Joe Talks Monkeys Stealing Coronavirus Viles, Other Monkey Related Topics


4 years ago



Reggie Watts

5 appearances

Reggie Watts is a comedian, actor, author, and musician. Look for his new book "Great Falls, MT: Fast Times, Post-Punk Weirdos, and a Tale of Coming Home Again" on October 17.


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It's like, did you see that in India, the monkeys stole the coronavirus samples from the left? Yes. So a gang of monkeys that were like, give me that. And they gave it to them. But the funny thing is they didn't get into it. So they actually were able to keep the specimens intact. Oh really? That was kind of crazy. Yeah. Oh, what did they, I wonder what the monkeys thought it was. I don't know. They were probably just like, well, the way they're holding it looks important. I better take it. Yeah. Yeah. And they're like, apparently, and then you can give them food and they'll give it back to you. They'll make deals. Yeah. Oh, the barter. Yeah. Yeah. They make deals depending on the monkeys, depending on the territory, but if they're used to deals with people. That's so amazing. Oh, they're so smart, man. Yeah. They're like really dumb people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Must pull this one up. Bro, it is the crazy. I don't, I think it was in, I don't want to say Indonesia. There's also on a leash. I don't know if you noticed that. The monkey was on a leash? Yeah. Somebody had him like by, that's how, that's why it came back so fast. Oh. But it was on. I don't really know. It was throttling though. It was like crazy. Yeah. The monkey rode a motorcycle down this alley to these people that were sitting there, grabs a baby and starts dragging the baby away. Watch this. Here he goes. He's on the motorcycle. Hold on. Do it from the beginning. I did. I did. He rode up on a motorcycle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You do it, but do it from the beginning so he could see it. Watch this. See? On the motorcycle. Pulls up, jumps off, grabs that baby. Just grabs him and pulling the baby away. I mean, first of all, how fucking strong are monkeys? Yeah. They're really strong. I like how casual the dude is though. The guy was like, hey, try not to have your monkey take my baby away. Jamie, where do you see this leash? Watch the ochs getting dragged away. No. The monkey's getting dragged away. It's not walking away. Oh. Oh. Watch the monkey. It's getting dragged too. Oh, it's just holding, he's holding onto the baby and he's being dragged. Is that 100% sure? That's crazy. It's not walking away with the baby. Yeah, because he's being yanked and he's trying to go for the kid. So the guy's trying to probably get him away from the kid. That's insane. And that's probably why the guy's so casual too. I mean, I still don't know why he's being casual about that, but wow. What the fuck, man? That's so terrifying. And you know that kid's going to grow up and go like, yeah, that happened. Yeah. A lot of stuff happens. That makes sense because otherwise, how the fuck would a monkey know how to ride a motorcycle if somebody had to teach that monkey? Definitely. Dude, it's not like monkeys going like, gosh, someday I can't wait to ride a motorcycle. But maybe if monkeys saw like, it's a small motorcycle too, right? It's like a little kid's motorcycle. Yeah. Like probably electric. If someone saw, like a monkey saw a person do something, a monkey could probably copy it. Sure, sure. It's a photo. I don't know if you've ever seen it, but that stuff's good, right? Yeah, this stuff is really good. Yeah. Kill Cliffs, the shit. Yeah. 25 milligrams of CBD and it's delicious. I need it. There's a photograph, a famous photograph of a orangutan that is spearfishing and it learned how to do it by watching people. Look at this monkey. Wow. He's getting a little motorcycle. Oh, wow. He's getting after it. Oh my gosh, that's so cool. Wow. That's so rad. It's in Asia. So it is Indonesia where I think that's what they were saying the other one was. See if you can find the photo of the orangutan that's spearfishing. So it's hanging from a branch with a spear and sticking it into the water to stab a fish, just like it's seen humans do. Because that's how the people fish there. So the orangutan's like, huh, I think I got that. I think I got it. They're wild orangutan spearfishing. That's so crazy to me. Well they've said that they believe that primates, particularly some monkeys and some chimps are in the Stone Age now. I see, I see, I see. They're starting to use tools. They're entering into the Stone Age. See, look at that photo. How dope is that? Wow. That's crazy. That's amazing. Look how he's hanging with his feet in his hands. Yeah, man. And just stabbing into the water at fish. The Planet of the Apes, man. Fuck. It's happening. Well, look, we've got to think. I mean, if you believe in evolution, and I do. I do too. We were that. Yeah. Yeah, we were some form of that, some form of that. Something happened. Something happened that caused this to happen. If they start talking to us. I don't know. But you know, we're going to figure out some kind of a computer that's able to read every