Adam Curry’s “Big Google Conspiracy Theory”


5 years ago



Adam Curry

5 appearances

Adam Curry is an internet entrepreneur, former MTV VJ, and podcasting pioneer. He is the co-host, along with John C. Dvorak, of the "No Agenda" podcast.


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Yeah. Do you use Android? No. iPhone? I have a stripped down, I call it cloaked, no sim card, VPN, piehole. There's a lot of different parts on it that I do carry. It's iPhone 7 if I need to. There's no other apps on it, no extra apps. Wow. Just blanket. Yeah. I can do that in case of emergency. Yeah, if I need to do something. You need to do something. Like I want to use the GPS. Right. And it also has an iCloud account that's not my main iCloud account. Right. So I'm trying to make that Adam Curry and remove my other digital footprint. I get it. Do I move it over a little bit or something, at least confuse it a bit? Wow. Whatever happened to it, wasn't there a blockchain phone that was going to be released? A number of interesting projects that are Linux based. I'm trying to think of the one that's on the... A lot of it's crowdfunded. This company actually, they make laptops that are complete. They all open source hardware. Shit, Jamie, can you find... What's the name of that country? I feel stupid now. It's the weed. It definitely is the weed. But they crowdfund, but they've had very successful crowdfunding with Linux laptops, with open source hardware. Because that's really where you have to look for the problems. Because advertising, it's an insatiable thing that these companies are hooked on. And the data, they have to keep getting data from us. That's the system. So when we start to cut it down, they move to the hardware. They move to different types of ways of getting data. And right now, I mean, you still can't hide from cell phone, triangulation. There's all kinds of ways people can find you. That's really the biggest problem. If you can track someone's location, you can build their life. Add a credit card to that. Mimi, John C. DeVore, ex-wife, she does the company's taxes. We're a family business. And she kind of... I think she used to do some kind of auditing in the past. And she'll call up and say, oh, here's what I always see you do. And she'll tell me exactly what I do, where I go, when I like to eat out. She has all these patterns. And she just does it for fun. Do you have GPS in your car? Yeah. You can't get rid of it. I mean, there's no manufacturer after probably 2015 allows you to completely turn off tracking. Well, you got an iPhone 7. Won't you kill like a 69 Corvette? But that's the... Get something old. 69, that's the point. I mean, everything is built in now. Yeah. I mean, I think that didn't really start until like the 2000s, right? Well, they sold it to us in a great way with on call, you know, like, boom, I'm upside down. On call, help is on the way. What is this, Jamie? I typed in... Oh, Librem. There you go, Librem. Thank you. What did you type in? Crowdfunded Linux laptop. Fantastic. Yeah, Librem. And then I got this Purism company. Purism. Yeah. They make a bunch of products. Do you mean laptop or phone? They make both. So they make the laptops, the phone, their comment. But there's other projects as well. It looks like a real phone. But here's my problem. Here's my problem. What? I don't want it. Right. It's going to find you. I'll buy it. Of course, I want to have it because I have control over keeping it off and not using it when I'm on the road. But as a basic thing, if I'm at home and I just want to surf, I'm sitting down, yeah, I'd rather use that. Absolutely. Apple, I kind of trust Apple to a degree. You know, they're pretty good about not selling stuff they know. So their maps would be what I use. I trust that. Yeah. But only as far as I can throw them, you know. I'm sure there's a million guys going, Curry, you have no idea how they try. Yeah, I do. So I just try to make less data. What do you think happened with Google that they removed Don't Be Evil? I think it was Do No Evil. Do No Evil. That's right. People get that wrong. I get everything wrong. Which is evil. No, I mean, it's one of those things that it's like a Mandela effect. Okay, right. Like the Bernstein Bears. Yeah, exactly. So it's like Mandela effect. But for whatever reason, well, that's a... Okay, so these guys who grew up, you know, under the... Don't Be Evil. Mm. I thought it was Don't Do Evil, but that was in... It was in the S1 document and I remember reading it and I... Okay, I could be wrong. So it is either way. It doesn't matter. Maybe they changed that halfway and went from Don't Be Evil to Don't Do Evil to Don't Be Evil. Don't be evil. Either they adjusted it from Do The Right Thing or... That's what it says now, I guess. Oh, either way. Anyway... Whatever the wording of it is. So these guys didn't grow up by accident. This is gonna be my big Google conspiracy theory. Don't do that. I'll give it to you. It's one way of explaining it. Maybe I'm full of shit. Okay. I love a good conspiracy. They had a lot of help. I'm tired and advanced. I'm rooting on this conspiracy. Good. Their main boost was the acquisition of Keyhole. And this was a... You have to know the company Incutel, which is a venture capital company, which is the CIA's... It's not a secret. It's