might have but I don't think enough people have a Google Pixel phone to make that even a thing Oh really? Yeah, I thought those were really popular. Are they who do you know if they mean one person? You know that has a Google Pixel good call me. I have one. You know you do not have a Google I do have one but yeah, I use it. Yeah, okay, so you were given a Google one Why because I wanted to try it out, but here's what happened? I couldn't get text messages to work. This is the scam Because you are hooked up to this I what are you showing me James? They do happen It's what the pixel to or something. Oh, maybe it's Android video calling. Yeah, they just simplifies Android video calling Oh, yeah, oh look at that. So does that only work with Android Android to Android? Yeah, probably hmm, okay I don't know why they don't just work together. Why doesn't Apple exactly Google just work together? Well, they don't work together with text message. See this my point is like really annoying The I message thing is what fucked me because oh everybody knew that I had an iPhone So they would send me because they have an iPhone they would send me an I message and so I was sending people text messages They're like I'm not getting it I'm like send me one and they would send me one and I wouldn't get it and so then I went online and looked it Up, and it said you have to disable I message okay, so I disable I message then you have to call up You have to actually call up someone I'm done an apple Yeah, I doubt point you have to call up someone and tell them to take your email address off of the I message database Okay, so I do that and I say take this email Oh, why are you doing that sir? Because I switched over to an Android phone. That's like pause like I just fucking killed the Queen Come on I'm one of millions of fucking people out there. You don't know anything about me. Why do you care? Why would you give a fuck away? But they like they they literally the guy on the phone felt bad that I was switching over so then it still wouldn't work I mean it didn't work for Dell get like one out of three text messages, and it all happened while I was on vacation I just figured I'm gonna try this phone while I'm on vacation fuck around But you can't they got you roped in with that goddamn that I message shit no yeah, that's their apples thing Yeah, they make it free no matter where you are in the world and all that People have Apple a lot of I think Samsung is taking over in terms of life for Android You know yeah, I love the Samsung phones they make good phones They make great phones the difference between the androids though is that Samsung does not update their software very often They're updated they update security patches because they don't need to but Google pixel phones get the latest software Right when it gets released and so like when Oreo comes out and eight point one all these different Operating systems come out. They're better Supposedly yeah for like for how long a week I mean what no it takes a long time before they come out on say on Samsung phones long time like six months sometimes Oh really yeah, it takes a long time well there you go. Yeah, you heard you break breaking news right now Well, then maybe that's what the problem was yeah, but it also Samsung puts their own shit over Android yeah real Android dorks want pure Android and pure Android you really only get with the pixel unless you can Are you do you know about? How do you do like can you hack them you can hack them right? We like like how you use what did it call it jail break your? They've made that just common now yeah, cuz it used to be like they they they would lock it down We're like let's say you had Verizon So you could only use this phone on Verizon with Verizon stuff and then you would jailbreak it Then you can like open it up to like all these other types of apps If they would stop being greedy folks just stop being so greedy let me use my phone however I want I'm still gonna be on your system I'm still paying your you know $200 a month for your stupid phone service And I can do a little a little extra a little extra just a little extra a little extra Don't get me started on getting you started. I know I just motherfucker. I can't believe the shit. We have to deal with Oh Weird though man. It's like. It's weird. There's only two that's also weird There's only like two operating systems, and that's how heating side-to-side, but that's how we are in our country We can only Republican or Democrat Apple or what I had you remember when you can't windows phone wasn't bad. Yep Was it I wasn't that bad. I had a friend who had a windows phone I was like oh, it's kind of cool. It had tiles. It was like Windows 10 You know how Windows 10 looks with tiles. It's just like a came and went nobody cares about that and went look at you Yeah, just like I can't deal with I don't want to hear what you everybody's trying to get into the phone game, right? How many people have Windows computers it's amazing that Windows had a phone and people like nah Yeah, well cuz they know all the problems they had with their with their computer Yeah, I stopped when I can't even remember the last time I had a Windows computer I strictly went Apple because it's just so easy to use right and it's still not easy to use you know What's not easy though? Apple does not have good keyboards like if you have a desktop keyboard at home, and you can add a second keyboard You know like buy a mechanical keyboard. Oh right if you're a writer if you like to write Did the problem with Apple keyboards is there's no key travel. It's very very shallow So it's like just a tiny movement click click click click click What I use is I use a thinkpad and then one of the reasons why I use the thinkpad is there's like travel to these keys Like this these keys have motion to them. Okay, like if you just your old school Yeah well The thing is you feel where the keys are you feel like so as you're typing I can just look at the screen and I don't have to look down at the keyboard and They've depressed with your fingers like you have there's motion to it. So there's no accidental pressing of the keys Did you take typing in high school? Yes? I don't remember any of it though Yeah, me too. I might have my high school year was the last year that they had typing at my school really? Yeah I remember last year they were saying like this is no longer because they had a computer class that they were starting I just thought damn like I look back on this things and I just go wow the how times have changed Our generation is this like generation that is like we went through the first of all of these things I had a Commodore 64 did you yes? I remember the first Apple laptop I remember like when game systems changed and color TV and call waiting and like all the things that we were you know They're answering machines and then no more answering machines and yeah, can you even buy an answer machine? 976 numbers and you know, like all that stuff was like sex lines. Yeah