Joe Rogan and Kurt Metzger on What Makes a Terrible Movie Great


4 years ago



Kurt Metzger

6 appearances

Kurt Metzger is a stand-up comic, writer, and host of the "Can't Get Right with Kurt Metzger" podcast. His latest special, "30 Minutes with Kurt Metzger," is available on YouTube.


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Right, well that's where the benefit of bad things actually comes in sometimes. Like some of the best things are bad things that are good by accident, right? Yeah, like what the... Like the room movie? You see that movie? Yeah, we... I used to introduce that movie in New York for... I did it for a promo thing for Comedy Central first, but then I had never seen the movie, so I kept going back and like hosting it. And then we made a fake sequel to it. This guy, George Glass, and he knew Tommy, so Tommy would leave him these long messages. It's fucking... Jesus Christ. That's how long ago this was. And the guy who played... Oh, hi Mark. Greg, his name is... He wrote that book that they made in the movie. That guy's cool as shit. Oh, the guy who plays Mark. Yeah. And put the other guy, the one who got a blowjob, and he had like... Who's like, oh... He goes, shiver me timbers or something. Because he left his under... He left me underwears in your... Remember that guy? And he gets a blowjob on... What's his name? Wiseau's couch. God, I don't remember that. Yeah, I remember every character. I saw it a bunch of times. I don't think I've ever seen it all the way through. Oh, dude. I think I've always seen scenes. I've never gone... No, I never went to... It has like... Well, at the time, I don't know if it does now, but it had that Rocky Horror Picture Show kind of thing, which I never did that. So at movie theaters, people would go and group watching it? But this movie, group watching it, it feels like right to yell at it. I swear to God. I thought it was like a... I'm like, I'm not gonna get it. Immediately, it was like, oh, I really understand this. And people yell. Sometimes they'll have a band playing and like... Yeah, it was great. It was fucking awesome. But the Rocky Horror Picture Show, they do that because they actually like it. Yeah, but... This is a different vibe, right? It's very hard. I mean, he's genuinely a fucking maniac. And hard to deal with. I had to have... Dude, I had my girlfriend and another friend dress kind of like, slutty and distract him so he wouldn't see the parody thing we made before we showed it. Look at the reviews. Yeah, but that... Dude, nobody... Listen, to make a thing that's watchably bad is like, that's a beautiful thing that can only... It is. Rarely happen. Yeah, it's interesting. The room is so unfeasibly bad, it has become a cult hit. Trust me, this is the worst movie you will ever see ever in your entire life, ever. But it's like... But it's amazing because it's real. When they say worst, they have to be... I mean, watchable where it's not boring. That's the thing. Right. It's just not boring. It's just crazy. So I think that's like a real lightning in a bottle. It's the worst movie because they're trying to make a good movie. It's not the worst movie to watch. I think it's the best to go to a theater of people. The best? The best. People shouting at the screen, because you have cancer. The old lady with cancer. It's such a crazy movie. When did you see it? I've only seen it on, I guess it was DVD at the time. And I only watched part of it, and then I had to shut it off. I can't do this. Did you ever see the... I remember that. I remember those billboards, Jamie. When I lived here early in the Hollywood days, right after they made this movie, I would drive around, see that billboard. It was up there forever. Forever. He had the room, the movie. And we were like, oh, And he'd drive by it. Like, what year was that? I'm trying to remember. I might have made it up because I've seen this, but I feel like I've seen it in person. Really? But I don't know when I'd do that. He might have had it up. He might have had it up still. He had a billboard up forever. You know. Here was the movie made, though. 2003, it said. What? How's that possible? Well, I missed it. I would have thought it was way earlier than that. Because there's multiple billboards. There's one where it was coming soon. How old is he? Nobody knows. I never saw the top one coming soon. How old is he? I don't know. He looks like an older fella. But there's a couple movies like that. Like, Showgirls is a movie like that, where it's so... I don't remember it. I just vaguely remember it. It's a good one. Is that the end of Elizabeth Berkley after that? It's hard to bounce back from some of those movies. But because the movie is so bad or because it was, you know... Who knows, man? She went from saved by the bell to being a dirty girl. She's in the... So did Screech. They brought back saved by the bell? Yeah, it's later. Look at this. Wow. Still looks good. Looking good, freak. I just made it. Mario Lopez looking good. Everybody's looking good. So what are they coming back as the parents? Yeah, like Zach is... I don't know. There's a bunch of jokes referring to it, and there's a bunch of new jokes about iPads and blah. Are they gonna let Screech back in? I don't think so. Screech was out there doing porn. Screech is like... I wrote a book about them. I don't think that... Oh, he was me in the book, right? Behind the bell or something. Something like that. Screech was doing stand-up. There was Skippy from Family Ties. Remember when he was doing stand-up? Yes. Remember who lived with him? Judah, Friedlander, was his roommate. Oh, that's right. Yeah, he said Skippy would just, like, be in his room. He's like... He would smoke pot all day, and then he would come out and be like, did you eat my... It was like a... He goes, I'm gonna have a sandwich, and I'm not gonna touch it for a while, but I want that sandwich. So, and he would always come out and freak out by missing a call to something. What happened to him? Does he still do stand-up now or no? I don't know. Now I'm Skippy with nuts? I used to remember... I used to remember... That was his thing? Is that what it said? He would go, yeah. Like, he's dirty now. He's like, Skippy with nuts. Get it. I don't know. He would always be there. Like, I never met him, I don't think. And maybe I met him one time, but he would always be on the wall. Coming next week, Skippy from Family Times. Remember, that was the first guy that I worked in a club where he worked. Then I was like, oh yeah, that guy from TV. He's coming next week.