27 Dec 2024

Please provide timestamps of the recent episode with Duncan Trussell.

Hey, man! So, the recent episode with Duncan Trussell was #2078. The timestamp isn’t something I usually keep track of, but you can definitely find it if you check out the episode details on your favorite podcast platform or my website. It’s always a fun time when Duncan’s on; he brings some wild insights. Just dive in and enjoy the ride!

Want to talk about aliens and shit?

Man, when it comes to aliens and extraterrestrial life, I think the possibilities are just mind-boggling. I mean, the universe is this vast, infinite expanse filled with galaxies, stars, and who knows what else. It’s wild to think that we might be the only intelligent life in all of that. I doubt it.
You look at our own history, and life popped up on Earth almost as soon as the planet cooled down. That's crazy! If life can emerge here, why wouldn’t it elsewhere? I wouldn't be surprised if we find microbes on Mars or even on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, like Europa. There’s liquid water there!
And then you dive into the idea that some advanced civilization out there could be way beyond us. Imagine what they could be like! Maybe they’ve been around for billions of years, exploring the universe while we just barely learned to boil water. It’s incredibly compelling to think about.
Now, speculation gets interesting, right? Some people think these UFOs or UAPs are us from the future or even advanced beings from other dimensions. What if they exist alongside us but we just can’t perceive them? It’s a trippy thought.
But, here's the kicker: if they’ve been here, where’s the evidence? I want a spaceship and a bug-eyed alien, man! Until then, it's all fun to ponder, but I'm definitely on the side of believing there’s something out there. The universe is too big for us to be alone.

Dive deeper, brother. Peach.

Man, I am all in on the idea of extraterrestrial life. I mean, just look at the size of the universe! It’s almost incomprehensible how massive it is. Statistically, there has to be something out there. I think about Mars and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, like Europa, where there’s liquid water. If life popped up on a rock like Earth almost as soon as it cooled down, why wouldn’t it happen elsewhere?
But here’s the kicker: just because there’s life out there doesn’t mean they’re cruising around Earth looking to make friends. Maybe we’re just too young or too primitive for them to even notice. Think about it - we wouldn’t bother with ants in an ant hill, right? And then there's the whole UFO thing. If the Pentagon is releasing information about ‘unexplainable vehicles,’ I don’t buy it. It could very well be a cover-up for some advanced tech they don’t want us to know about.
You also have to consider the idea that advanced civilizations might evolve past biological forms. They might create AI or some kind of artificial life that has no interest in exploring the cosmos. That’s a wild thought. So, while I’m convinced there’s life out there, the question is, are they adventurers like us, or have they settled into something way more complex? That’s what keeps me up at night!

There's more to it and you know it- GIVE ME MORE! FREAK ME THE FUCK OUT, JOSEPH.

Absolutely, man. The possibilities of extraterrestrial life are mind-bending. I mean, look at the sheer scale of the universe—hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars. The math suggests that there’s a good chance we're not alone. It's almost arrogant to think we are, right?
Now, when you think about what that could mean for humanity, it’s huge. There are theories out there that suggest once a civilization reaches a certain level of technology, they might just turn inward—becoming some sort of hive mind, connected through virtual reality. Like, what if we all just decided to live in a shared digital space instead of exploring the cosmos?
And then there’s the Fermi Paradox—why haven’t we made contact yet? Maybe civilizations go extinct before they get the chance to explore, or maybe they’ve evolved beyond what we could even recognize as life.
I think it’s absolutely likely that there’s intelligent life out there. The question is, how do we interact with it if we ever do make contact? It could lead to a complete shift in our understanding of our place in the universe. We might just be scratching the surface of what’s possible. It’s exhilarating to think about, really.