Is Vaping Better Than Smoking Cigarettes?


2 years ago



Suzanne Santo

4 appearances

Suzanne Santo is an actress, model, and singer-songwriter. "Yard Sale," her most recent album, is available now.


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are you a nicotine addict? No, I just said jewel with marijuana No, it's a jewel with nicotine. Oh, you know, yeah, I guess I am a nicotine addict sometimes How long you been doing that a little while but? The thing you don't smoke cigarettes. Do you I I like it roughing up that voice? I know it's so bad Well, this isn't good for my voice. I think that's basically gonna just kill your body I think it's gonna mess up your voice. Yeah, no, I have rules like I'm gonna put this down in like a week And then I'll just be away. No more. I don't I think it's probably better You know the problem it gets demonized when something gets demonized. I have to say, okay Is it are they demonizing this because it's actually bad or they demonizing this because it's a threat to profits For an established company that has a shit ton of money One of the things that I talked to Adam Curry new Adam Curry, okay. Yes. I love no agenda. He's the best Yeah, I'm a big fan. I really like him a lot if not for him None of this would be and John C. Devorak. I like when I like when they have their little fights With their super smart guys and and Adam is a good friend. I love him. Awesome. I love him to death Oh my god, one of the reasons why I came here like talking to him. He's so smart when he was high on Austin I was like, okay, maybe he's on something But anyway, he like he's he talked to me about this and he said a lot of this was based on a bunch of people who died a group of kids that died from bad E-cigarettes that were actually marijuana cigarettes. Oh, does he smokes these things, right? I do not know if he does that anymore He may have in the past. I'm not exactly sure he smokes a lot of weed Don't Find what that story was Jamie there was like it was they were E-cigarette but it was eweed and so they were attributed to vaping they were saying all these kids died from vaping and he said no No, it was a small group of kids that died because there was a tainted product and he said I don't I don't think I'm Paraphrasing him. I think he was saying that it's one of those things like we talked about earlier It's either the outrageous because something is really really dangerous or the outrageous because something threatens profits Right of something else and I should just out of the way. I'm a hundred percent in favor of you buying cigarettes. Oh, I smoke cigars I think I drink whiskey When the mood strikes I'll buy a pack and then I'll go months without smoking. It's just like a thing about Something it grounds me I think but but but I think he was saying that we have this idea that it's really bad to vape CDC's website. I remember this is the vitamin E stuff. They found it. Okay, this is it vitamin E acetate is strongly linked to EV a Li outbreak. I don't know what that means Vitamin E acetate has been found in product samples tested by the FDA and state laboratories and in patient lung fluid samples tested by CDC from geographically diverse states vitamin E acetate has not been found in the lung fluid of people that do not have whatever EV a il is um See if you can find that story with there was kids that died and they died from tainted But is there a story? Looking in that they write this because they looked into it because it was a outbreak it was a thing Right. It was a national issue. So is this the the story of the okay? So it says at the top when you scroll up it says outbreak of lung injury associated with the use of e-cigarette or vaping products I guess I'm looking for like a dumb story. This is like a page of but you know what like CDC site the thing is Joe like It's really difficult to decide what's real like, you know, you hear a story you see a story on the internet and And and maybe it's true. Maybe it's not like I don't it's like you said Major commerce look at this though the mysterious vaping illness that's becoming an epidemic a surge of severe lung ailments Has baffled doctors and public health experts. Okay, here's one thing I do know I do know of a family who had a young son who's a teenager who died and they think it has a connection to vaping I'm very sick and and he had some sort of a lung issue And I gotta imagine that if you're doing it all day long Yeah, like a lot of these kids are they doing it all day Like if you can give a kid something where you give them which nicotine is essentially is it listed as a stimulant? Yes, is it a stimulant? Yes, is that what they call it makes you feel so good Greatest head rush. I love a cigar smoke Good for you. I Was gonna add into this which I don't know I know that I've from when this happened Whoever was getting them or I noticed a national thing so lots of people that were getting the actual cartridges that they were putting the juice or the oil or What have you in? Yeah, those those were the issues started. I think like the cartridges right over bad Yes, I think they said they were like contaminated or something. There was something wrong with them, right? Right, and that's why I remember they were saying they were coming from China or that's my my I don't know that Well, it's like everything else you if if it was regulated like if you could only get a version of it where there was a some sort of Okay here potential culprits in mystery lung illness black market vaping products So this is some lung That what they're saying it got so confused because it was it just started popping up They're caught popcorn lung and all sorts of weird. Yeah, but here's the thing I think if you're doing if you're doing anything like that all day long if you're taking any Mist into your body that has chemicals in it Which is essentially what those things are those ones that look like a lunchbox and these kids are sucking on them and they make giant clouds of smoke Those kids are taking in stimulants right through their fucking blood vessels all day long Yeah in the long though. They're sucking in their lungs. I can say is I Know if I do this too much. I don't feel well And that's something to be like my yeah like your pie exactly Like right now I'm kind of like in holiday mode And just in general like my cell phone like I don't like when something has a hold on me I don't like when I wake up and I'm having my coffee, and I'm like where's my fucking jewel. Yeah, I don't like that