Michael Yo On the First Time He Saw Someone Die [Disturbing!] | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Michael Yo

3 appearances

Michael Yo is a stand up comedian. Look for his podcast "Michael Yo Show" on Spotify.


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Jamie was it you that was telling me yesterday about the guy who is the EMT who sees tell me tell me what you told me He said he said he was listening to the podcast we did with Lewis J Gomez about people getting head injuries And he has been doing I believe for like 15 years or so Like doesn't do it every single day because you don't work every single day but on a three-day basis or so every day He works he sees at least one person dead from a head injury whether it's an elderly person this up on ice Something people fall and hit their heads. Oh, yeah, like that's why please folks if you're listening to me And you want to punch somebody and knock them out, please don't do it Just go to a gym get your frustrations out don't fight on the street You could kill somebody or you can get killed even accidentally Even if you really don't hate the guy that much you punch him in the face Yeah, go unconscious their head hits the ground people die all the time I mean I've told the story about when Kevin James used to work as a bouncer in Long Island a guy that he was Working with punched a guy and killed him really? Yeah, Kevin Kevin wasn't there, but he knew the guy and the guy Accidentally killed a drunk guy drunk guys coming at him. He punched him. I guess I don't know the whole story But that shit happens all the time. I've seen guys and it's not about the punch though It's about when they hit their head after you're getting hit by the world Yeah, think about that think of the world just drop on your head. That's what it's like your body mass Bouncing off a completely especially concrete. There's no give so your head just clock. It sounds horrible Why listen to someone's head bounce off concrete is one of the scariest fucking sounds It's horrible Even if you do it to somebody and you wanted to hurt them when you hear their head bounce off concrete you like oh shit, like that's not as simple as like you punched them you punched them and then You know, whatever they weigh 190 pounds with all the mass of grass all their mass and gravity Pulling them towards the ground with nothing slowing it down but meat and head bang bone Shoulder that reminds me when I was 10 years old I was sitting on the curb and this is the first time I saw death in real life from a head injury I was sitting with my friend on the curb and a guy was driving a motorcycle And he was speeding up and down the street and right on Irishwood in Houston, Texas He's flying down a car pulls out and he hits it backed in anywhere helmets So he literally flew up in the air and landed about 20 feet from us his head hit first And exploded like a watermelon and this is like I was 10 years old watching this So the next morning, you know the police come my parents get me to tell me don't look at it to put I Go out there the next day. It's just bloodstains everywhere and his wife is picking up his hair That's stuck to the concrete and I remember it's so vividly I was next door neighbor was Eric and we were sitting on the curb Watching this lady pick up her husband's hair that was stuck in and that's the first time I ever saw death and it It was oh and it was a gnarly death too. It was like that faces of death stuff like it was bad It was bad. I never rode a motorcycle because of that. Yeah, there's not There's not a lot of reasons to ride a motorcycle other than it's awesome. Yeah Just like the fucking danger. I took motorcycle safety classes and then two of my friends Wiped out one of them got hit by a car and one of them fell going around a corner and fucked his shoulder up. I After that accident probably about six years later, you know when three wheelers were big back Yeah, and my friend same friend that was on the curb. We were Three wheeling and and where I grew up there is a bunch of ditches So we're going and he thought he could go down in the ditch and come up the other side But I think he forgot that is flat on the bottom of real ditches So literally we're going and we hit the bottom and I flew up in literally half my face was like just wrecked I was in a hospital and And we didn't have helmets at that time and because we're young and dumb and just wanted to like stupid stupid