Ali Siddiq Learned About Honor Watching 2 Pimps Fight


2 years ago



Ali Siddiq

4 appearances

Ali Siddiq is a stand-up comic, writer, and public speaker. His new special, "The Domino Effect II: Loss," is available now on YouTube.


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I learned honor from a pimp in Mississippi when I was a kid. That's a great start to a story. What did he teach you? My Aunt Angela, she used to take me and my cousin Ricky to the store and we would get these ice, you know, the little frozen ice. The small ones. But at this particular store they had the giant joints. They were like this big round and when we was good we could go get one. So my Aunt, she takes me and my cousin and we at Clarksdale, Mississippi and we go to the store and we come out. We in the car and we're in the car and she had to start the car and she was listening to the song and we eat. I remember this so like it was yesterday because he had the green one and I had the grape one. And I told him I was going to give him half a mind for half a head. We both had both flavors. And as we talking, my Aunt said, I knew I should have pulled it off. Now we can't go nowhere. Because these two pimps were arguing outside the car and we couldn't move because one of the pimps had said his hat on my Aunt's car. She said his hat on the car and him and his pimp was arguing and he said, man, I told you don't be on my motherfucker side of the street with your hoes. I run this area and I remember the dude named Bobby. Bobby said, you don't run the motherfucker thing around here. You know, you don't tell Bobby where to be, bitch. And it stunned me because I had never heard another man call another man a bitch. Or like a curse word. It was all respect mostly. And they would call each other other names but it wouldn't be curse words. So I'm listening and they fighting behind the side of the street. And when Bobby took his jacket off, he had a gun. He had a gun host. Like it was like a 38, a 32, whatever that was they was carrying in. And his friend, he took his gun host off, suit jacket, hat, the dude took his hat and the jacket off. They got their girls out there, dude had his partner and they fought right in the middle of the street. Bobby got his ass whooped. Bobby got his ass whooped. Bobby got his ass whooped out there. Now, when they was getting shit together, man walked off, he gone. That dude was out there. He said, Bobby, you should have popped his ass because he didn't want to have the gun. He said, Bobby, you should have popped his ass. Now I remember this in detail. Bobby said he put on his thing. He said, no, that motherfucker wore a fair square. Put his jacket on and put his hat on and said, shit. My goddamn nose. That motherfucker quick wasn't it? And I always remember that story because just because he had a gun, he fought that man fair and square. It was other people out there. And he gave him his props after he beat him. And he lost. And in his mind, I'm still Bobby. I'm still me, but I lost that one. And he beat his fair square. Put his gun host back on. That's honor. That's honor. That's a guy who knows how to take a loss, too. You got to learn how to take a loss. The only way you do is you find out. You got to find out. You got to try to win and fail and learn. Is that not damn near everything? Damn near everything. Damn near everything in life. Everything in life. You got to try it, see what it is. If it don't work out, but don't even feel bad about this shit not working out. This is a try. I'm not good. I want to try to surf. I'm probably going to fuck up every time. But it's like when I was on the mechanical board. I would love to actually bull ride. But that mechanical bull is a motherfucker, too. And I know that some part of my neck ain't prepared for a real animal.