“Alone” Winner Jordan Jonas Tangled with a Wolverine


4 years ago



Jordan Jonas

1 appearance

Jordan Jonas spent 77 days living alone in the Canadian wilderness to become the winner for the sixth season of the History Channel’s reality television show “Alone.”


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Now what about fat? I would think that you would need fat. Well yeah you do and that's why you eat the whole animal. You know suck the brain out of the rabbit. Try to get every bit of fat you can get. And I learned a lot about that out there. Because I caught a lot of rabbits and squirrels early on. But I still just lost weight as fast as if I wasn't eating it felt like. Yeah you know what rabbit starvation is? Yeah yeah. When I went out there I was like I wonder how long that takes. Is that like a year? But basically it's as soon as you start eating rabbit. But there's no fat out there. Yeah not much on them. It was like maybe enough to make up for the energy I was expending by running around. Like I don't think I lost fat. Their weight faster than someone that was just sitting there. It was probably about the same. But I was able to run around have fun you know shoot my bow. And like learn my land see how animals were moving and stuff. So you didn't have any supplies that you initially set out with in terms of like. No food. No food. Yeah it's a fascinating experience when the helicopter drops you off flies away and you've never scouted this place before. You didn't get to choose where you're at. And it flies away and you're just like wow somehow I have to live here. Did they scout it? Yeah. They did. So they knew there was wild animals there? Yeah they scouted out and basically tried to find ten spots that have some form of potential sustainability on them. Wow. And then you got to try to unlock the key. Did you have any filtration system for water? No I started by boiling all my water but then I just slowly drank bits of raw water until I could pretty much just drink raw water. Because it was a big old lake up in the far north. It's like it's pretty clean. Yeah. And I didn't get sick. I drank out of a lake once off of in Prince of Wales. Oh yeah. And apparently it's high enough altitude so there's no beavers. Yeah. It was still weird just dipping your canteen in a lake. Just drinking. It was strange. That's what we had done in Siberia too and it's always, even in like moss puddles it's like this yellow water but they'll just dip right in and drink out. Now when you said you drank a little bit that was to test to see if you'd get shit. Yeah to see if I'd get mildly sick rather than chugging it to begin with. Right. So you boiled it first and then started sipping it a little bit and then eventually just were drinking it. Yeah. Although another thing in the cold when you're trying to conserve calories like that you don't want to drink a lot of cold water so I'd heat it anyway. Oh it makes sense. Yeah. What did you do for shelter? A tarp was one of the things we took so I built a little like A-frame shelter just out of logs, covered it, like chinked it with moss, put the frame over. I spent less time on shelter more time like procuring food and hunting so it was a quick shelter threw it up. I knew I mean I've lived in a teepee in that weather so I like knew I was going to be fine on the cold as long as I could provide enough calories to keep my body warm. So how many days did it take you before you got an animal? I got a rabbit on day one so that was nice and then I continued to get rabbits but it was 23 days when I got a moose so that was. Well then you're good. Then you're good kind of. It's like eight months of eating. Yeah I mean again I was amazed how much fat you eat. You know like yeah so I was I was counting my moose and being like hmm this isn't like an infinite supply of food here. Because there's not enough fat. Yeah because you're definitely eating more fat than you are protein. But plus I had a Wolverine come and pillage my stores of fat and stuff. Yeah I heard about this. How did that happen? Where did you store everything? Well initially I didn't to be honest I didn't expect to see a Wolverine. I never have and I just wasn't something on my consciousness. And so when I got the moose I put all the meat up on this shelf I built and thought man if a bear comes it'll be great I'll have a chance at a bear. You know I'll wake up at night and kind of be like a bait pile basically. Plenty of fat there. Yeah and so I was maybe expecting a bear to come but I went to sleep the first night I got the moose and woke up and came out and there were just tracks everywhere. Somehow I hadn't woken up but Wolverine's a lot sly or animal and he had come and pulled out all the kidney fat. You know I had like a jug of kidney fat. I was just like no. He ate all your fat? He hauled off a full gallon jug packed with kidney fat. I had other fat but that was like weeks of fat there. Did you find it? No it was rough. And so then he was pretty excited I'm sure. Wolverine