2 years ago
9 appearances
Lex Fridman is a scientist and researcher in the fields of artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles and host of "The Lex Fridman Podcast." www.lexfridman.com
2 years ago
2 years ago
Did you see that lady on C on 60 Minutes they interviewed her? She's some new woman who works in the White House and they asked her about obesity. She said the number one cause of obesity is genetics and it doesn't matter what you do like you could you could you could be a person who has a perfect diet and exercises and sleeps right and you're still obese and the health experts went fucking nuts Like that's not what the data shows the data shows that most people who are obese Have obese parents and they come from a family, but they're all doing the wrong thing. It's not there's not like a Person in that family that's eating grass-fed steak and running marathons and lifting weights and get up and getting up at six in the morning Getting a cold plunge doing all these different things, but it's still fat as fuck Yeah And they're they're watching the calories in and calories out and they're burning, you know A thousand calories a day and exercise and they're still fat as fuck. That's not real Like to say that and to say it on 60 Minutes There's this weird thing going on where people want to say it's not your fault and it isn't your fault I mean if you believe in determinism if you believe in the impact of the people around you and the environment that you're in Which is most certainly real the impact of your parents the impact of modeling your modeling after other people's bad decision-making That's all real that's a hundred percent real but to say that all obesity is just genetic is Bonkers that's a bonkers thing to say and it discredits all these people that we know that were obese that without surgery Lost all that weight and look great like Ethan Suplee Perfect example. There was a guy that was at one point time like 500 plus pounds, right? How big was Ethan was yet his biggest? But Anyway doc Jamie will find out Documented all of it did it publicly because he was a fucking star He's a famous actor lost all the weight now looks great and did it through exercise and discipline and and even like was really open About the fact that he gained a lot of it back a couple times. He went from 550 to 255 He did that he did that himself I mean he he did it and he documented it and he had to go through surgery to get the skin removed So that is you know, he wasn't like a flying squirrel But but he did it and to say that you that it's all genetic like no He had the same genes like this is the same guy. It's not and it's also not inspiring Yeah, like to say that's that but that's the tension if you say it's all genetic or it's significantly genetic Then you're encouraging people to be more accepting of the challenges of other people's lives like your life might be eat Everybody's walking a hard road is basically the philosophical thing that you don't Just because it's easy for you to exercise doesn't mean it's easy for others to exercise sort of but aren't they also saying you don't even Have to walk that road because it's not gonna help. Yeah, exactly. So that's a very poor statement of that. It's a it's a trade-off I mean, that's it's a different philosophies pull pull yourself up by your bootstraps Right is a really inspiring powerful empowering philosophy, but it's like, you know, sometimes it's harder You can't you can't say that because different people have different some people don't even fucking choose But the idea of pull yourself up there bootstraps is stupid and the I did it why knew no You did it with your life the idea that your life because it was difficult is exactly the same as somebody else's life Which may be more difficult or have insurmountable obstacles that are in the way. This is also like different temperaments different Mental fortitude the people are just for whatever reason from the womb have some people are just determined from the time They're really young and some people are just not Some people are discouraged easily and some people are not and I don't know why but to say that there's no way Yeah is crazy to say there's no way is like that's irresponsible And it's also like to say that and just put it on 60 minutes Hey guys, that's not true And you could talk to a lot of people that have lost weight and they'll tell you it's not true It doesn't mean that the people who are obese didn't get a really bad hand Genetically a really bad hand in terms of the environment they grew up with. Yeah, they got Delta bad hand. No doubt It's not the same as someone who grows up in a house where everybody's skinny and the fucking whole family runs like no It's not gonna be the same someone who's eating organic and the you know, the whole family like does a lot of exercise and does stuff together Yeah that they're gonna be thinner. Yeah, but it's like can't lie You can't lie and you can't be a fucking you can't expect me to think that you're really an expert when you say things like Yeah, but you also can't criticize Bill Gates by saying he has a soft body course You can of course you'd be a comedian but but he does and if he's talking about how does anybody get your house in order first? Yeah, yeah, definitely. There's a lot of incredible doctors that don't have their house in order. That's true But if you're giving health advice one of the core components to health is your metabolic health your overall metabolic The story right out of the gate. They're talking about using that drug that semaglutide Is that what they're doing? So this is like an ad for semaglutide. I don't I'm not saying that but that's what it seems like Oh, even like the whole thing about the shortages of it. Oh, no You know, I think Huberman was discussing this he might have been discussing this with Peter Atiyah and they were discussing that Semaglutide doesn't just make you lose Fat but also makes you lose muscle in many cases and that's probably because you're not taking in enough food Right because what it's doing is is I'm just guessing maybe some other mechanisms involved obviously, but if you're Like full quicker, which is the idea behind this stuff. It's almost like you're taking an injection It does the same thing as like a bellyband Wouldn't I mean if you're not eating enough food and you're losing fat that quickly You might be losing muscle too like because when people go on like binge diets. They starve themselves They lose muscle like when guys lose weight for fights and they get down to a very minimalistic, you know Very minimal calorie input they lose muscle too Like when someone cuts them their selves down from like 205 and fights at 170 100% they're gonna lose some muscle Yeah, but there's an interesting so for fighting is different is different But there's a if you're doing it in a healthy way them for your own personal life There might be some strength training combined. I mean, that's a really interesting dynamics, right? How do you lose weight while maintaining muscle mass? What depends on how much? How many calories you're burning? much of the weight loss resulting from GLP 1 agonist is the loss of muscle bone mass and other lean tissue rather than body fat Holy shit, it's dark for example a 2021, but at least you look good