Why Has Bill Gates Become a Villain?


3 years ago



Tim Dillon

13 appearances

Tim Dillon is a stand-up comedian and host of "The Tim Dillon Show." His comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available now on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" on April 30, 2024, and catch him as "Manny" in Eli Roth's "Thanksgiving." www.timdilloncomedy.com


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I'll take my chances. Take my chances with coronavirus. The next part, which I've heard, I'd not to get to conspiracy on this part, but like, I've heard the word nano getting added to RNA and vaccine stuff. Oh, the nano chips. Bill Gates. Bill Gates. It's an accurate, but I don't know what's accurate or what's not accurate. Boy, nobody took a bigger hit during this coronavirus lockdown than Bill Gates. Well, he became a villain. I don't think he's a villain, but I also think that, listen, we're living in a time now of Batman era. Villain, like, we're like these guys have billions and billions and trillions of dollars. I don't think he's a villain. I'm not saying he's a villain. I don't think he's a villain. I'm not saying he's a villain. Listen, but here's what's fucked. Bill Gates has done more for humanity than most rich people would ever imagine doing. That guy's built schools and wells and help people get educated. Look, him and his wife, the Gates Foundation, they've done a tremendous amount of positive work. But what I'm saying is- They have. But he's wading into the controversial waters of the vaccine. So listen. But what I'm saying is that during this pandemic, he's become a villain for the first time ever. It's like seven because he wants to deliver people the mark of the beast. That's all. That's the only reason people are upset with him is because he wants to deliver people the mark of the beast. You put Phraoxone in you. But listen, when he goes- Listen, you got to expect a certain amount of discussion when you are the guy inserting yourself into this very volatile debate about public health. And you're telling people they need to be vaccinated to travel. And these are the standards that you want people to adapt. Listen, man, he could have just been a billionaire that swam in his fucking pool. Why do you think he talked about that? Like telling people that they need to be vaccinated? I guess if he's given the benefit of the doubt, he just wants to help people, I guess. Let's not give him the benefit of the doubt. Okay. If we don't give him the benefit of the doubt, we'll say that he wants the world to look exactly like he thinks there's necessary and unnecessary things. He thinks that he should be in charge of people's health, public health, or that he thinks that a group of scientists or him and his foundation should be in charge of public health. His found- Really? No. I mean, listen, there's also billions of trillions of dollars to be made off some of these vaccines. Is he making money out of vaccines? I don't know what he's doing, but I'm telling- Yeah, so much money. Why does he need more money? Why does anyone need more money? I don't think he's doing it for money. I'm not saying he's an evil guy. I'm saying that we cannot write a blank check. I feel like you're saying he's an evil guy. We cannot write a blank check to anybody. We can't write a blank check, Joe, to anyone. Look at him. The next app. Well, that's in 2015. That's when he planned it. Listen, I don't trust anybody who wears an outfit. This fucking sweater with this- Can I just say this, and I'm being totally serious? The button shirt underneath it. Him and Dr. Fauci created AIDS. That's all I'll say. That's all I'm going to say. But why? Because, you know, people fuck around. Just for fun? And they created AIDS, so that's the only reason I'm a little skeptical. No, but in all seriousness, our society shouldn't be structured where one guy stands up, because, by the way, in order to travel and go places and open your businesses, here's what you need to do. And we talked about that in the beginning of the show, about the government doing it. Why is it better if a private billionaire is doing it? Well, here's the thing. Why are we listening to him talk about public health issues? Yeah, it's a great question. He's the guy who founded Microsoft. Phenomenal question. Yeah, I mean- That's a great question. Is it just because he's rich? He has an interest in it. What if I stepped up and started telling everyone, it's time to get vaccinated. Everyone's got to get vaccinated. Yeah. People would be like, hey, hey, hey. Relax. You're a fucking comedian and a cage fighting commentator. Right. And that's why I don't tell people to vote. So why is he doing it? Well, that's why people are a little suspicious. Ah. He's stepping out of his lane. Now, that sweater with the shirt on you. The sweater, the creating of AIDS, the mark of the beast, all of it's a problem. Yeah. It'll also be free. That's all we're asking. Just go download Spotify. Much love. Bye-bye. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah.