4 years ago
62 appearances
Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comic, host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, and voice of "Hippocampus" on the television series "Krapopolis." www.duncantrussell.com
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
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well Duncan you now have a successful Netflix show number two in the country on IMDB It on rotten tomatoes whatever this yeah, well I'm thing and I don't know what that means necessarily, but yeah, yeah I can't believe it. Yeah, is IMDB even TV shows. It's internet movie database Is it it's I'm not sure what it is. I it's like I'll be odd, but yeah the show successful show I guess right now it seems like people like it. It is so weird dude your show is so weird Yeah, it's so Duncan. It's the most Duncan thing you've ever done. Yes. It is it really is great I got lucky that they let me do that too. You know that's good. They let that's cuz Netflix you know people the name of it real quick, it's called the midnight gospel and You know I've watched some of your episodes where you're talking about the way things are changing because a podcast or streaming or whatever and I think like the fact that the show exists is a testament to that shit that change because You know a subscription-based service versus like any other old TV They've got a lot more creative freedom, and they could take bigger risks then you know Coming into a look at that Keyboard with the fucking woodchat oh my god. That's so crazy. Yeah, so Duncan yeah, and yeah It's like Pendleton Ward who made adventure time he look he listens to my podcast And he just I don't know we had a really great collaboration And he that's a lot of Pendleton and it's a lot of like 150 other people at tip mouse studios like Jesse Moynihan like just these brilliant people like Mike Mayfield or like who just One of the also by the way as non sequitur or is when we were making it at tip mouse one of the really weird things Was walking by an animator and they're watching your podcast While they animate the midnight gospel you know it's one of those weird It's not like a deja vu, but it's like that's my friends That's you know that that's just so many odd moments like that, but yeah, that's not just that's whenever you see any animated thing You're looking at a squadron of Brilliant eccentric artists or Asian slaves Yeah, a lot of people don't know that they send it overseas, and we they didn't send ours They let us do it in-house That's so nice to know you're not supporting Asian slavery is it really slaves I don't know if it's slaves, but I mean if you're working for five cents an hour, and you live there You know there's people that live in bunks if you've seen those those Setups where they have for some of the cell phone factories where they have bunk beds shit these people just live in these dorms Yeah, you know the fox con thing with the net all around the building I think people have jumping off like yeah, they they're bait. I mean they're not slave slaves. It's fox con Chinese Yes, it's actually a very good company the best I'm a Chinese shell or something How long before someone gets one of those animation things tattooed all over the body it's gonna happen for sure someone's gonna do their Whole back with that DJ. I know man. I know that picture again that actually look pretty dope If you if you do get that done Shop me out on the Instagram Thank you. Yes, somebody tweeted at me that my biggest decision of 2020 is gonna be when do I get a tattoo a Clancy on my body? Which is pretty awesome. That's the hat that's Clancy. Yeah, that looks like a Clancy. That's a Clancy for sure yeah That's hilarious. That's it that someone is getting that for sure yeah I I mean, it's it's the art these these are the folks who worked on this man We're talking like these are like that's the fan art already some of the fan art is just amazing. This is fan art All right, that's fan art. Yeah, that's fan art shit people have been drawing Clancy and all these different ways It's so cool man that one above it to the left Jamie. Yeah That's not a show that looks like it could be a back tattoo Yeah, that would be awesome Just a giant back tattoo of Clancy. I mean when like doing animation and you know I'll never be able to look even if it if it if an animated series if I don't like it or if the plot's weird I'm here whatever I'll never be able to be like whatever man when you realize how much And how many people go into I have to do just one frame how much time goes into just a Milliseconds and how many people are sitting in these rooms that are lit specifically So you see all the colors having like real deep conversations and debates over like, you know What color they should make a pizza cutter in the show? Like how like what should the shade of gray be for this one specific area? So much thought goes into that and that's part of making one of these things. It's it's called the dailies where You'll sit and you'll watch tiny tiny little bits of the show and like you have to Every single frame you have to look for a continuity Problems and like you got to catch all these little things that I you know, I'm not an animator obviously So I'd be sitting there and like Pendleton or Mike Mayfield would be like, can you go back two frames? It looks to me like there's a these like have an animator language, you know, they're like looks to me like There's some kind of warble on the 28th Pixel there and you're like what the fuck? Oh and they can't they have the eye to catch like the tiniest tiniest like tiniest thing that's off and you have to because Otherwise, you know once it's up there it's up there. I Know it's it's Matt. It's literal magic. It's like tit mouth studios. You did that is like, you know, I would go in there So stoned and I would just start getting that feeling of like this is a temple I don't think this is even a you could call this a studio as much as it's a temple I mean, why why wouldn't you call it a temple and then you see all these people, you know Focusing their life energy on essentially like bringing a thing to life like Clancy was alive now That's a living being and some in this universe who lives, you know in that medium of animation That's a good way to put it right? Yeah, it almost seems like that right? That's why people get so upset if you change your character's behavior Like what are you doing? Yeah, you have this thing you gave birth to this thing. Yeah, that's right You and that that is also why you need a huge team of people who love love the character So because it's easy like there'd be times I would suggest a thing that would make Clancy seem like too mean because he's not mean you don't like the moment a character seems like that No, like it loses all like ability people like what a fuck, you know, he's alive to you. You're like he's he's not mean He's not me is a lot. You're like, it's like you're talking about your your brother or something. He's like my little brother I think of him as my little brother Yeah, he represents you in a weird way. There's something about what they captured go to go to that image again Just give me don't give me the one with his head in a vagina It's actually