8 years ago
2 appearances
TJ Kirk is a professional ranter, author, and the creator of the YouTube channel, The Amazing Atheist. He is also a co-host of The Drunken Peasants Podcast available on Spotify.
8 years ago
8 years ago
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Hello freak bitches. You know, all that power already. Like why would he why would he want to be the president? Just seems like such a fucking hellacious job Unless he really feels like he can fix things or he's really gonna make a ton of money from it I mean, this is a guy who plasters his his fucking name on on buildings and shit, you know So I think it's really just a matter for him of like this is part of my legacy You know at towards the end of my life. I was president of the United States. It's so weird It's so weird because it's it's another version of what many people did with Obama in this weird way in That when Obama got into office There was all these like really really irrational people that said all kinds of crazy shit and by the way Trump was amongst them He was a birther. Yeah, he was remember for the longest time. He was convinced somebody convinced him I don't know who convinced him I don't know if he really relinquished it and realized he was wrong or if he still holds on to the idea Did he ever really believe it too? I don't know, you know, I don't know but you know who started that whole birth a thing Hillary Clinton. Yeah, she did. That's right. That's something people forget. It was during the the campaign between Her and Obama when they were trying to get the nomination in 2008 Yeah Yeah, she she had well she had one of her little orgs send out materials that you know showed Obama and like the like he was wearing like some African Muslim garb shit. Yeah, we're on a visit to some other kind you look at him. You know, he's Muslim and You know and Trump just ran with that. Yeah, or a lot of Republicans did too because you know Well, I guess that's just how they play politics. They have something like that. They just run with it It's just so strange to see Well, when you got a candidate named Barack Obama, I know you know, it's easy Hussein Hussein Obama like Barack Hussein Obama Hussein you're not the guy that you know ran Iraq and Obama Isn't that similar to the name of the guy that crashed those planes into the towers and yeah Somebody had a joke really good. Well-rooted joke. I don't remember who it was though might have been Tony Hinchcliffe, but the I mean This is almost a similar reaction I don't mean it's less It's more rational or less rational What I mean is almost like the energy of the reaction Like the energy of the birthers and the guys who were convinced that he was some sort of undercover Muslim and then he was gonna get into the White House and try to take America down from the inside like that Feeling that the amount of energy that way is mirrored now on the left. Maybe even though. Yeah, maybe even past I would say probably I Might not be right because I might not be remembering it perfectly But I feel like the energy on the left of people getting mad at Trump is more powerful or more There's more to it than the energy that I saw from people on the right that wanted Obama out of office Well, it might just be my memory. You gotta remember too. There's like an age gap there Yeah, cuz you know most of the people who are talking this shit about Obama were were pretty old, right? Right and a lot of the people now that are pissed or really young so they're more likely to take to the streets and you know smash things and Hold up signs and you know act wild and shit and mace people. Yeah, you know I remember when Bush took office though, like when Bush Was was being inaugurated. I remember he was driving down to the White House during on inauguration day And there were you know with with Trump the protesters kind of came the next day Mmm But when Bush was inaugurated the protesters were all there the day of and you know Bush couldn't even do the little traditional walk down the last few blocks of the the journey because there were so many protesters Yeah, people were just throwing things at the motorcade and shit. So I mean like this is not unusual But that was towards the end. No, that was the very beginning What am I which one am I thinking of wasn't there one towards the very end though? I Think we're thinking of different ones. Okay, I think I'm my memories fucked up But I think there was one towards the end where they had planned on having him walk down some long stretch Yeah, and they had to abandon it and get him into a car. Is that the same story? Yeah Well, I think that was both times I think was the first but the even during his first Time like when he was just first being inaugurated president in 2000. So right after Clinton Yeah, like that inauguration was bad. It was almost the same. Yeah, it was terrible It was almost the same as what you see now because people had had this Democrat in power for eight years and they thought like yeah and they thought Gore's a shoo-in cuz Clinton's popular. Mm-hmm Just same as like Hillary's a shoo-in cuz Obama's popular. Right but you know a Republican ended up taking it and and They just freaked out and it seems like that always just happens I mean like you did this kind of like backlash like it always Is kind of sold to us is like this is new This is like oh wow, look at what's going on now Isn't this crazy what crazy times we live in but it's almost back at my memories of the past and it seems like this is Pretty par for the course. I think you're right now that I'm thinking about it. It's almost like we go through these like cycles yeah, and if a president gets past one cycle removed from his his tenure Then people forgive him they forget and they change their opinion Yeah, like Reagan like man when I was a kid Reagan was a pariah like people were so upset about Reagan They were so upset and there was the Contra versus Nicaragua Trial that was on television with Oliver North. Yeah, and we were finding out on TV like whether or not the government had sold arms and Lied about it and whether and then you know The whole Reagan thing with the whether or not Reagan sold arms to Iran the great Jimmy Tingle hilarious stand-up comedian in Boston Has this bit about it because they but there was when Reagan started claiming Alzheimer's or when he claimed memory issues Which turned out to be true. I mean he really did have memory issues and he probably did at the time, but they asked him Did you sell arms to Iraq said I don't know and Jimmy Tingles like mr. President If you ever sell arms to people who hate us Jot it down. It's like make a note put it on the refrigerator today. I sold arms to people who hate me You have to hear him say I mean, you know it You have to realize though like America's always been a huge arms dealer. I mean we're constantly selling weapons Oh, yeah, I mean like if he didn't remember why he did it. It's probably because there were just so many other transactions I don't think the president personally gets involved too much in that sort of stuff But now probably now our country sells weapons all over the place and we continue to do that Yeah, my point was there like eight years later. He was the great Ronald Reagan. Oh, yeah eight years Well, I and I is he goes through the Clinton administration Everybody's done with Clinton getting his dick sucked in the White House and all that craziness and and then as soon as that's over People start reminiscing to Reagan. It's really interesting it's really interesting how we do it and so now Bush went through this period of being hated and He's out of office at Obama goes through his period of being hated for eight years And now that and even more unreasonable Republicans in office people long to the Bush days Oh, yeah, like you notice they're trotting Bush out and doing interviews with like hey remember this war criminal now. He's okay He's he's uncle Bush Bush here uncle Bush gonna set you on his knee. They um Super and Pope. What is that protests during the Bush administration his inauguration? Yeah. Mmm. Yep What does it say and fuck Bush? Oh buck? Bush? Fuck Bush there's a couple of you're not my president things of course man, of course So, you know, this is this is also cyclic Yeah, it just happens over and over again and people think it's new and they you know for something I think I guess it's it's the country just has a short memory What a crazy show this is what a crazy show we're watching The battle to control the world. Yeah political theater pageantry But you know like it's just I mean like I don't want to get into like you already had Alex Jones on the show I'm sorry. I can't really get into that level of territory But I mean I do agree that these parties are constantly just working together Behind the scenes and that 90% of the issues they agree on They just make a big spectacle of the little things. They actually disagree on You know distract us with a show you look America look look at us. We're fighting. We're fighting right have they stopped paying attention Okay, now we now we do the real deals who we gonna bomb who we gonna invade You know Who we gonna sell weapons to whatever? Yeah You