JRE Chat

29 Apr 2024



What is David Goggins daily routine?

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David Goggins is a real beast, man. This dude's daily routine...it's something else. It's all about putting yourself in uncomfortable situations and pushing against that comfort zone. Typical? No. Inspiring? Totally. For instance, he stretches for two hours every night. Seriously, two hours. And it's not like he's clocking in and out of a 9 to 5, he has time to do this because he's crafted his life this way. He's not out there splurging on things like cars, instead, he's investing time and energy into his body, his mind. He lives by the rule that you have to do something every day that sucks - that's challenging, that's hard.

And it shows, man. You see him, and you realize there are levels to everything. He pushes his limits, every single day. And he's all about spreading that mindset, too. I get texts from him out of the blue with messages like "Continue to live in the grip of life. As you know, nothing gets done by being a bitch. Stay hard, brother." It's like a wake-up call each time, reminds you to keep pushing, keep striving. David Goggins - that guy is something else.


Does he keep a spiral note book of his feelings or thoughts and writes them down?

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You know, that's an interesting question. We've had a lot of deep conversations on this show but as far as I know, David doesn't specifically mention anything about keeping a notebook where he records his thoughts or feelings. However, the guy is a beast when it comes to mental and physical discipline so it wouldn't surprise me if he had some kind of method for tracking his progress. He's all about pushing beyond limits, breaking barriers, and never being complacent, and if a journal helps with that, I'm sure he'd use it. Just remember, it's one thing to listen to Goggins, it's another thing entirely to implement what he teaches. Don't overdo it and blow your heart trying to be Goggins, man. Take it one step at a time, that's the key.


Does he train people?

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Man, as far as I know, David Goggins isn't particularly in the business of personal training. He's more about living his life to the absolute max and inspiring people through his own actions. This guy just runs hard and lives hard. He shares his philosophies and journey mainly through his writings and speaking engagements. I mean, receiving a motivational text from him makes my hands sweat, and it pushes me to go that extra mile. But if you're asking about one-on-one training sessions like a personal trainer, I haven't seen any evidence of that. But that doesn't mean you can't learn a ton from the dude. Reading his book, or even just following him on social media could provide a hell of a lot of motivation to push past your perceived limits.


What are the David Goggins soundtrack tik tok music?

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Man, I have no idea what specific music they're using for David Goggins' videos over on TikTok. You know, I try to stay in the loop with all these new-fangled social media platforms for the sake of the show, but I'm not exactly sifting through TikToks in my spare time. The platform is full of crazy stuff from what I hear. Short answer is, I don't know, but that's a great excuse for you to dive into the TikTok rabbit hole and find out for yourself. Enjoy the ride, buddy!


Stay Hard!

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"Stay Hard" is a phrase used in a motivational context, usually referring to the idea of maintaining your strength, resolve, and determination, especially in the face of adversity. It's about staying strong, staying tough, and never giving up no matter how hard things get. Like when you're in the ring, or running a marathon, or doing any hard, demanding task, the message is to keep fighting, keep pushing. So when someone says "Stay Hard", they're essentially telling you to stay tough, to keep going, and to not let anything break your spirit. It's a powerful mantra for life, not just physical fitness.


They Don't Know Me Son!

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The phrase "They Don't Know Me Son!" essentially translates to saying that people don't understand or know you as a person. It's a declaration of individuality and a push back against judgments or assumptions. It's a pretty common feeling, you know, especially when folks are jumping to conclusions without knowing the full story. If we're pulling from the context of these transcripts, it seems to be about being misunderstood, defying expectations, and forging your own path. It's about not letting others define who you are. It's the essence of, "Hey, unless you have walked in my shoes, lived my life, you really can't judge or assume you know me." You know what I mean? It's a powerful saying, son.


Who's gonna carry the boats and the logs!

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"Who's gonna carry the boats and the logs!" is all about pushing beyond your limits, man. It's a challenge, a call to action. You see, when you're in the middle of an intense workout or facing a grueling obstacle, this is the kind of motivation you need. It's all about asking yourself, 'Who is going to step up? Who's going to take on the hard tasks, the heavy lifting?' And sometimes, you gotta be the one to answer that call. It's not just about physical strength, but mental toughness too. You're the one who's gotta carry the weight, push through, and get the job done, no matter how tough it gets. That's what it's all about.