Are Our Ancestors' Memories Locked In Our DNA? | Joe Rogan and Michael Yo


5 years ago



Michael Yo

3 appearances

Michael Yo is a stand up comedian. Look for his podcast "Michael Yo Show" on Spotify.


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This whole cult thing. I don't get it. So don't is a weird one, right because it's all like crystals and healers It's all people looking to be spiritual. They've given up on on traditional religion, but they seem to need that sort of vibe Yeah, and so they they get into like spiritual stuff and channelers and healers. Have you got in that? So I knew it all day long. Oh What all about channeling bro I'm in a channeling. Yeah, right. I mean no no I think we I really do believe and I've been believing this more and more lately though that our understanding of what our memory is is Very limited and that the reason why people are scared of things some things is probably because there's some sort of genetic memory Of someone that they knew like I bet your kid will have Somehow or another that knowledge of that motorcycle accident and that feet there's I think she liked that goes through DNA Really? Yeah, I do. I think that's why kids are scared of monsters, you know, why is kids scared of monsters? Why aren't they scared of bullets or fires or you know, like why aren't they screaming? They're scared of something that I was scared of growing up. No, there's animals used to eat people. Yeah, that's what I think I think monsters represent like jaguars and shit Like you're going through the jungle and try to get some water and you get jacked That's our ancestors all of our ancestors every single human being on this planet came from Africa all of us 100% of us everyone absolutely black white all of us got eaten all of our ancestors get our DNA. It's wired There's cats out there. Yeah What are you afraid of monsters in the dark? Those are cats man. We got jacked by cats like all the time Yeah, yeah, so that's why everybody's scared of things under the bed what's in the closet they're hiding their cats big cats looking to get you I Don't know about that This is very scary for a moment, but I don't believe in that why do you think that animals have instincts, right? Like here's a perfect example. We have instincts, right? But what kind of instincts animals have weird instincts like they all sniff each other's assholes Yeah, they all piss on spots where other animals did they don't nobody had to teach my dog how to do that my dog I got him when he was six weeks old And I've had him for two and a half years that motherfucker will sniff something and he sees somebody peed on it He pees on it, but he learned that from his he didn't learn that from nobody No, he learned that from his dog people like when he came over here. He didn't know jack shit. So he's No, I think it's in his DNA, okay. Yeah, I get that but what is the DNA like doesn't your DNA Carry some traces of information onto your own children. Like what I notice in my children Okay They share a certain weird traits that I have that I don't think like like Obsessive compulsive traits that I don't think they see because I don't really bring that home Like especially the workout stuff and like some things that I really get kind of psychotic about Martial art stuff my my middle daughter has that in a crazy way and I'm like, okay This is me if I was a girl, okay Like if I was a little girl, this is me like what is it? So is this my memory that's in her or is it do I have like some weird? Obsessive gene, which is it it is the DNA because I see my son He's only two he just turned two but he makes facial expressions and looks like he does certain looks that I do And and my wife goes he's acting like you right now Do you think he's act like you because he sees you act like that or he's acting like you know Because he knows in his head that that's how you wired like that Hey because when I watch it, he doesn't know like a lot of this stuff. He does I don't eat I don't even do he just does that like my mom. Oh Come over and she'll watch him. She go, you know, he's just like you when you were this age And it's so weird. Yeah, it's in the DNA. It's in something right? Whatever it is, whether it's in cellular memory DNA some sort of genetic information Gets passed on but that's the child you could say that about athletics though Like if you know that's that's a little different though, but it's in the DNA. Yeah, it isn't the DNA But it's not an ethereal thing like a thought