Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell Rip on the Skull and Bones Society


4 years ago



Duncan Trussell

60 appearances

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comic, writer, actor, host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, creator of "The Midnight Gospel" on Netflix, and the voice of "Hippocampus" on the television series "Krapopolis."


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You know, there's like, that's one of the, isn't that, no, the people who went to, recently went to jail for like, for getting their kids into college. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It's kind of a version of that, except with your kids, right? You're like, you're like, just, their kids aren't, aren't supposed to be in college because they haven't done any work in high school and they don't know what they're doing. But if you pay enough money, you get them in there. It's like, and also aren't they doing some thing where they get people to go and take SATs for your kid? Like, you figure out a way to, like, it's an identity theft thing where you can even get someone to go and like, do the test as your kid using fake ID and shit. So it's like, you send in an operative that isn't your kid to take the test so you can get into a nice school. That whole thing was so crazy. They spent so much money to get kids in school that didn't want to be good students. Yeah, that's right. Almost like you think you could buy, buy a kid's way to enthusiastic focus. That, well, there you go. I mean, there's the whole problem, isn't it? What is that? This was, this is from the district attorney's office in Massachusetts. One of the photos that was used to show this girl's rowing, high school rowing career that she got a scholarship on. That's a workout machine. Oh, wow. That was supposed to be like, yeah, look at her in her varsity. Oh, fuck, man. What? Wow. So there was no photos of her actually rowing out on a boat? That's part of the thing. Like, having people take tests, they went and staged photos to be like, look, they've personally. Oh, my God. It's all allegedly according to the court. Imagine how mad real rowers would be at you if they found out you got a scholarship based on a fucking rowing machine photo. Wait, hold on. So mad. Was it for scholarships or was it just trying to get them in? Trying to get them in. I don't think they got scholarships. No, like they were. But to be on the rowing team, you know, or whatever it's called, I forget off top of my head. Is it like good for your GPA or some shit? It's a way to get in. Oh, way to get in. Yeah. Oh, right. So that and the bribe extracurricular activity kind of stuff on your record and whatnot. So they just they fudged that and then bribed the rest of it. Do you think the kids knew? Yeah. Yeah, you can't you know when your parents like, hey, we just bought this rowing machine. Why? Just don't worry about it. We're just gonna take a picture of you in a rowing machine. Like, sure, you know, you're getting a picture taken to you to try to get you into this school that your dad went to or whatever. You're complicit to some degree. Like, you have to be a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. Go to that picture. She doesn't even she didn't even broke a sweat. Well, it has a face covered up so you can't see. I want to see closing on that. She didn't look sweaty to me. Crew is the word I was trying to think. She looks like she's barely started exercising. There's another one down here, too. Yeah. Come on, son. I don't see no sweat. That's a better one because look, stop go up. Look at that. That's a gray sweat gray t shirt. Great t shirts look sweaty instantly. Yeah, instantly. This is hilarious. She probably pulled it back a couple of times. Am I done yet? God, you came and get me in the UFC. Fucking loser. My father's a loser and he takes pills. Yeah. No shit, dude. I want you to love me. Well, get me in a fucking UFC. All my friends are going, dude, that thing that's really fucked up is like there's some kid whose parents like like are making 20K a year who's working his fucking ass off. You know, like just like somehow managing to like study nonstop to try to get into a good school who doesn't get into the school because of that shit. That's the that's the satanic part is like they buy their way in and that's someone's place. They have a limited number of places, meaning like theoretically someone doesn't get into the school who could be the person who is going to, you know, invent teleportation or some shit. Isn't that weird with schools? You have your first choice, your second choice. Billy got his third choice. Fuck. Yeah. Fuck Billy's going on. Where's he going? South Dakota. Fuck Billy. What's in South Dakota? Yeah. Flat ground. Dude, I get it though. I mean, I get wanting to get into some Ivy League Illuminati school. I think that'd be cool. Especially if you're in if you're in the Illuminati and your kids are dope. So bad you're the Illuminati with an embarrassing kid. Like like I don't I don't swear that much around my kids. My kids don't know how I talk around my friends. What if that's how it is with like Illuminati to like these kids don't even know their parents were the Illuminati. Yeah. You know, and you're like, look, I'm trying to get you to be in a better position in life. But I was working all the time. I wasn't around. I didn't push you hard enough. No shit. I got you in the Yale. Or they fucking know you're in it and they're just like you're like, did you get into my fucking adrenochrome again? They're like breaking into your vaults, you know, taking your fucking like goblets of blood and drinking it parties. Don't drink any more of my blood. You have to stop this. You know, like join them in the skull and bones. Don't they bring their kids to skull and bones? I don't think so. I think they do. I think they they once they're they're in their son turns 30. They say son. I'm going to show you something. They take them take them to the skull and bones. Don't they bring them in? No, you if you go to school there, you get into it. Right. That's how you I think that's how you get to the end