Joe Rogan Reacts to Plastic Surgery Disasters


5 years ago




2 appearances

Zuby is an independent rapper, public speaker, author, and host of the "Real Talk with Zuby" podcast.


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We have this sort of uncharted territory of social media. It's not like a lot of documented history of use. So we can go back to a hundred years of people using social media. And this is the way to do it healthily. And this is the way to, you know, there's people that are just fucking tweeting all day long. Yeah. It's just an experiment. I think going crazy, pulling their fucking hair out, taking pills, barely, barely getting by in this life and just tweeting all day long. Yeah. It's weird. And you've got people have different, and then you've got people who just post 10 selfies a day. Same picture, same face and just. Do they really? Yeah. There's some, it's generally women, but there's some people's profiles you can go and it's just, you go on their Instagram page and it's just all just their face, same face, same pose and multiple times a day. Just their butt over and over and over again. Did you see that video clip where the girl had the selfie stick and she's trying to get a photo of her own butt with this, with a selfie stick. She's like on a deck chair. I've seen that. Yeah. That's hilarious. And someone took a picture of her doing it. So her ass is straight up in the air and she had the selfie stick up like that. Oh my God. She's trying to get that perfect ass angle. I was like, wow, that's so 2019. Thirsty, thirsty. People are so thirsty. They want like so badly. Yeah, it is. It is very weird. And then you've had people who have died because of it. Oh yeah. Yeah. Grand Canyon. Yeah. People keep falling off the Grand Canyon. Oh really? People keep falling off buildings. There was that couple where the... There she is. Bam! She doesn't even have a selfie stick. Still loving our generation. Who posted that? Oh no, she has got her selfie stick. Barstool? She has got the selfie stick. Oh, she does have a selfie stick. Oh, she put it on the selfie stick. Look at that dirty bitch. See, see, right there she's got her arm up and then she's like not good enough. Let's get that selfie stick out. Oh my God. That is so hilarious. It's strange. But imagine if that's your daughter. You're like, no. It is really strange. What have I done? Because I think it's both exposed people for what they are, but it's also changed people's behavior. Yes. You know, people do things now that you just wouldn't... Even something as simple as taking a picture of your food. Well, here's something that never existed before. I'll show you something. This is a move that women do. Where did I put my phone? Oh my God, I lost my phone. Oh no. It's probably in my car. Oh well. No. Yeah, here it is. Hold on. My purse. My man purse. Man purse. This is something that you see now that you never saw before. Ready? Here's the look. Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah. Chicken neck. That's the thing the girls do. They're trying to get the right angle. Got to get the right side. Nobody used to do that before. No. Right? That's a new thing. That's a new movement of their head. Yeah. Taking photos of yourself is a pretty new concept. Yes. I remember in my space people used to do it in the mirror and the bathrooms and stuff like that. Right, right. And that's when they first got thirsty. Yeah. They first started seeing six packs and nice asses and people were like, hmm. Yeah, it's just weird. I just wonder what the effect will be in a couple decades to be honest with you. Coincidentally, my space is also right around the time that white people started figuring out they like big asses. Something's happened with that, hasn't there? I was talking about this with one of my friends. Go back to like the Dukes of Hazzard. Yeah. Okay, this is what I was talking about the other day. Catherine Duke, she was like one of the hottest women on the planet Earth in like 1980. And she's a beautiful lady with an ass as flat as this table. She probably never did a squat. Yeah. Ever. And nowadays that won't fly. You can't get by. You can't get by without a big caboose. It's weird. It's part evolution, part diet, part, I don't know. Doctors. Doctors. A lot of doctors. No, going to the gym has become a lot more mainstream though in general, hasn't it? It certainly has, but there's a lot of gals out there faking funk. There's a lot of gals out there with some plastic shoved in their buttocks area. And ready for this? Dun, dun, dun. Ass cancer. There's a whole group of humans that are experiencing cancer in their ass because of ass implants. Really? The same kind of cancer that many women get when they get breast implants. It's not 100% of them, but it's relevant. There's an issue. There was an article written about it recently that doctors are starting to find the same types of cancer that some women get. Because everyone's body reacts differently to everything and there are certain risks that you take if you get some sort of an implant in your body that your body rejects it or that it causes cancer. So women are getting cancer of their ass. That's a rough cancer, bro. You got to go in there and scoop out chunks of your butt and maybe you die. Maybe you die. It's not worth it. Because you weren't willing to do squats. Yeah, just do squats. That's the thing. You can do squats. It's like if a guy has a little dick, all right, and there was a machine that let you build your dick up, there would be a line around the block for that machine. All right? I mean, everybody would be on that goddamn dick machine, but women have a way to build their ass up. It is a real thing. You can do squats and deadlifts. You can run stairs. You can do squats and deadlifts and you will get a big, firm ass. Man, it works. You know, you're not going to get a JLo ass unless you got those hips. Yeah. Have you seen when guys do the six pack implants or... Of course, you must have seen like a synthol and stuff where they inject the oil into the muscles. To make their muscles swell up. Yeah. People do weird... Crazy. People do some strange, some really strange stuff. The six pack one is the weirdest though. Because it's just there all the time. Yeah. Even if they... Ripped. Yeah, but it looks weird. Even if they gain weight and the rest of their body is kind of flabby, you still just got... It looks like a Ninja Turtle. That's what it looks like. Yeah. It's