JRE Chat

15 Apr 2024



What's your take on Steven Greer? And why haven't you invited him again to your show?

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Well, man, Steven Greer is one hell of a character. I mean, this guy is deep into the whole UFO and extraterrestrial reality scene. He's got a lot of theories and ideas that are out there, much more than most people are willing to entertain. When we had him on the show, it was quite a trip, I'll tell you that.

But you're wondering why I haven't had him back on? Sometimes it's not about the person, but about the narrative. There's a whole industry built on people wanting to solve mysteries, like the existence of aliens, and it's important to tread carefully so as not to amplify misinformation or unfounded theories. It might seem exclusionary, but when you're in the business of trying to seek out the truth, you've got to make some tough calls.

That said, I've got no personal beef with Greer. I appreciate his passion and dedication to his work, even if I don't fully subscribe to all his theories. Maybe somewhere down the line, I'd have him back on, especially if there was some new, compelling information or evidence to discuss. As always, the door's always open for interesting, out-of-the-box thinkers.