Circumcisions Are Unnecessary And They Kill Hundreds of Babies a Year


5 years ago



Bari Weiss

2 appearances

Bari Weiss is an American opinion writer and editor. In 2017, Weiss joined The New York Times as a staff editor in the opinion section. Her new book "How to Fight Anti-Semitism" is now available.


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The J.Rogan experience. Who do you like for president? Well I just, I was just telling Jamie that I was in, I spent New Years in New Hampshire with Andrew Yang and the Yang gang, because I'm writing about him. Right. And I have to tell you, like I'm really not just saying this, the power of the, like the, what I'm calling like the Rogan effect, it was insane. Like I went down the line waiting to get into this bar, it was snowing outside, and I just like asked everybody, how'd you hear about Andrew Yang? Like 80% of them was from your podcast. It was really unbelievable. I like, I like his energy. I don't know if I agree with him on, like I don't have strong views about UBI or what he calls the freedom dividend, $1,000 a month. I don't know what I think about that. He's like against circumcision. He has like all these views about things. Yeah. I don't really know if I agree with him on most of his things. Against circumcision? You don't agree with that? No. Really? Yeah. You cut baby dicks? I'm not like passionate about that. You? Yeah. People lose their dicks a lot of kids every year. Do you know children die from that? They lose their dicks? Yes. All the time. It's very common. Really? Yes. Like multiple children per year lose their penis from an unnecessary antiquated operation where you cut off their dicks to make it look different. Okay. You're cutting skin off of their dick and they wind up getting infected and they lose their dicks. I mean it doesn't happen all the time but it happens enough time where you go, this should never happen. This is a completely unnecessary operation. Robert Baker estimates 229 deaths per year from circumcision in the United States. Bollinger estimates that apparently approximately 119 infant boys die from circumcision related each year in the U.S. 1.3% of all male neonatal deaths from all causes. There are several case reports of death in the medical literature. Yeah. It's not simple. You're cutting skin. Skin is an organ. You have an unnecessary, I'm circumcised, you have an unnecessary operation that you're doing to an infant and it's decorative. I had a joke about it. And you don't buy any of the studies about how it prevents STDs and doesn't it? No, no I don't. Wash your dick. I cannot believe we're talking about this. We should be talking about it. Why not? I'm saying, how many of them have to die before we say this is an ancient, ridiculous ritual? Doesn't make any sense. I've seen the arguments for and against that it prevents STDs. Look, you know what prevents STDs? Condoms and abstinence. That's what prevents STDs and in some cases vaccinations. This is what prevents STDs. Circumcision is ridiculous. It makes any sense. Okay, I cannot believe I stumbled into this because I was talking about Andrew Yang. You fucked up. I guess I did. I didn't know this was like a strongly, you're an intactivist. Is that what they're called? Yes, whatever, intactivist? That's a good way to put it. I've never heard that expression but that's exactly what I am. Yeah, don't cut baby dicks. It's real simple. When you say it that way people go, yeah, that sounds gross. When you say, oh, circumcision, like, oh, what a wonderful ritual and it's symbolic of your journey until, the fuck out of here, you're cutting baby dicks. It doesn't make any sense. I mean, it's not as disgusting as what they do to women's clitorises and certain Muslim communities. Well, that makes it impossible to like have an orgasm. Yes, to orgasm. It's a different reason for doing it but you're mutilating a kid. You're just doing it in a way that it's okay. If you cut a piece of my ear lobe off, I'm going to be all right. I don't know. I'm from a family of four daughters. I have not thought deeply about, I did not know that statistic until you put it up there. Not good. Yeah. Most people don't know it. I've talked to people who have had immediate family members who have had horrible illnesses or injuries from circumcision. It's terrible.