just kept coming back every day. I figured I don't know if they're like I figured they were nocturnal but they sure enough I'd be like out there scraping my moose hide in the middle of the day. They'd come running up and like try to grab some meat and run off. I was like holy smokes this thing's bold. Is this a photo of him? Yeah that's the one. Where is he? That's at my shelter there. There he is sneaking around. The uh. Wow. So yeah so he stole 35,000 calories which is gold up there. Oh so you got some serious gear on. You're wearing Ku-U. Yeah yeah. So you got real. Real gear. Yeah you're not naked and afraid fortunately. No well that's serious hunting gear you're wearing. And there's your A pillar. Yeah that's pretty dope. Is that when you pissed off the moose fat? Yeah. A gallon of moose fat contains roughly 35,000 calories. Wow gone. Gone. Conti little Wolverine. You should have kept that shit in the little tent with you. Yeah I really should have. I thought I would hear a bear coming but I didn't think about Wolverine. Then the uh. Anyway he kept coming every day and I knew it was going to be me or him kind of on that island. They're so scary little fucks. I heard I read maybe Jamie could find it but that one killed a polar bear in the zoo a while ago. A Wolverine? Yeah yeah. I'm not shocked. Ferocious little things. I've seen them chase off bears. Oh they will. I've seen videos of them chasing bears off of kills. Wolves all that. Bears like what the fuck. They're so ferocious. Yeah. And they're so durable. Yeah. Like they get bit by bears and wolves and they just fucking shake it off. Yeah cool animals for real. Oh yeah man. Yeah yeah. It's just a weird animal right. It is. They're so ferocious. Yeah yeah. And small. Yeah you know. Just making it on attitude out there. Yeah just fucking angry and fighting. Little muscle ball. Like when I. Did you eat him? Yeah of course if you shoot a. Well you know I was actually killed it with my axe but when you do that you've got to eat the heart out of it. So I cut it open ate the heart. Then I ate a drumstick of course but it tasted like skunk so I was like I'll save the rest for a rainy day. Hold on how do you know what skunk tastes like. Have you eaten skunk? Just smelled it. I was assuming. No. No they have a musky flavor to them. Oh I'm sure. Fucking gross animal. Yeah. Imagine how much testosterone those little fucks must have. Yeah they're coarse under their veins. These are ferocious. So you ate his drumstick and that's it? Yeah and the organs for the vitamins. Did you try to use the rest of them for bait for something? No I was just saving it for eating later. You know like I put it up on my storage cache. Yeah I went a dark day. I'll eat that. Yeah and you run on a moose if it really does go a year. Yeah exactly. So when you didn't have the fat like what was it like just eating. Did you have some fat leftover? Oh yeah you still have a lot. I mean to be fair there's still a lot of fat on a moose. There was all the ribs you know the butt the rump has a big old thick layer of fat. You got the. It's a weird fat right? The bone marrow. Oh okay. Yeah it's all straight fat the brain. You know there's like there's a lot of fat still but that was kind of the easiest fat. You know anyway. Yeah. It was sad but not the end of the world. It was only it was mostly depressing in that I figured somebody else got something big and once I lose that now I'm at a disadvantage again so then it put the fire under me to keep getting more you know. So you killed him with an axe but you shot him with a bow first right? Yeah the Wolverine yeah. So what did you like you pinned him to the ground with the bow. Yeah it was he had come the night before and I had seen him behind a bush and you know I had my flashlight and I could see his eyes and I thought about firing an arrow in there but I was like how surely he's gonna come out and I'll get a better shot but he must he like closed his eyes snuck away and I never saw him leave from behind the bush. I was like dang it I missed my opportunity. The next day I saw him again the next night coming down through some shrubs and I had like set up some warning systems around like cans on string so I'd hear him come in and I heard like clank clank clank I was like oh gosh it got my bow went outside sure enough he like scurried down this hill went behind a bush and I just sent my arrow in there this time through the bush and so I don't know what it did going through there but it. Deflected off branches. Yeah pinned his leg his back leg to the ground the like top of the arrow was in the branches and it just gave me enough time to grab my axe run over there he was just like you know is that him no yeah it's just another one those little guys dude you must have been so fucking terrified to run up there it happened so fast yeah yeah it wasn't a cool like you picture me like killing it like really but it was like. No it was it was. Did you film all that too? Yeah but it was at night so it's kind of grainy.