3 years ago
59 appearances
Brian Redban is a stand-up comic, producer, co-host of the podcast and live-streaming YouTube show "Kill Tony," founder of the Deathsquad podcast network, and a co-owner of the Sunset Strip Comedy Club in Austin. www.deathsquad.tv
3 years ago
3 years ago
We were just talking about, you know, Tim Dillon and I were just talking about virtual cities and virtual real estate and people moving into the Metaverse. If it starts looking like that, Ready Player One is going to be a documentary. I mean, what's crazy about the Metaverse, everyone's freaking out about it, but it's already kind of been going on for a long time. Like that virtual red band shit that I do, that's what I do every single night. I have a fake character, I have a fake homeworld, I have a bunch of friends. We all go online and go, hey, let's go to Disney World. And then we'll go to Disney World and just ride roller coasters. And then let's go to a bar. We'll go to a bar. We can go to a strip club. It's kind of already... And when you do it, how many people do you have that are watching with you? Well, the watching thing, it's probably like I do it on YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter. And it's not much. It's like a couple thousand and stuff like that. But I do it almost every night. And people are now buying like oculus and stuff and trying to join me in the world. So can they join you in the world? Yeah. I mean, a lot of times if I'm not feeling like it, I'll hide. But yeah, I mean, we stream what levels we're on and everything like that. So if you do put an oculus on and you do like go into the world, you can invite people to it. So you could have a virtual show. Right. Wow. It's amazing. Yeah, I do stand up comedy in it. Yeah, there's comedy clubs. And there's even open mics where there's like sometimes like 40 people in the room, strangers. And we're all waiting in line backstage like, I'm next, I'm next. And do you all have avatars? Yeah. So you could look like Big Bird and you could be sitting there. Right. Wow. Yeah. And that's another whole career that's opening up is people that can make those avatars, which is like they're going to be a hot commodity in the future making artists that can make avatars for you. Because I mean, I paid this guy to make, I wanted Wendy from Wendy's, but I wanted big tits with areolas. You could see through it a little in like those little dots that are on there. I even paid for the little dots around the nipples and stuff like that. I want to see what it looks like. Yeah, you can find it. Just a virtual red band. But and it's crazy. And like I'm thinking of like what upgrades I want to my fake self, you know, in the future. Like I want to have it so people could like tug on my hair and stuff. Oh, really? And that as they do that, they can like as the technology advances or is just have to give different artists to it. Like how do you. Yeah, you could just pretty much it's that's like a career like someone that knows how to Photoshop where you know how to go into your avatar, make new bones, you know, change the textures around, put it in blender and upgrade it. Like I did the most basic things. Like I made myself a little bit taller and a little smaller. Like I was one that's like this big, like tiny, windy so I can like look up girls dresses and stuff. It's not a real dress. So it's cool. It hasn't been canceled. You can't be canceled from that yet. So this is you. Yeah. And that's my friend Yonder. He works at Vulcan. You do a big guy that has a beard. You know him in real life. That's hilarious. He's an elf or a merlin. Yeah, he's merlin from or sword in the stone. I think he is. Oh, OK. So this is it's kind of still cartoony. Yeah, this is Boba Fett. Wow. Boba Fett's somebody I hang out with like every night. That's Elon Musk. So these people are all in their own home and they meet at this place and you interact in this environment. And there's other like clips. Like can you move through that table or does the table block your motion? Right. He's sitting down right now and you can like jump on the table. You want like this is a sushi bar where there's sushi on a on a belt and we were ordering sushi right now and having virtual sushi while talking about vaginas and shit probably. And so when you're sitting here like what do you have to be doing anything physically? Like is it mapping your body or yeah. Well, you could do VR sitting or standing and like you know Boba Boba Fett right there. That guy on the right. That's my friend Jay. He works for Tesla. He just moved here from San Francisco. He engineer at Tesla. And the way Jay's moving his hands is he moving his real hands like that? And then he's moving his real hands and then it maps it somehow or no? Yeah. Yeah. I have trackers all around my room. I also have trackers on my arms that I can use. I never use it though. It's so much easier because we're all drinking and smoking. And so it's easier just to like sit down and hang out with your friends. So there's like a sit down mode where you can just use like you know just kind of chill and play. This is fucked. And this is when it's really interesting. Something has taken off over the last two or three years. It's strange to me I'll be honest with you. Grand Theft Auto role playing is what it's called. People have taken Grand Theft Auto and put it on their own servers. So like it's not they're not hosting it or anything like that. And some ways they could probably take it off the internet if they wanted to. But because it's keeping people involved in Grand Theft Auto they sort of allow it. But each character you're seeing on right here is someone on the internet. And they're acting as though they are these people. And there are some people act like police. Yeah. The police ones