5 years ago
8 appearances
Michael Malice is a cultural commentator, host of the PodcastOne podcast "YOUR WELCOME," and author of several books, including "Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il," "The Anarchist Handbook," and "The White Pill: A Tale of Good & Evil." www.michaelmalice.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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Weren't they complaining about Will Smith being the genie for some reason? Yes. People complain about everything. Although I do have to tell you, I wanted to see Frozen, the musical, because I have daughters. So I wanted to see Frozen. First of all, it was at the Pantages. It's a wonderful production. It's excellent. It's really good. I mean, I actually enjoyed the musical. It's very good. However, it's about people that live in the Arctic or they live in the Nordic country, right? That's what it's supposed to be about. They're all these blonde people, white people. Well, the dad's black in the musical and the mom's Chinese. Yeah. Okay? And then the dad's black and the mom's Chinese, which is great. They're great actors. Then they have kids. Okay? And the kid, one of the kids is Chinese and one of the kids is white. And then the kids grow up and they're both white. Wait, the Chinese girl becomes white? Oh yes. The Chinese girl becomes white and there's no explanation given at all. The Chinese girl's little. She's Chinese. Or I should say Chinese. I'm a piece of shit and there's a terrible thing to say. I meant to say Asian. You meant Chinaman. No. She's a little Chinaman. She's a girl. A Chinaman girl. She was a, I don't know if she's Chinese, she was a young Asian girl. She became a white girl. Did she make pee pee in your Coke? That's how you know. She was great at her job. I mean, she had perfect singing and everything was beautiful. They're very talented, but they're requiring you to make this leap. Like now you have to know that this is now a different ethnicity. This is a different person. Not just a different person, but you can't even pretend that it's the same person. Like in most movies where you have someone plays a young version of the guy, it looks like the guy. It's not like you have a young Chinese guy who becomes Clint Eastwood. You're like, hey, what are we doing here? Like what are we making? If you have a young Clint Eastwood, he's supposed to look like he could be a young Clint Eastwood. I talked about this in my last book, then you're right. They were even complaining there was a video game that takes place in the Middle Ages very popular. Maybe you guys know the name and I'm blanking on it. And they were complaining that there weren't enough black people there because everyone on Twitter and Facebook still thinks they're in the sixties and this is their personal march on Selma and they're fighting against segregation. I'm like, this isn't segregation. This is history. Yeah, you can't. If you want to make a movie about Egypt, right, you should use people that look like they're Egyptian. Yes. And you're going to just have only white people from Norway, play Egyptians, people going to want to kick your ass. And that's kind of the same thing. You're fucking with reality. I'm not saying with Frozen, but with a movie, like, or any historical depiction, anything where you're like depicting an actual time. You know, if you want to have like, like the wild west, you want to do a movie about the wild west, you have to have European settlers. You have to have some African slaves and you have to have a lot of, a lot of native Americans. You can't just decide we're going to do a film about the wild west, but everyone's black. The Indians are black. Cowboys are black. All black crew, all black writers, black power. We're going to make it happen. But you can't, if you did that movie, people are like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are there slaves? Yes. Okay. So the black people have slaves? Yes. My favorite comic book series of all time was Legion of Superheroes, right? And I just takes place in the thirtieth century and I was just the thirtieth century thousand years from now, I was just in the comic book store. I just keep rebooting it. Number two just came out and I was looking at the cover. You have chameleon boy who's orange with antennae, brainiac five who's green and a living computer, shadow lasses blue, but they had to make lightning lad black for some reason now. It's just like these are 40 diverse aliens. Some of them don't even have a body, but they have to change the race just to, it's just really kind of a, I guess the thing you do and stay woke, but in retrospect, it's going to be embarrassing because you not know about staying woke. I'm very familiar. Do you stay woke at all? I never sleep. Do you ever think about like trying to be like a little more woke and people like you better? Ever think of that? No, I don't think they would like me better. I think they might. If you might maybe give in a little bit. How can you like me better? We're already at 11. I'm the pride of America. This style's not going up. It's such a strange time, man. But it's always a strange time. I think now what makes it good is that this can be called out and discussed and be like, look, this isn't about race or racism. Why is it important to you that this Chinese girl in Frozen grows up to become white? Just explain this to me. I should say they did a great job. Everybody was awesome. It was not in any way shit. I enjoyed it. It didn't take away from my enjoyment. It was a very good musical. It did take away because you're just like- No, no, no. I enjoyed it more. I enjoyed it more because I saw the wokeness. Stop provoking. I saw they did some woke shit. I was like, I see what you're doing. Not to say that the Asian lady wasn't fantastic as the mom. She was. The black eyes of the dad. He was amazing. But you want me to believe that a black eye made it with an Asian lady. They made two blonde kids and one of them started out Asian and then became European later. We don't know that he was their dad. Yes, we do. It's part of the script. They go to- They describe their parents. They have children. The children grow up. You don't know if she's hoeing around. No, she's not hoeing around because if she is, she's hoeing around with a goddamn chameleon because the child morphs as it gets older, becomes a different race. They changed races of the same person, the same character. Yeah, but the point is it's still not going to happen that a black guy and a Chinese person are going to have a white kid. So maybe the Chinese lady had sex with a white guy. Could be. Could be. Could be he's a cuck. Yeah, it could be. Frozen refers to the sperm that was unfrozen. Good point. It's just amazing that Disney is- people think corporate America is very conservative, but they're the first ones to be pushing this stuff. I remember I was in Times Square in New York Pride Month. Rainbow flags everywhere. And I said, only corporate America can make sodomine perversion look boring. You son of a bitch. Am I wrong though? You're a son of a bitch. Yeah, in a way. Yeah. How am I wrong? No, you're right. Oh, okay. No, I'm saying it. No. It's just like- Am I wrong? I'm like, definitely wrong. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.