Joe Rogan & TJ Kirk discuss Steven Crowder, Cenk Uygur and the Marketplace of Ideas


7 years ago



TJ Kirk

2 appearances

TJ Kirk is a professional ranter, author, and the creator of the YouTube channel, The Amazing Atheist. He is also a co-host of The Drunken Peasants Podcast available on Spotify.


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Hello freak bitches. You know, Steven Crowder wanted to sue me too. Why do you want to sue you? He wanted to sue me. We were on the same network for a while on YouTube. And it was called Polypop. And the guy that was like my assigned, I forget what the position's called, the fucking facilitator or whatever the fuck. He had the same one as I did and he told me, you know, that video you made about Steven Crowder and that shit because he got in a fight with some union guy on footage and he was like, I was attacked by this union thug. I punched him. I looked at the footage and I'm like, wait a minute. This guy gets up from the ground. He's facing away from you. It looked like someone pushed him from behind. Did you see the whole video? Yeah. Well, the beginning of it, the guy threw a punch at him. Well, the guy was on the fucking ground. At one point. Yeah, like, but he's, you don't really see what happens with him. You see the guy throw a punch at him first. I'm very familiar with the video. I don't know. I looked at it. The guy's in his face. Can we maybe see the video? The guy's in his face. The guy comes close to him. They get into some sort of a grappling situation where the guy like physically manhandles him. All right. Hold on. This is on Crowder's channel. I want to see the, there's like an unedited version of this somewhere. But you could see the full altercation when it does happen. Let's take a look. Even on Crowder's channel. Like, go scroll ahead a little bit. I want to get to, I'll tell you what, that's the guy. That's the guy. That's the guy that hits him. Oh, wait. The guy's telling the back to fuck up. So he puts his hands up. Hold on. That's the guy that fights him right there. The guy with the mustache. Which guy? The mustache dude. And you see this guy. Okay. You see that? Like, we don't, there's like a missing piece of footage there. But in the footage I saw, you don't see that guy attack him first. You see that guy get up from being on the ground. On his stomach. I see what you're saying. So something happened. And so what I was thinking is, did Steven Crowder push this guy? I don't know. There's no footage on there. But I surmised based on what I looked at in the footage, that this guy was maybe pushed and then got up and then started wailing on Crowder. Interesting. And I put that out there. And here's the interesting thing. He said he was going to sue me for what I said about it. He then later went to court and a judge looked at the footage and kind of came to the same conclusion I did and said, I don't think that this went down the way you're saying based on the footage I see. He lost that court case. And then he had to drop any sort of idea of a lawsuit against me because a judge had already ruled that the tape was bullshit. Didn't really show what he thought it should. There's also instances where I challenged him to debates back in the day. Not recently. But he would never acknowledge me. I mean, one time he did send his little brother after me. His brother? Yeah. Like, I don't know if it was his younger brother or his older brother. I think it was his little brother was like, you're a fucking faggot or whatever. I'm like, why won't your brother debate me? Because we were at the time on the same network. You're saying he sent him after you physically? No, no. Just on Twitter. Okay. You got to specify that. I'm sorry. I'm thinking two dudes looking at each other outside a bar. He didn't come and try to fucking fuck me up or anything. He just talking shit on Twitter. So he talked shit on Twitter. You sure that's Stephen's brother? It was. Okay. Yeah, it was Stephen's brother. But Stephen himself has never taught. I made several videos about him. Maybe not several, like three. But he's never confronted me. Polypop tried to get us to do a debate at the time. He wouldn't do it. That seems weird. And it's weird because he's Mr. I'm going to go, he just trolled Cenk Uygur the other day. I thought that was funny. His impression of Cenk Uygur is fucking funny. It is pretty spot on. The one that he did where he played Anna and Cenk back and forth. I didn't see that. Oh, fucking pull it up. He'll let us use it. Look, I like Stephen Crowder. I do. I really do. I think he's a good guy. I just he's like, he's a little bit heavy on the right wing. He gets a little silly. Yeah. But he does some funny shit like this. And when he crashed Cenk's thing, like, the saddest thing was how Cenk was responding to it. Like he didn't have any sense of humor about it. Well, Cenk obviously takes himself very seriously for some reason. Do the research. That's absolutely correct. We'll have it listed. A geo. Yes, I agree with you Cenk so fucking much. That's absolutely right. When you use the F word, you know it's real talk. I say fuck. So we have a bunch of people. Anyway, you could see it online. And at one point he's pouring bacon grease down his mouth. I just thought it was funny. I think it was pretty funny. And it's it's look, dude, I recently got to be able to make fun of yourself. I recently sat down. We did this spec. We went and watched a bunch of young Turks videos so we could put out this special drunken peasants versus the young Turks video. We we shot about five hours of us watching young Turks videos and just tearing them apart. And one of the things I noticed is what Cenk will do and watch for this if you're ever watching his shit, he'll have his panel say something that's like super crazy left wing. Like someone will say it like Anna will say it or one of the Stephen O or whatever, whoever he's got