of school. That's how you get in stuff. Right. Legacy. Is that how you get in or is that how you get in skull and bones? Like I would not I don't think the whole school gets to be skull and bones. But that's how you get accepted is what I meant. That's how you get into the school. Isn't that funny? Like if you're in a place like Yale, which is very exclusive and very prestigious already, some creeps like that's not enough. I want to get in the secret cult, dick sucking society. What do they do? They don't suck dicks. Do they? Well, you know, wasn't there a rumor that they make each other blow each other on take photos of it so that they they have something over them. That was what's one of the crazy online conspiracy theories, right? Yeah, they they make every guy suck a dick and they take Polaroids of it. So they always have it. They hold over you. I think that's just fraternity stuff. But yeah, is that normal fraternity stuff? I mean, Burt's talked about that thing, whatever for it. Yeah, they would jerk off on a biscuit. Right. Yeah, that's the circle jerk thing. And the last guy to come had to eat the biscuit. No one's really doing except for the one idiot. Yeah, one guy can't come because he's just jerking off to you about guys all the time. And he just go. Yeah, I said I sucked a bunch of my friends, dicks, who's fucking cares? I mean, are we in a time now where like like a picture of me emerges sucking all my friends, dicks? I think there's more than that. I think they peg you or something. They take pictures wearing a strap on. So you got pegged. Yeah, but some people don't want everybody, you know, they want to rise through the branch at Raytheon and get to the top. Everyone at Raytheon gets pegged like, you know, that's just like, fuck it. Like, yeah, we all get pegged. Now what? So what? We're inventing bombs. Now you're like, who cares? Of course we get pegged. Yeah, but the guy's wearing a goat costume. So what? I like to wear a goat costume when I get pegged. I like too much kinky shit. It's like, God damn it. I hope we get to a time where like they take pictures of someone doing a fucking thing that's legit fucked up so that, you know, and they get banished for it. It's like, God forbid, like I can't even imagine the polaroids that could emerge of weird shit. I've done, you know, I've got it only imagine you can't imagine. I can't. But that being said, it's like, yeah, I wonder what what I think what the initiation is. I get it. Like it is. It's like, let's face it. You're not going to probably be fun to be a part of a little tiny group. That's a part of an exclusive group, right? You got the exclusive group. That's Yale. And then you get the little scallions bones. We all get together. All brothers in the in the room. You know, they probably have like secret words. You have to say in Latin and shit. Yeah, I mean, we that's the thing that I imagine based on the way I have come to understand things, whatever it is, is way more boring than we imagine. Because you know what I mean? Like when you don't know what a thing is, you always reject the worst thing on it. My guess is it's boring as fuck. It's probably just some college bullshit where people are in a frat, sit around and like make dumb jokes and do stupid shit. And it's nothing. They probably don't even pay you. They probably just take a Polaroid of your asshole. Got it. Look, we got you. Yeah, man. Shut. Yeah, we have a picture of your asshole. It's your soul's fingerprint. Don't show anybody. Please. It's your soul's fingerprint. Imagine your asshole told a lot about you. That's the thing. Like you look at a person's eyes, you know, and you see their soul. It's the windows to the soul. What if the asshole is like, you really know whether you like someone just by looking at their asshole. Something about the asshole tells you things. Books come out decoding your asshole. You know, like people read hands. They read fingerprints. Why can't they read assholes? I bet assholes tell you a lot, just like someone's eyebrows do. Like someone's got like mean eyebrows. Like, whoa, that guy looks aggressive. I don't trust the guy's got big, thick, bushy eyebrows and he's not mean. I get suspicious. He's all friendly with these big, crazy fucking eyebrows. But all the villains have big, crazy eyebrows. They're all angry. They're those crazy eyebrows. Yeah. Yeah. It's just like, man, for one, here's probably for sure. We don't know that you can't tell a person future from their asshole yet. Because no one's thought of it. That could be the new thing that people pick up as a business during this pandemic. Yeah. Asshole reading. Yeah. Or what if it's like a, what if it's like a, there's. Scan it. A scan. It's a discount. A QR code. Your asshole flots into a QR code. All this time we've been looking for alien signals from space. We didn't know it was in our assholes. Yeah. It was all, all of the photos of our assholes. If you put them together on a grid, it gives us the diagram of how to build a spaceship to get out of here. We just have to have all the photos. It's like a giant jigsaw puzzle with 8 billion pieces. You take 8 billion assholes and you put them on a grid and you'll see the schematics. Behold. It'll tell us exactly when the sun's going to supernova. They're about 50 years. Maybe. What if that's what the quantum computer, the first thing it says is I need pictures of all the assholes on the planet. Like if you vote, you have to show a photo of your asshole before you vote. You have it on your phone and that's your thing. You know, thumpers are not exact. Assholes are exact, exact, and they don't get changed by workouts or they don't like, you know, your thumb, your hands can get bigger. It could be a little bit different. How do you know? I don't know that assholes don't get changed from workouts. Well, they can, one thing they can do with your thumbprint, right? Some people burn their prints off. You can't really burn. Well, you can't, I guess you could burn your asshole into an unreadable. That's one of the levels of the CIA. Your asshole. I can't get a good relationship because people keep rooting my asshole wrong. Look, I'm more than my asshole.