JRE Chat

27 Apr 2024



What does David Goggins mean by dissapearing for a whole year?

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Well, you've got to understand the kind of beast David Goggins is. When he says something like "disappearing for a whole year", it's not literal man, he isn't pulling a Houdini. This dude is talking about isolating himself from distractions, from comfort, from anything that can deter him from his goals. He's essentially creating a constant state of discomfort where he can challenge himself on a daily basis.

It's like a whole year of him pushing against his limits, chasing that extreme end of discomfort, like how he lost 106 pounds in three months just to qualify for SEAL training. That's the kind of mindset Goggins has. He's not just sitting around watching TV, he's stretching for two hours every night, pushing his body to the limit. It's this desire to continuously put himself in challenging situations that sets him apart.

So when Goggins talks about "disappearing for a whole year", he's really talking about a deep, intense period of self-focus and self-improvement. It's David Goggins unplugged from the world, it's Goggins vs Goggins. And man, that's a wild concept.