With him there's something about one of the first couple of images that you pulled up They they look like you Yeah, man, and I don't mean they look like you. I mean like yeah Duncan's thoughts. That's a Duncan thought Yeah, I mean like he looks like a fake guy that you would create like it kind of Perfectly fits. I don't I that that is another the magical Aspects of animation. Yeah, which is I don't know how they do that Like the the spoiler spoiler if you haven't seen it put your fingers in your ears spoiler I'm sorry if there's a spoiler the last ep well, it's not too much of a sport The last episode is the podcast I did with my mom when she's about three three weeks away from passing on and You know, they'd never met my mom it but they did the exact same thing with her so suddenly I'm watching, you know her like and not her like I'm looking at a video of her but looking at her like Her like they got her spirit in there somehow And that was one that that is just a testament to the meat to the medium of animation because they that's one of the things It can do you know I can grab a spirit and hold it inside the art and like that spirit is alive somehow Somehow, right? Yeah, I agree with you in some weird way So I wouldn't agree with you in a technical sense But in a sense of like well It is affecting the things it comes in contact with at least through a one-way dimension Right like the things it says hit people the animation. It seems like it's a living thing I know it's not I'm not stupid. I'm not that stupid. Yeah, I'm a little stupid, but it seems like you well It's not biologically alive for sure. It's sort of like there's there's an art to doing that That we maybe don't know because we're not I mean I used to draw a little but I'm not really good You know me like a really good artist. There's something that they can do where they just can kind of Capture you in like a little symbol like a little thing a little character They have but they capture you in there somehow yeah, man That's you know Pendleton like when you heal you when you watch him draw It would be easy to think man. I could totally do that because I'd watch him You know you I just you know we would you just draw and you watch these beautiful these drawings They're just Pendleton There's his art you know and like then I would see that I'm like maybe I'll try to draw a little Pendleton war and then it's like what the fuck hand I can't do it because it's so simple like on one level It looks so what's so powerful about it is how simple it is. It's very similar to stand up the way Pendleton is treating working on the show Which is one of the cool things about him is like his ability to cut the fat and get right to the like? Simple point that's where the power is when you're drawing something or telling a story or whatever the more Complexity that gets added to it not to say the show it doesn't have like chaos and wild psychedelic stuff But any decision we made ended up like any decision you make creatively in anything It's like what am I trying to say like what is what is the the? artery that is running through this that I'm trying to express and then Getting as close to that as you can And then in putting it out there without because otherwise you the whole thing gets blurred by although I guess you could say like extra bells and whistles you might want to attach to it You know that's something you taught me to a stand-up man like how important it is just like Cut just trim the fat trim the fat and that's a sad thing to do with comedy When you think you got a nice eight minute bit It's like a two minute maybe but you you know it's stretched out too wide Yeah, but the two minutes would be great though. That's the thing You just have to understand that you're growing attached to you know the writers expression kill your babies Yeah, it's very difficult to kill your babies when you create something. It's where you can get attached to it There's a lot of bits that I left on the table left on the cutting room floor I was like this has to be chopped up. It just is too wordy. I'm too verbose. It's to this is to that It's too long. Why do I think so much about this why I'm not showing a real reason why I'm so connected to this So I just chop chop chop chop chop. It's hard. It almost always works better always Almost always almost always if it doesn't it's not whatever your idea was probably wasn't that good like sometimes you need a setup though Sometimes the setup isn't funny like there's guys It's not my style, but there's guys that'll tell a lot like perbiglia is great at it tells stories You know like there's an you're you're entrapped in the narrative of the story you're captioning this. It's a very different thing It's equally entertaining. It's equally funny like when it gets to the punchline But there's a difference between that and say like burr Right burr is hitting you with fucking punchline and this fucking guy with a thing and the bah bah bah bah bah He's another guy that like your friend's drawing like you would hear burr talk and you go well I can talk too seems like he's just talking yeah, you don't realize this is like a masterpiece of of syllables and pauses and the right amount of outrage and Segwaying it in and hitting you with this at the end and all these things that have put it together that make a great Bilbur bit it's like if you don't know It's hard to draw what he's drawing yeah, it's hard. It seems like it's simple lines, but go to that picture again Like the everything is beautiful about it like look at the perspective. It's like the kids Perfectly sandwiched in the front. There's the dog and the triangle in the world It's like that's not just it's simple in the sense that it's just not like it looks like a real person Yeah, like we look at drawing sometimes like as the realistic ones are the really good ones like we have cameras now Yeah, okay. Yes this to me sometimes is more interesting. It's like you're drawing some shit. That's definitely not real Yeah, well that you know what that's not that so when we're coming up with that that we had to come up with the character and so What's really fascinating about it is you know this character goes into a multi-verse simulator and chooses a new avatar for every place that he goes So it's like he so you have to take that character and put it in a completely different Drawing that is that character and still maintain the body language that you're maintaining in that character to produce continuity That's one of the challenges of the show is like and also the conversations you end up having just to come up with like That you know the kit his hat or is what's he gonna wear like for example? Here's how cool pen is And how much he loves like people who love adventure time is one of the things you're saying is you know people? Are probably gonna want to cosplay Clancy at comic-con and stuff and and he doesn't have any he doesn't have anything to carry anything He does not pockets so if people are cosplaying him. They're not gonna have anywhere. They could put their stuff so we should let's give him like a bag and Play it up with his cool bag that he carries around Yeah, I got it for the cosplay. Yeah, man for the people the streets. Yeah, exactly