like ball jig. That's the perfect way to describe it. Oh my God. Yeah, it looks like Bowser. Fake ab implants over his keg. It looks like Bowser from Mario, you know? Show me that in a large version. Jesus Christ. That's weird, right? That's so crazy because that guy's fat. It just doesn't look right. Wow, that's so weird. That's definitely fake. It's not only that guy just does a shit ton of sit ups. No. Because he's got a barrel chest, but he doesn't have any packs, which is weird. Who is that? It says celebs. I think this guy was on Big Brother in the UK. Yeah, I don't know. And he definitely got an ab implant. Yeah, that's an ab implant. That's a fact. Yeah. I'm pretty sure. I don't know. I'm pretty sure that's an ab. Yeah. This shows off plastic surgery, plastic abs. Go back to that image that you were just at before. Go back to where you just wear it. No, scroll down. No, no, no. On the other side. Scroll down. The boxer right there. On the left-hand side. Yeah. That guy was a boxer above it right there. That guy had pec implants. Oh, okay. That was a boxer with pec implants and like crazy plastic surgery face. We watched a video of him before. He was fighting in Mexico. He had like fixed fights in Mexico. Remember that? Yeah. This guy had like fake everything, like fake chest and fake muscles. It's just so weird because it doesn't even function. Oh my God. It's so strange though because it doesn't even function. Yeah. Right? If you had big arms or arms that look big pumped up with synthol or whatever, but then they're not even strong. Right. And then the problem is look at that neck. Grab ahold of that neck, bro. You ain't defending any jokes, sir. That is a tiny ass neck. Oh, that one there, that before and after really shows on the left, the abs. Oh yeah. Go to that far left. Yeah. That really shows that. Wow. That's incredible. Yeah. My God. But what's weird is because your abs only look like that if you're leaning, like if you're flexing them. Yes. But when they do that, it's like that all the time. All the time. So it just, it just doesn't look great. Look at that. That's incredible. This is different. This is abdominal etching. So it's not an implant, but like sculpting in some way with that guy did also lose weight between those two pictures. Yeah, he certainly did. He certainly dropped his body and it looks like his arms and chest got bigger too. He leaned out. I'm not buying that one. Might be just, and then that you got that synthol guy up there. I don't know. People do some, people do some strange things. The thing is a woman can get things done like boobs and no one cares. She looks hot, but if a guy's got like a fucking sock in his face. Oh, that we're looking at a girl who has fake implants of her, her abdomen, her abdominal muscles that are so obviously fake that they're over her ribs. Like those muscles are literally over the rib cage where they don't even belong. No, that's nuts. Look at her face too. Steroids. Yeah. So you can see like, look at, yeah. So look at that guy. You can see when he's sitting. The abs are still, it just doesn't look like he is too, bro. You got to lose weight. If you're going to rock a fit, that's so lazy. It's an eight pack too. It's so lazy. See, abs are a weird one. Cause if you really desperately wanted to abs, everybody can get them. If you just work hard enough, you know, abs, it's not like, what is that? The guy's abs and then a weird swelling underneath. Yeah. Oh, it says flesh fanny pack. Yeah, but that's his skin. What is that? I don't know. I don't know. Sorry. What is that? That's just a weird picture. Yeah. Yeah. But guys with fake things, like get no respect. You know what I mean? Like a guy with a fake dick, like get out of here. A guy with a fake pecs. Go away. What is this? Whoa. He injected into his ball sack. Oh my God. Man dies after injecting silicone into his testicles for sex cult game. Okay. Yeah. That's a lot of issues. But like dudes with fake pecs and guys with fake muscles, like nobody wants to see that shit. No, just go to the gym and eat right. It does work. Yeah. Imagine if there were really, if there was a dick growing machine, you know, like a squat rack for your dick. Boy, boy, would there be a line. But after, uh, wouldn't it just become like that would just become the new norm if everyone Yeah, girls would be all stretched out. Everybody'd have a giant hog. But you know what? I actually think most people would use, just like most people don't go to the gym. I mean, you've already got this option to increase your muscles and make yourself look better and most people don't do it. So I'm not convinced that if it took actual work and effort, I don't actually think the majority of people would do it. I think you're a hundred percent correct. Yeah. If it was difficult, it was hard work. That's why people want these operations. All they have to do is go to the doctor's office and doctors going to take care of everything. Mike, I'm going to put you under and when you wake up, you're going to have a hog of a lifetime. You're going to have the giant pecs and a full sculpted six pack and synth all stuffed muscles. There's one video of this guy, this Brazilian dude, who's got these synth all muscles and he's dancing and it looks like he's got water balloons. Oh, I know who you're talking about. Yeah. Like the body dysmorphia where people just don't see what other people see like same as anorexics and same as, you know, I guess bodybuilders have that same issue. Like a lot of really enormous bodybuilders still feel like they look small. Yeah. It's, it's weird, man. It's weird to like, I just think if you want to change your body, you want to change your physique, you want to feel better. You want to feel more confident. There is a way to do that. Yes. That doesn't involve paying tens of thousands of dollars or taking massive health risks or getting caught up or anything like that. Just go to the gym, lift, train. It works. Yes. It really, it really does work. I mean, I think not everyone's going to be able to reach some elite level, but, you know, everyone can look better, man. Everyone can look better. The people that I have sympathy for are people with physical deformities and, you know, issues that just can't grow muscle or something's wrong with your body or you have a disease like that. I get it. Then for those people, I do truly hope that science comes up with a solution and through some sort of CRISPR type engineering, they're able to.