Was JFK a Speed Freak?


5 years ago




2 appearances

Zuby is an independent rapper, public speaker, author, and host of the "Real Talk with Zuby" podcast.


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Hitler, when he went to meet Mussolini, he was apparently super exhausted, so they pumped him up with steroids and liquid cocaine. Liquid cocaine. They injected him with steroids and cocaine, and then he liked it so much he asked for a second dose and they thought he was going to kill him, and he said, give it to me. And then he went to visit Mussolini and apparently chewed Mussolini's ear off for five hours. Mussolini was apparently thinking about getting out of the war, and Hitler talked him out of it, just fucking spitting coke talk at him. Steroids and liquid cocaine. That's the worst thing you can give to that guy. That's a fucking Ric Flair right there. Good grief, man. Yeah. I mean, I think they've done that to people forever. Apparently that was the case with Kennedy. Kennedy, they would shoot him up with amphetamines. Really? Yeah. See if you can find that. What, just to keep his energy levels up? Kennedy was very sick, apparently, before he died. And he had severe back pains. He was really banged up. And he had some sort of a disease. I don't remember what the disease was, but during much of his presidency, they would put him on amphetamines to keep him active. They didn't think about the consequences of those things back then. I don't think they truly understood addiction back then. I don't think they truly understood the way it affects your decision making process. Well, that's back when they used to just advertise heroin in the newspaper and stuff as a sort of general pain. They didn't do that in the 60s. When was that? What decade was that? A long time ago. When they used to just, you'd look in the papers and they'd just have like, you know, such and such heroin, take this. And when they used to give women tapeworm eggs as diet pills and all that crazy. Did they really? Yeah. Those were the original diet pills, right? They used to give women tapeworm eggs so that you ingest it and then obviously the tapeworm grows inside of you and eats all the food and you lose weight. We have so much to talk about. Let's find out about Kenny first. So we've heard of Dr. Feelgood. That's who his doctor was. Dr. Max Jacobson was injecting him and his wife and a list of other people. I thought it was a Motley Cruise song. Okay. Dr. Jacobson, oh my God. Here we go. What does it say here? The most, scroll up a little bit. The most famous doctor patients were President and Mrs. Kennedy. Dr. Jacobson frequently visited the White House and often traveled with the Kennedys. In 1961, for example, he went with the President to Vienna for a summit meeting with Khrushchev. Dr. Jacobson said in an interview, gave the President injections there. In addition to the Kennedys, other persons who are patients of the doctor included Truman Capote, Cecil B. DeMille, Eddie Fisher, Alan J. Lerner. I don't know who that is. Representative Claude Pepper of Florida, blah, blah, blah. A bunch of other politicians and Tennessee Williams. Wow. Included among a number of other prominent patients of Dr. Jacobson have been a bunch of other famous people, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. An extensive inquiry also turned up the names of well over 100 others in ranking positions in government, journalism, finance, industry, society, and several entertainment fields who are said to be patients of Dr. Jacobson, but who could not be confirmed as such. What does it say about it? Okay. It cannot be said with certainty that the Kennedys or with a few exceptions, any other specific patient received amphetamine. It is known however, that Dr. Jacobson uses unusually large amounts of amphetamine in his practice. The doctor's office reported that Dr. Jacobson buys amphetamine at the rate of 80 grams a month. That is enough to make 100 fairly strong doses of 25 milligrams every day. So he's got 100 people taking hardcore doses of amphetamines every day. 25 milligrams, apparently they're saying it's a big dose. I don't know. Is it a lot? I mean, just take an Adderall, it's just like 10 to 20. Max, sometimes people that are crazy get 40. 25, you're fucking grinded in an enamel. It's injected too. Right to the source. Fuck stomach acids. Get in the blood, baby. Wow. Yeah. I think it's been going on forever. Yeah, it seems like it. Well, I mean, it's about energy, right? Look at poor fucking Joe Biden, that poor bastard. You've been paying attention to him? A little bit. He's bleeding from the eyes. Yeah. I saw that. On TV. His eyes just start bleeding. Yeah. How old is he? A million. He's a million years old. He's only like 78 or some shit. He's not that much older than- 78 is too old to be president. It is too old. If you're that guy, I mean, you could be 70, like Jack LaLanne when he was 78, look, fucking fantastic. When he was 90, he was pulling boats. Yeah. Do you ever see that? You get Biden's eye. You get his eyeball. Yeah. That's too old, man. The end for evasive answers. Evasive answers. Like I can't see. Fucking bleeding out of his eyeballs. That's like some hell raiser type shit. Because if you do get into office, I mean, you age at like four times the normal rate or something anyway. Well, he thinks he's been in office, but that's horseshit. He was a vice president. The vice president is probably the easiest job in the history of the world. The vice president is like slightly easier than hosting fear factor. That's what I think. You just kind of show up. Everybody else does the hard work. That fucking guy. That's barely a job.