Does Running Really Ruin Your Knees?


4 years ago



Andrew Santino

11 appearances

Andrew Santino is a standup comedian and actor. He's the host of the "Whiskey Ginger" podcast and co-host of the "Bad Friends" podcast with Bobby Lee. Look for his new comedy special "Andrew Santino: Cheeseburger" on now streaming on Netflix.


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No, I wonder if you run a lot, the inside of your knees gets accustomed to it. Like it gets a callus in there? Yeah, well no, like it strengthens. No. Is that possible? Cartilage wears away at some point, it's just not made to do that that much. Oh no, that's true. Look it up baby, cartilage is gone. How do those fucking 100 marathon people, those dudes who run those ultra marathons, how do they do it year after year after year? Because if they can't do it their whole life, you do it for a chunk of time until your knees just get shot. But imagine if it's just like, if you're just a bitch, it gets to the point where your knees are shot. But if you keep going, you push through, your knees wind up fixing themselves. Your legs just break? You know, your legs callus over. Well it's like there's a campaign for a great cyclist called shut up legs. If you look up shut up legs, it's like a whole thing about him. People worry about running ruin's knees, but a new study finds the activity may in fact benefit the joint, changing the biomechanical environment inside the knee in ways that could help keep, that could keep it working smoothly. Carrying less weight is known to reduce risk for knee arthritis. Come on. Running may be good for your knees. That's the New York Times you dummy. You don't know jack shit. Okay, all right. The failing New York Times? Shut your mouth. The failing New York Times? What are you, Trump? Lion Ted, crazy Hillary. Who wrote it? Lion Hillary, crazy Ted. Many people worry about running knees, new studies. My decades of running, okay, but there's a little evidence to support the idea in a growing body of research suggests reverse how this is clickbait New York Times got us. Epidemicological studies of long-term runners show that they generally are less likely to develop osteoarthritis in the knees than people the same age who do not run. Sometimes scientists speculate that running may protect knees because it is often associated with relatively low body mass carrying less weight is known to reduce the risk of knee arthritis. It's a little evidence to that that it's true in your knees. Yeah, it's saying little evidence that it ruins your knees, but it also says some scientists have speculated running. So there's no evidence, there's no evidence in proof. They're just saying this is also a possibility. Go back up to where it was. Oh, the widespread argument generally follows the lines that running will slowly wear away the cartilage that cushions the bones and the joints and cause arthritis, but there's little evidence to support the idea. That makes sense. Okay, okay. So what I was saying, I was incorrect. I was just trying to jump paragraphs. I missed the context of it. Well, that makes sense. Look, these fucking guys that I know, this is what I'm saying. These guys that I know that run all the time, they have good knees and you would think they didn't. These volunteers, stop, stop, go back. These volunteers visited a clinic where they had blood drawn from an arm. The researchers also siphoned off a small amount of synovial fluid, a lubricating fluid that reduces friction inside joints from their right knee. Healthy knees contain only, uh, what is that word? Soup con of the stuff. I don't even know what that word is. Arctritic or otherwise unhealthy knees tend to contain much more. Interesting. All right. Well, my knees are going to be good. I just, you know, this is all speculative too. There's not enough research supporting it too. So who knows? Well, it makes sense though that your muscles would be stronger and then that would probably support your knee better than a person who doesn't exercise. But that cartilage wears out either way. Anybody you know, that's a great athlete. They always say that a knee, the knee cartilage wears from so much wear and tear, especially like jumping a lot, like basketball. Different. Like that's explosive plyometric type movements. It's not running. Like running is just steady running. Yeah, but it also depends on what you're running on too. But there's a difference if you're running, it's like going left, going right, and cutting and exploding right left, you know, like a move that you would do on the court. Right. You know, and then if you're running on a trail or it's got some dirt, you get a little cushion. Yeah, there's something there. There's some absorption there. This is a, that was from 2017. This one is more updated off of a new myth toppling, a new study that says that middle age runners do actually rebuild the health of their knees. See, what did I tell you, Cheeto? I had an idea. We'll see. A myth toppling new study of novice middle age runners suggest the answer is a qualified, what is the question again? Scroll up. Could it be that marathon training and racing are actually good for our knees? Maybe. A myth toppling new study, you son of a bitch, of novice middle age runners suggest the answer is a qualified yes. The study finds that taking up distance running rebuild the health of certain essential