tiny micromovement and interpret it, happen to words. Right. Right. And there'll be like mood and then words. Gestures. So I think it's saying this, and it's just going to get better and better and better. Well, what was that gorilla that they taught sign language? Was it her name? Was that Jane Goodall? She was the one who used sign language with primates, I think. Yeah, but there was one that was really good at it. And this gorilla, I don't know if it was in the zoo, if it was in some sort of a research center. I see. But there was one gorilla that could really talk up a storm. Like had pretty... Cocoa. Cocoa, that's right. Oh yeah, Cocoa, that's right. Yeah, had conversations with sign language. That's so heavy. I know. Yeah, look at this. Oh, Robin Williams hung out with her? Whoa. Mr. Rogers. Aww, Mr. Rogers. Imagine... Whoa, look at her. Look at her head. I mean, imagine if... Yeah, that's so crazy. Have you ever seen the Humansi? No. Oh, I'm going to blow you away. There was this one weird chimp that they were really confused about. They actually thought it might be a hybrid between a human and a chimp. Because I want to say this was like the 50s or the 60s. It was really freaky. And this lady kept it. And I think they eventually had to bring it to some sort of a rescue center because it developed like a very unhealthy sexual relationship with this lady. Like it wanted a fucker. Robin was like real jealous of other people coming by. Which is... Yeah, that's what happened. That's crazy. Of course. Of course. Yeah, territorial. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They say that's what happened to that lady that had that big chimp in Connecticut. Remember that when her friend's face off? Her friend was cock blocking. Whoa. Heavy. And she might actually fuck that chimp. Because she used to sleep in the bed with it and she gave that chimp Xanax and red wine. Which probably not... This Humansi thing? I can't find accuracy of it. It says there was an unsuccessful attempt to create such a thing. No, no, no. It's just a chimp. It's just a weird looking chimp. But one of the weird parts about it is that it liked to walk on two feet. Like to walk on two feet and it looked like a person. It looked like a person fucked a chimp. Yeah, look at him. Oh, wow. Dude, it's creepy. I had to put these on. Yeah, get a look. Oh, yeah, I have seen a picture of this person. Go to that one in the far... The second row, second to the far left. The black and white one. Oh, this one? Yeah, that one. Look at that one. What in the fuck, man? Wow, that is... I want to think you say his name was Oliver. Yeah, that's what it's saying. Yeah. So its name was Oliver. But look at the weird facial expression. Particularly in that one image. Now, as he got older, he looked more and more just like a chimp. But one of the weird things about him, see if you can find a video of it, Oliver the Humansi. He used to walk on his back feet. So it was real creepy. And so that's part of the reason why there was all the speculation that maybe it was like some sort of a hybrid. It makes sense that there would be like definitely a... There's got to be outliers, you know, because so much genetic information is shared between like all of the animals on the planet, including us. And we have bits and pieces of all of it. So, oh my gosh, interesting. Weird. Yeah, could be an outlier. Yeah, well they did a DNA test on it because it had a very bald face as well. Yeah. Which is one of the other reasons why I think they had some speculation. There was some human in it. But they found out it was just a chimp. Just a weird chimp. Just, yeah, just like a unique... Yeah, so bizarre. Yeah, super strange. But I mean, you got to think if human beings, they think in this form that we're at, we've only been around in this form for somewhere in the neighborhood of 250,000 to 450,000 years or something like that. They don't really know. But I think on the short end, it's like quarter million years. That's not that long. Oh no. I mean, it's weird if you look at the evolutionary, like the lines, we just go, it's just a departure. Something happened. Aliens. I know. It's my favorite thing to think of. It's my 90%. I always go to the 90%. I'm 10% wrong, but I'm also 90% probably. When I'm high, I'm 100%. Yeah, something. Something alien. I mean, mushrooms are aliens. I think so. They probably came from other places in the universe. There's probably a bunch of lichens, like hybrid fungus and molds that work synergistically. Whatever. Who knows? The psilocybin can survive, the spores can survive in a vacuum. So they can survive in the vacuum of space. They can survive in extreme temperatures and extreme cold. Interesting. So the idea of panspermia, that idea that building blocks of life came from asteroidal impacts. They think that it's really possible that some sort of fungus could exist on an asteroid. We have chunks of the moon in Antarctica and other parts of the world where some big asteroid hits or a meteor hits the moon, a big chunk flies off, it gets sucked into our gravity and slams into Earth. If that can happen, you can get some fungus on that, some sort of spores. Yeah.