on Ben Makowitz, whatever. They'll say something that's real far left wing. And then it'll cut to Cenk and Cenk will have more of like a moderate left wing opinion. And then it'll go back to them and they'll immediately capitulate to Cenk like, oh, yeah, Cenk, you're you're you're what you're saying is way more sensible than what I said a second ago. And I just saw that pattern recurring over and over and over again. So I don't know if that's like by design or if they're just they feel like the need to capitulate to him because they're they'd be scared of him or something, you know, or, or what is definitely a lot of emotions going on there, too. So a lot of emotion in the way they describe things. And some people I think, at least initially connected to that. But then they see where it gets problematic if you're dealing with any like really serious issue and you want to debate just the facts like and have your ducks in a row. The wool, the wool over my eyes was the Harris debate. So like most people, exactly. That was like the first like major chink in the jank Uyghur armor. I never know how to pronounce his first name. So when you said it that way, I was like, you think it's pronounced jank, chink in the jank, you think in the jank. Yeah, there we go. I think he's a good guy. I like talking to him, too. I just think people handle certain types of confrontation and disagreements and they don't handle the best way they could. And then those things escalate and they compound and then it becomes who you are. And then you're defending who you are. And then you're always trying to argue with people about who you are and what you've done. And like, that's when you're gone. Yeah, that's when you're over the top. It's like, we've done this, we've done that, we've done this, we've done that. Like, hey, you're talking about shit that's happening in the world. That's all you're doing. That's all any of us are doing. That's all anybody's doing. Unless you're out there digging wells in the Congo with Justin Ren, what you're doing is you're talking about shit. Yeah. So if you got a bunch of people listening to you talk about shit, it's just talking about shit. At the end of the day, you don't get any extra points because more people are listening or more people are watching. Your point isn't more valid. Your point still has to stand up in the marketplace of ideas. Yeah. Then yours is just as valid as his, is just as valid as mine. If the delivery system is a bigger delivery system, it doesn't mean that everybody has to stop and take you into account because you've had more success in this market. That's a crazy way of looking at shit. Sure. And when him and Alex Jones battle back and forth between who gets the most viewers and who has the model, like, holy shit, this is ridiculous. Like, did you see when Alex went onto the stage at South by Southwest? Is that what it was? South by Southwest? I think so. Yeah. Last year. It's hilarious. Oh yeah. That was one of the greatest trollings of all time. But Jen got so mad. Oh, screaming and yelling. You fucking dumb ass. We oppose Saudi Arabia. That little weasel Jimmy Doar spitting on fucking Alex Jones, dude. You know what's unfortunate? That guy, Jimmy Doar, does some good stuff. Yeah. I've seen some of his stuff too. This is a really good, he's put some really good videos up. He's done some really good work. Yeah. I can't, people aren't perfect. I don't really care for him, but, you know. But you recognize that some of his stuff's really good, right? I've never seen the stuff that's good. Maybe it's out there. I haven't seen it. I've seen him make some good points, very good points. You know, when he was covering the whole Milo thing, he played a very deceptive version of the Milo clip and he credited us basically as a podcast and talked about us as like, we're doing this podcast from a basement somewhere or something. Meanwhile, isn't it funny that a podcast like yours, which gets hundreds of thousands of downloads, I'm sure, right? If it was more than that, he would have to say the name of the podcast, right? Like if he was on the Adam Carolla show, he would say the Adam Carolla show because it's yours, even though he knows what it's like, like not going to give these guys credit. And you know, a lot of the media did that to us. I was, I was, uh, there was like transcripts of the Milo episode where it was like, and then unknown host said this. It's like, fuck you. I'm not in a bunker. What? You guys can't just look it up. Aren't you supposed to be like journalists? Can't you figure out what the fuck the podcast was? And I saw ones that attributed, um, stuff to me, but then had stuff of yours where they didn't even, I didn't know that you guys had them on. I thought that all the shit was coming from my podcast. Cause I got a text message from my friend, Chris McGuire informing me of all of it. And so I went and I said, well, this isn't even my podcast. And then I realized like, Oh, he was on your podcast too. And they combined the two different things. I even saw people say like he was on a Joe Rogan's drunken peasants podcast. It's like, wow, people are supposed to trust you for fucking information. You're supposed to be a fucking credible source. You can't even get this basic shit. Right. So the media is a fucking joke. Well, the media now is. It's a total fucking joke. There's like a few places we can still trust. Like where, um, I'm hoping you were on the answer. Cause you know what people come to me all the time and they're like, TJ, what news media outlet do you trust? I'm like, none of them. I don't trust a single goddamn fucking thing. Any of these institutions have to say whatever Megan Kelly has to say. I'm listening. I'm in Megan. You're right about everything. That's what I like. Like ice princesses. Yeah. I don't know why. Like a mean, like a mean, mean and smart. Really? No, but I'm fascinated by people who must.