are the laws. The police ones are the best because these people actually talk all the codes that real cops use. Like they know them. Like we got 37 over here. We got call the ambulance. Like fake fake cops that are that always get arrested in real life. They have the power to remove you. That's where these people live. All these people are fake cops. And it's. Oh my God that's so weird. They can ruin the fun for you. If you're not following the laws they can kick you off the server and you can't come back for a few days. Yeah. Really? You get arrested and then you have to spend time in jail. People have ruined relationships because they like this more than hanging out with their girlfriends. What? It's pretty much like VRChat. Same style. So this is crazy. So they have rules? Oh yeah. Grand Theft Auto though is all about killing hookers with a crowbar. Correct. It's just like when you created a Quake server. You know how you can make your own rules now. Oh my God. We played a 500 in this room and it's all headshots only. Oh yeah. That's crazy. It's the same kind of thing but it's Grand Theft Auto in this case. VRChat we play pool like every night. We just sit there and play pool and smoke weed in real life and talk and like bullshit with each other. It's like you know what it reminds me Joe of the old message board days. 100%. Wow. 100%. This is wild man. So when you spend all this time in here talking with all these friends and you're playing pool when you're accumulating things. How do you prove it that you own that or you know how do you store it so that someone doesn't take it when you're gone? Right. And that's where this stuff is. If you have a phone and you play Subway Surfer you could fucking get like really far on Subway Surfer. Like really far and accumulate all this power and everything. But then if you lose your phone and you have to start from scratch you don't pick up where you left off. Right. It's not on that phone. Right. That happens on some things. So on this they would have to make it somehow where whoever you are and whatever you accumulate in that world you can't just lose it if you lose your phone. Well the good thing is if you, I mean I have like my files for my character Wendy with the big tits. I have her. I haven't seen Wendy yet. Yeah. Where's Wendy? Oh you haven't showed him the tits yet. I haven't seen him up in the video. The one last night, Birthday Toe, do that one because I talk about it a lot. How good is the character getting? Is it getting better looking? Oh yeah. It's getting more detailed. Mine's actually very basic because it's based off Wendy from Wendy's. Right. It's very realistic and then no one gets the idea. Right. So mine is, my girl has a good body and stuff. But, and my girlfriend plays with us and she's a hot dog. So it's so funny like we'll sit there and like have real like arguments talking. Who's Spider-Man? Oh that was me last night. Wow that's a dope outfit. Yeah. It has every Spider-Man character in there you could choose any Spider-Man character ever. Isn't that crazy that there's been so many Spider-Mans? Like when did they start doing that? They never did that with anything else. Like they did one time I think Marvel had a Hulk that was like a bad Hulk. Right. Remember that? Wasn't there like two Hulks that were red Hulk? Yeah Black Hulk. There was a Grey Hulk. Remember the Grey Hulk? Was it a Grey Hulk? Yeah. There was like more than one Hulk for sure. Spider-Man's gotten into the multiverse. I know. It's different from the metaverse. I know. That one cartoon though is really fucking good. That one animated Spider-Man into the metaverse. That's fucking really good. That's my favorite. I sent you the sequel, the preview for the sequel. Remember the other day? That's right. That fucking shit. There's me. Look at my tits. You can see the shadows. You can see the shadows. Oh, the Ariolas. Who made that for you? Gigi, my friend Gigi in Canada. Shout out to Gigi in Canada. That's my girlfriend Janice. This was last night at midnight. We made a surprise birthday party for her. So we like had all these balloons and writing and she just came in thinking that she was just going to play VR and we were like surprise. Do you think you can get in trouble for these giant tits you put on Wendy? No because... That's actually just grease, hamburger grease on my pancake nipples. But just the fact that she's... I mean you're taking a copyright character. That's actually not Wendy. That's just a red headed girl on the internet. Oh, that's Bo Peep, right? Yeah. No, no, no. It's Hans... No, wait. What's the other one? That Bo Peep. Pippi Longstocking? It's Pippi Longstocking. That's right. Maybe that is copyright. You gotta be careful. You gotta come up with your own name for these girls. That's Lil Red. That's Wendy from Alice. Yeah. So this is what the future looks like. This is the beginning. This is Pong. Right? Yeah. This is Pong. So this is Pong where you're like whoa, cool, you can do it. Remember? For people don't remember. When I was younger, I mean Brian is younger than me so I probably got this first. I think we were like... What was I, like eight or nine? When we got one of those things attached to the TV, Wendy Kool-Aid, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, and you had a dial that you could turn and the dial would lift the paddle up and down and you could hopefully catch the ball and make it ricochet over to a place where the guy you're playing couldn't get to it. Right. And we were blown away. Yeah, and it was the basic things too. Like there's two different levels. There's like fast and slow, remember? I know, yeah. And the fact that we're moving things on the internet or on the television, you actually can move it. So this is like the internet's version of that. Yeah.