What's the Deal with Hunter Biden?


3 years ago



Tim Dillon

13 appearances

Tim Dillon is a stand-up comedian and host of "The Tim Dillon Show." His comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available now on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" on April 30, 2024, and catch him as "Manny" in Eli Roth's "Thanksgiving." www.timdilloncomedy.com


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The J.Rogan experience. What's crazy is when there's corruption, but they'll ignore it because it'll interfere with what they want. Like this Hunter Biden shit. Yes. Bro. It's crazy. This was Donald Trump Jr. And is Hunter the one that passed away or no? No, he's the one that's still alive. He's the one that took millions of dollars. Did he marry the wife of the brother? I hope so. I don't know. Something went wild there, right? What happened? Didn't something go wild, Jamie? Something weird with the brother that died's wife and Hunter. I think I could be wrong. Don't quote me on this. But the scandal is that he took a shit ton of money from Russian billionaires, right? Isn't that the scandal? Jamie's double Googling right now. Hold. Let's start with the brother, the wife of the brother. I could be wrong about this. Hunter Biden, father, child, woman. While dating brother's widow. Whoa. Whoa. I mean, this is a wild family. Well, hold on. Can I see a picture of this girl? Good point. She might have been the hottest part. Joe Biden is the one on the right. Okay. Hunter and Hanley Biden. They broke up after nearly two years of dating. She filed a paternity suit. Same month, Hunter Biden, 49, Mary, and Melissa Cohen after just six days of dating. Yeah, well, okay. Maybe he found the perfect girl after he'd already knocked up this other chick and this other chick he fucking hated, but he vowed to take care of the baby. You know? But essentially he's dating a brother's widow. That's interesting. That's interesting. Messy. Sure. People are messy. Sure. Listen, the brother's dead. Maybe he's in love with the widow. Maybe it's a perfect relationship. Sounds good. I don't have a problem with that. I mean, it's weird. It is strange. It's certainly salacious. Odd. It's odd that Biden is holding up children and sniffing them. But strange. That's odd. Odd. Odd. That is odd. Sniffer. Hey. He was involved in some billionaire. He got money from a Russian billionaire. I think it was like some very large amount of money. He was involved in this energy company. They were all involved in this energy company. They all find these little scams that nobody knows about and then eventually they come out like once every four years, election year. But I think a lot of them were working for like this same energy company in the Ukraine that's involved with all of these problems. Yeah. Well, I mean, Hillary Clinton was involved with the Russians. You know what's hilarious? There's one meme. It's a really good meme. Yeah. Here it is. 3.5 million wild transfer from Russian billionaire. Yeah. Okay. He was briefed about sons and, Biden was briefed about sons involved in, according to Hunter Biden's Barisma. Hunter Biden Barisma? What does that mean? Hunter. Oh, okay. Scroll, scroll back. Oh, oh, the company's Barisma. Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son, Hunter made money from Russia, China. Uh, okay. All right. I don't know. Maybe he earned the money. Right. I know. But I just know that it's weird that the media is kind of ignoring it. Well, the media is 100% in the tank. They don't want Trump winning. 90% of the media. Episodes of the Joe Rogan experience are now free on Spotify. That's right. They're free from September 1st to December 1st. They're going to be available everywhere, but after December 1st, they will only be available on Spotify, but they will be free. That includes the video. The video will also be there. It'll also be free. That's all we're asking. Just go download Spotify. Much love. Bye bye. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.