Joe Rogan - The Genius of Patrice O'Neal


6 years ago



Kyle Kingsbury

2 appearances

Kyle Kingsbury is a retired professional mixed martial artist. He is currently the Director of Human Optimization at Onnit.


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New York comedy has always been some of the best comedy in the country, like always. It's always been some of the best comics coming out of New York. And a lot of them are like super hyper aggressive. Like a lot of them like real insult comedians. Like that kind of, you know, that style of shitting on each other. It's like they're aggressively like that. But it's like Patrice O'Neill was probably like the best at it. He was so fucking good. He was so fucking good. He exemplifies that New York style of what the fuck are you wearing man? What the fuck is that shirt? And then it was just me attack. And it was beautiful. It was beautiful. And it was but it was fun. It was all like in good fun and playful. You know, it's just people getting ruts man. You know, you get in ruts with your food. You get in ruts with your behavior. But the food one is a big one. You know that kind of food is just fucking terrible for your body. You know, just constantly consuming sugar. You're putting your body in the state of shock. Yeah processing the stuff that's never supposed to be in that form. It's a Patrice with like ch But you like our group text messages that we have with Bert. That's my favorite thing. That's a fucking great text. But the insults to each other are hilarious. Now. They're so it's such New York style like insult comedy. I've heard my friends in New York. They're like you bridge the gaboteen LA comedy. New York comedy is always separate before you came there. It's true. Dude, you've made everybody more insulty. I love it. The thing is it's fun man. I love insulting each other. Yeah, it's fucking fun. It's silly fun man. And when someone gets you with a good one, it's like oh shit. Yeah, it's a it's a that's but it's like ever in LA. I'm like, I just said something about coffee pot. I didn't know you know who had a great point Wanda Wanda psych said that that was Patrice but she said Patrice elevated that level and she said she thinks he changed. She really said it. She's like I think he changed the frequency of that comedy scene. That's my you're right. That's possible when I think 100% started hugging and he started the hugs in the LA who started hugs the guy who died in the car accident. Josh Josh out of Mario's front. I can't remember his name now. Oh, I didn't know him that way. But he brought hugs back. He was like I'm doing this and it's kind of spread out from the open mic scene to draw. Well, we always hug sort of but he's like constant hugs for hellos where it's like weird anymore. I didn't know of him and I independently was hugging for hellos. So I would get that notion. Okay, but I think it's great that everybody was doing it. Patrice would have to rose an awesome guy. Oh, yeah, I didn't know him. I don't even think I ever saw Angela Bowers. Yeah, I don't think I ever even saw him do stand-up. I think maybe see him at the clubs great guy full of good joke. Right. No one says a bad thing about the guy. So Patrice would do stuff for he was like DeRosa walk-in and he would just start making fun of DeRosa's lack of shoulders. Oh God. He'd be like you fucking DeRosa can't wear backpacks. Cause they fucking fall off. He goes my favorite one. He brought that up because Joe DeRosa can't have a heart to heart with his father because every time he does his father tries to put his hand on his shoulder and slides off. Oh Jesus Christ. Oh my God. I was on the phone calling into Opie and Anthony once and I was talking about Anthony's gun collection. Yeah, and I said do you worry like you're kind of he goes I'm strapped everywhere. I go all throughout your house everywhere. You go. You're strapped. He was yes. Absolutely. I'm like do you ever think that like maybe you're like manifesting this that like by by constantly having guns everywhere you're manifesting potential gun violence and Patrice goes Rogan thinks that kind of shit because he but he's magic like that manifesting shit. He's asking you about manifesting. Rogan's all up on that magic those fucking dying. I was like oh my God. He was so good at like jumping on silly shit. You were saying you got like what you are. Fuck are you wearing? No seriously. What in the fuck are you wearing and then you just go hard hard. You just got to accept it. It's a joke or you'll get mad or you'll get mad. You had to love it.