the CIA's... They would say, our CIA venture capital company. And they invest in stuff. And they helped the Keyhole acquisition. And Keyhole is the mapping. That's really what Google Maps was. The most important thing you can have for a person's identity is where they are. These guys kind of grew up young under oppression of Russia. That's where they both come from. And they kind of came into the system. If you look at the universities and the people involved and how they were almost given some kind of prizes for things they did. I mean, there's an alternative story to the general narrative of how Google came to be. So I think there was a lot of intelligence people involved in this, involved in setting it up. And the psychology of Larry and Sergey, some psychologists have analyzed, and I've listened to a lot of different people, is that they kind of become what their oppressor was to them. And it's not really... I don't think they're bad guys, but this is psychosis that happens if you grow up in some kind of stressed out situation. People who have been abused often abuse others. And so I think that's what's going on. The problem is, I love all the technology. I love what all these companies and everybody's doing. The business model is just fucking humanity. It is. It's fucking us. By giving away data and by influencing people, not letting us share in the revenue of the data, or having some control over it. And that's really what it is. There should be some sort of legislation that recognizes what data is and that they'd look at it in terms of... Like it's a commodity and saying, like selling and buying and selling and using it. Well, I think there is some of that. But is there some that really evenly balances it or looks at it for what it really is? Well, what is money? Money is data. Money is not money anymore. It's all data. When you're providing a service. It's all data. It's all data. Yeah, it is all data. It has to be a trust relationship. And if their business model is what as it is now, if they don't change it, no legislation will stop them from getting around the problem. Now it's you get free shit and we get your data. You get a free browser. Here's the interesting thing. We get your data. Here's the interesting thing. The internet is although no longer quite the same way with upstream and downstream being equal due to the cable companies and how they've implemented your personal connection. We can still do our own servers. It doesn't all have to be on YouTube, on Facebook, on Twitter. I was talking earlier about Mastodon. is our own social network. It's with open source software without algorithms. And we federate with all these other servers much the way the World Wide Web grew up. And there's this mechanism for communicating with each other. And so it's kind of Twitter meets email only. It looks like Twitter. But you control a lot more of how it works. And your community can be a small little community and you can have no one come in. You can block people or just say I only want these cool people to also connect or that server to connect. It's all good. And it's kind of almost like an tree that branches to all these different places called the Federation. If we build upon those kinds of things and don't let other companies or companies at all, there's no reason for them to get involved. It's very cheap with a, believe it or not, a Linux laptop. You can get started. Any kid can learn how to do it. They should be teaching it at school how to set up a server, how to get around some of the hurdles, understand how an email server works. And we will not need these companies. We can have all the joy and a lot of the downside, but there won't be a Twitter police. There will be only your own little community. Say hey, we don't like this guy. We're just going to block you or your whole community. Or we would love to have you guys with us and we can happen to us similarly. And that's how you build these networks and eventually you connect to each other on the back end somehow anyway. How often do you think, I mean, how long do you think it's going to be before we're implementing augmented reality into our life in that way, in like a social media context? Because you kind of got augmented reality already with your ears. Yeah. So it would be unfair of me to say that it's augmented in that it's enhancing, but I have enhanced it in ways that are particular to me, but it's not some algorithm really determining things that I should hear. I am in total control of how that works and how it sounds. I don't see the case for augmented reality. I just don't see it. I mean- When you think about what Apple's trying to do with their glasses. Well, I think it's trying to get people from doing this to doing this. Yes, it probably is. That's all that it is. That's all that it is. But it's also probably adding to the experience, right? If you can have like little animated fairies everywhere you go that you see through your Apple glasses, everything else looks the same. Do you ever go to the haunted mansion ride at Disneyland? Yes. You know, there's a ghost sitting right next to you. If I see you with one of those glasses on, I'm going to go learn some fucking Muay Thai. I'm going to kick you on your fucking head. Boom, like dolcim. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.