2 years ago
9 appearances
Theo Von is a stand-up comic and podcaster. He is the host of "This Past Weekend with Theo Von." www.theovon.com
1 year ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
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You're leaving work, okay? Okay. And things got compromised out in the world. You were at work, you were doing a podcast episode or something. And things are getting like AWOL, right? And then everything- Purge. The purge, right? What do you do? How do you... This is the end. This is when it's like, all right, Joe Rogan. You have 90 minutes before you're gonna start to feel some pressure. What do you do? I don't know. I guess load up some magazines. Oh, I'm fucked. But I'm wondering what do you do, you know? That's what I would do. I'd probably load up some magazines. Okay. Into what? Into guns. Okay, okay, okay. Yeah. See, I didn't know if I can... No, I mean... At the periodical section. I mean, you see, it's like Sports Illustrated. This guy's taking information with him into a bar. Yeah, dude. I'm like, I just see Joe with his mini copies of Field and Stream as you go fucking live. Well, you could use those magazines as like protection. You stack enough of them on top of each other. Okay, so now you're thinking. They'll slow bullets down. Okay, let's say like you pick up your family or something. Do you guys stay? Do you have a bunker? I don't currently, but this conversation's making me want a bunker. Yeah. Okay, what about if you're kind of in a city or you're like, what's maybe a business or something you'd hold up in? A business that I'd hold up in? It would have to be some sort of fortified establishment. Like the mall? No. Dude, the mall? Yeah, the mall? Think of all you could hide in the fucking mace. He's behind all the... Hiding Cinnabon behind the counter. Yeah, just squeeze it frosty in your mouth and fucking pump it in shells. It would be a good excuse to eat that food because like, I gotta eat something. And that stuff will keep because a lot of that stuff has like all the... Preservatives. Preservatives in it. So you'd have that, you'd have mannequins in there. Think about that. You could set up like a mirage. Right, right, right. Like a fake sort of situation. Yeah. Where people would think that, but you're behind that. Yeah. Yeah. So the mall I think could be good. I would go to the mall. Really? Yeah. The mall. Yeah, because nobody's at the mall anymore. But the dumbest people are at the mall. They're gonna fuck it up for you. They gotta go. They're gonna go, the Russians are here guys! Like, okay, shut the fuck up. I'm pretending to be American. Yeah. I'm like, hey, shh. Give me a medium. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.