components of middle aged knees, even if the joint starves off somewhat tattered and worn. What'd I tell you, bitch? Show me the studies. But the results also contain a caution marathon mileage could erode one vulnerable area within the needs. The study finds if runners are not careful, we won't want to talk about that because that's not what the article is about. But what is that vulnerable part? That's what I'm saying. That's what they do. They bury it. Stop complaining like a Chicago person. Scroll down. I have the study. I was gonna check that. But what does it say? There was a one area. It says I was gonna check in the study. If it's just scroll down, I'm sure it'll tell us. They're going on other studies down here. One must I say another study. But what does it say? What part of the knee focused on running activity harms knees to do? Scroll down. Question is, is that the end of it? No, no. It keeps going. Why do they do that? When they break things up? I can't stand that shit. You have one free article remaining. What is the problem with the injury? I'll check. Okay, okay. Find the one. I would imagine cartilage is the big issue. And meniscus. When meniscus goes, if it gets blown out. Then you're done. Yeah, like if you twist your knee and you cut your meniscus. Have you run a marathon? No. See, you're giving me shit about it. You wouldn't do it either. I wouldn't do a half either. I'm not doing it. I don't want to run with all those people. Very specific spot. It says the improvement to the damaged subchondrial bone of the tibial infemoral condolize with the found following the marathon and novice runners. And patella cartilage. That's the bad part. That's what it does bad. Worsening of the patella cartilage. That makes sense. It breaks it down. Yeah, but can you fix that yet? Did they fix that? They'll give you those- Stem cells. Yeah, stem cells. Well, I know that they do micro fractures and shit. They do all kinds of different things to people to try to heal the cartilage in their knees. I just realized how privileged running is. That was like, I just get to run sometimes during the day. Yeah, just so you don't get so fat from eating all the food you want. That's what's crazy. So much privilege. Our problem in America is eating too much food. Yeah, we have way too much access. We're spoiled with it. Yeah, but I just realized that at the time of my day, I get to go, I can run to the gym and then run home. And that's like a nice day I get to have. Nice. Lucky dude, man. No, I wouldn't run. I wouldn't run a marathon because I don't like the people that do. That's genuinely it. You see all the people that get the thing, the culture. I don't want to be a part of it. No, thanks. You don't have to be, man. You could be a little wolf- Ringing the fucking bells and shitting the- I don't want to do any of that stuff. No. You could put like Tibetan monk chants. Yeah, that's dope. On your phone and just listen to that as you run. Diggory do music. I would do that shit. And then my heart's like- Just keep that thing going for four hours. It would be Oprah's time. I would go run in the middle of nowhere before I'd ever run in an actual marathon plan thing. Oh, okay. So you would run the 26 miles, like maybe you run a track. No, it can't be on the track. When I first moved to LA, I tried running at UCLA because my buddy got me a pass to go work out at their gym and I did a track- You bored? Miserable. Let me ask you this. If you had a track, like a standard university track, that's like- How many feet is that? Like what is that, quarter mile? What's most tracks? Each lap is quarter mile. Quarter mile? Yeah. How many times do you think you can go around? I mean I could- Did you go around 100 times? Are you paying me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I could do it as many times you want to pay me. What if she had a bet? What if like you and Jamie- Okay. You have to bet. Jamie doesn't run. Let me get this three-point shootout before we get into this race. Yeah, let's do three-point shootout. You can do that too. And then we need to do a- You can do that too. You don't run, do you? Yeah. Do you? Do people do that though? It seems like that would be like a great bet. If these ultra marathon runners really want to put their money where their mouth is, they get together on track. See how long they could go? Let's see who goes first. Oh, that's fucked. That sounds good. That's killer, dude. They would never stop. They would never stop. You could stop to pee or shit. That's it. What's the math because I'm dumb. What's 26 times four? 104. If it's a quarter of a mile, that means four of them, four of them are a mile. So the- 104. You'd be pretty close to 100. You'd have to run 104 times to run a mile, to run a marathon on a track. 104 laps. Yeah. So to answer your question, could I run 100 laps on a track? Fuck no. You're closing in on a marathon around 100 times. Yeah, 104 times is a marathon. No way. No fucking way. Oh. Imagine you get into like seven. Seven. You hit seven and you're like, all right, I think I did it. I don't want to loop around this thing. And look at this football field again. Miserable. That's you miserable. I haven't even hit eight yet. Yeah, you're not even close. It's going to take another two and a half minutes for you to get to eight. And then you get there, eight. Fuck. Are you thinking? I got 92 to go.