5 years ago
2 appearances
Ed Calderon is a security specialist and combatives instructor with over 10 years experience in public safety along the northern border area of Mexico. Follow him online @EdsManifesto http://edsmanifesto.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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And, you know, it'll get to a point where it's gonna be, you know, I think in my life there's gonna be some sort of armed intervention in Mexico at some point. Really? So you anticipate almost like in a civil war? I think something's gonna happen in Mexico that's gonna destabilize it so much that the U.S. won't have another option but to put Putin around probably. I think that's where we're headed. And again, another one of the problems is that the government is part of the problem. So you can go down there and negotiate with this government but six years later it's gonna be another government. You gotta renegotiate with them. Yeah. And also you... With you palm grease. Yeah. And then you put all your faith in the military and the military gets compromised. You put all the faith in the Mexican Marines and then they get compromised. And now who do you have? Right? So it's a systemic. Don't tell that to Trump. At least he'll use that as an excuse. We can't count on them. We're going in. I mean, I wonder where it all goes because it is obviously growing very fast. It's obviously huge and incredibly powerful. And it affects. I mean, I'm up here now and I could see the effects of it up here. Walking through L.A. seeing all the needles on the ground. Going to Seattle, seeing the same light brown, fental lace heroine that I saw in Chantytowns down in Baja. It's like, wow. So this is where it kind of ends up. Yeah. And you see the effects of it throughout. So you realize quickly as somebody from both sides that I am, you realize that there realistically there's kind of no border when it comes to this problem. This problem doesn't respect a border wall. Right. Summarines will go around it. Tunnels will go under it. Drones will fly over it. And it's a problem that just keeps producing an effect. And I think the majority of the United States citizens are completely unaware of the complexity and the depth of the problem. Yeah. I mean, it is. It's also I think most people seeing the Iran thing right now, most people know more about that. Oh, yeah. Going off, going on halfway across the world. Yeah. Then what's going on? Just, you know, if you are. That's what's crazy to me. It's like, you know, we're in invading countries that are really barely affecting us. They're like a 17 hour plane flight. Yeah. I think I think the I don't know. Again, I don't want to be at Adamus and predict stuff at Adamus. But the fact that we have a lot of lithium in Sonora is going to be a factor for a reason to clean it up. It should be. It should be. It's pretty important. It's a pretty important resource. Yeah, but if they can't hold on the El Chapo sun, how the that's that's why I think the U.S. is going to have to put foots on the boots on the ground down there. Wow. Now, if you had to make a bet like if there's a betting line in Vegas, like how many how many days or how many years from now will they be American soldiers deployed to Mexico? I'd say five years, maybe. Whoa. In five years. Really? I mean, we are on we just passed this. This past year has been the most violent year in Mexico in recorded history. Really? And it's the first year of the administration of this new president who's been trying to hugs, hugs, hugs, not bullets. And the Velazos, you know, this instead of that. It's been his first year and, you know, give him a chance. He's doing whatever. It's only the most violent year in history. Yeah. Cut the guy a break. Exactly. That's what they say. But then I go down there and I have a lot of a lot of my friends that are still down there, people that have trained still down there. And I hear from them directly. Like I have some young kids that are in the hand arm area, which is like a federal police force that patrols all of Mexico. And some of the federal police guys, they tell me like, Ed, they said, or you signed the new contract to be the Guar de Nacional and lower your pay and all of your all of the stuff that all of your benefits will be gone. Or you just stay on here and limbo and just stay at the base. And a lot of them are staying at the base. So it's nothing's being done. Well, I imagine that if it seems overwhelming and it seems helpless and it seems like the cartels are just taking over and they're making a shitload of money and you're not making any money. I mean, that is the real crazy thing about it, right? If the government is asking people in this sort of already compromised situation environment, asking them to work for a small amount of money to go after people that are making a tremendous amount of money. And you're going to be at war with these people. These people, they're basically your neighbors. Yeah. And also you go there with a federal uniform as part of the federal government, you go into a community where the federal government doesn't do anything for them. Right. The church is made by the cartels. Cartel made the road. Christmas was brought to you by the cartels. They are the good guys. So these guys come in here like, who are these guys? When are they? They're not going to... So that's, you know, it's a mess. It's a mess. Wow. But could boots on the ground actually fix anything? I mean, I'm not a military expert, but there has to be some sort of outside force that is completely uncompromised by cartel money and influence. How long before they compromise those people? Well, when you put the Marines on the border, a few of them got picked up on smuggling people from the border. So... Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, who knows? And it's also, it's a different war field because a lot of, you know, a lot of our war fighters and law enforcement have some sort of blood ties to Mexico. Mmm. Thanks for watching.