Joe Rogan on Prisons Being Ineffective


6 years ago



Kyle Kingsbury

2 appearances

Kyle Kingsbury is a retired professional mixed martial artist. He is currently the Director of Human Optimization at Onnit.


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It is Ada Lovelace. It's been called the world's first computer programmer What she did was write the world's first machine algorithm for an early computing machine that existed only on paper Of course someone had to be the first but Lovelace was a woman and this was in the 1840s Suck it stupid people Suck it Ada Ada was rocking shit in the 1800s she's figuring it out Imagine you'd be like look one day they're gonna be able to do this right now They don't know how to do it with if one day if they just figure out how to do this This is this and we're gonna have computers and the computers will operate on this algorithm and people are looking at you like bitch What the fuck are you talking about? Computers like imagine how what a hell it would be to be a super super genius living amongst the cave people You're like you fucks we could be flying around if you assholes knew how to melt aluminum. Can you guys get me some glass? You don't know glass Shit, do you have any wires? You have no wire? Okay Where'd he get your metal? You don't have metal what? Shit, do you imagine if you like we're looking at metal in the ground like why don't they just pull the metal out and make things out Of that and then I'll look hey And you're like, what's the point? What's the point making a house? What's the point? What's the point having glass windows that look out at these? Cave people fucking each other and stabbing mastodons in the deck with flint tip stoop tools Fuck imagine what a hell that would be that would be like the worst thing you could do to somebody like imagine if one day they come up with a time machine and one of the punishments for people that were real pieces of shit is you would throw them in front of Genghis Khan's hoard in Like 1200 AD you would just like take your underwear. You're in your underwear Everybody knows it's gonna happen You have a chance to live if you just might get lucky Mike teleport into the right spot and not get slaughtered and eaten by the Mongols as they come over the top of the hill, but we're gonna put you right in front of them And you know good luck you piece of shit fucking Transported with a time machine. I mean if they do come up with what the ability to do that to people one day Like an actual time machine that would be the biggest hell ever take a person from 2018 who's used to driving around in his Tesla and checking his text every five minutes and no you we're gonna let you live We're gonna let you live, but you're gonna live in 1200 AD No doctors is no doctors what the fuck is a doctor? What are you talking about man? You got a run you got to run. They're coming over the hill. You smell that yeah, that's people burning You smell people burning. They're like candles Run just fucking run, but you're alive That was the punishment. Yeah, they'd be fun. You know That would be crazy imagine if somebody raped you and you get to decide what year they come back Well, they have to go yeah, well just send this motherfucker back to the dinosaur era good luck you cunt And then they they're they're they're gonna be by themselves 65 million years ago how many people would say yes to that like how many people said yes, well we could do one thing thing Bernie made off we could either put you in jail for the rest of your life, or you get freedom in Prehistoric Central Asia, what would you do? I'd take the death by prehistoric Central Asia all day You got a fucking live all day. You gotta live in Siberia. I fight there. I die there Yeah, at least I'm not in a fucking cage until my heart stops beating hundred percent. I'd take that all day I'll roll the dice. I'll roll the dice. It'll suck. I'll die for sure, but I'll die running or Trying to get away, or you know or die quickly break a leg. You know I'm not gonna die in that box That's the craziest thing about You don't you you just decide when someone has crossed some line that you're gonna take you out of circulation We're just gonna cool you in this little cage. We're gonna. Hope you get better when we let you out in 15 years like What a stupid idea it's not working. That's how you know. It's a stupid idea It's not it's not working for anyone you want to protect people from violent offenders. That's primary right violent offenders people who want to Raw people or murder people or rape people or assault people that is like the number one thing is we want everybody to be safe I love Jamie I don't want Jamie to have to worry when he walks down the street that this guy they locked up ten times gonna jump out of The bushes and take his knees out with a baseball bat for no fucking reason other than he's crazy right you don't want that Nobody wants that so We all agree you got to lock up rapists and murderers and all that but after that after get to after you pass that it's like Hmm what what good does it do to get that guy that cheated on his taxes? Why do you put him in a cage for a year? Why don't you let him work and pay you back like why is he in a cage for a year that seems? That seems like you're punishing him like you're you're just trying to torture him and steal a year of his life But he'll just owes you money. He doesn't owe you a year of his life How much is a year of your life worth it's worth fucking billions of dollars a year your life Fuck you, man. You can't take a year of someone's life. That's crazy But if you owe taxes They go I'd like a year your life sir Or if you're fucking selling plants selling plants or worse You're one of those people that didn't send the envelope and you're trying to bring some of that four thousand pounds of cocaine over What would be a good deterrent for some from to stop? I don't think there's I think education is the real deterrent you have to catch them and there has to be punishment I give you old people money There should be reparations you should like if you if you were involved in some sort of a banking scheme And you rip people off you should have to pay those people back period you should have you should be responsible for that after that You're assuming that someone's capable of growing and sometimes we don't like to do that It's very convenient to assume that someone is in a static state, and they're never gonna grow oh this old banker asshole He's just a ritual cunt, and this is how he's gonna die fuck him There's there's that thing, but he's a human being and even if he lived his life fucking people over on those You know those weird mortgage situation loans that were going on with those things called those Adjustable arm Yeah, the adjustable mortgages that people got fucked on because they signed up for them And they were really low rate and then all of a sudden the rate jacked up through the roof And they were just inevitably gonna lose their house And this was like something that people knew about it before even the people that organized that kind of shit even knowing They can grow it's a horrible thing they did, but they to say that they're done fuck them lock them up forever My grandma lost her house It's terrible that your grandma lost her house and whoever the fuck benefited from your grandma losing the house They should all have to give that money back to we should figure out the fuck how the fuck that they allow these banks To weasel people like that you're not looking out for anybody's best interest when you do something like that And obviously they didn't know they were gonna The rates are gonna get as high as they got where people were well They should know situations, but they should have they should have known something was coming you hit the point though that they should have been fucking Been paid back you should be paid none of those fucking people got paid back doesn't matter how long you lock them up for like Nobody fucking got their house back Yeah, everyone got fucked over and even people that were involved in the organizations that were probably responsible in part for the recession Which fucked everything up there those people I got bonuses when there was bailouts It's the whole thing is the bailout should have been for fucking everybody who lost their home for sure for sure It shouldn't the bailout most certainly shouldn't have gone to I know that they have to pay these people these bonuses because these bonuses are In their contract, but that's still crazy still crazy Even if it's in the contract, I mean the government's gonna bail you guys out you guys are a failed business It's banks a failed business And you're still gonna try to claim that you guys did so well that you need a bonus like this is great And you're gonna take that taxpayer money and apply it to your bonus so all those poor people out there working $50,000 a year you're gonna. Just take a giant. What's a good one for one of those guys. What's a good one? What's a good bonus? What do you think it's like the biggest bonus that one of those banker guys got during the bailout if you had a hundred? 300 million oh Is it that high I? Don't think it's that high I got it 30 30 minute at least that's what the JP Morgan guy got last year 30 What do you get there last year? Yeah, but but wait a minute. No we're not in a recession though like they were getting it at the end of Bush's term right so that was 2009 he got 16 million someone got 16 million guy During the bailouts Well in his worst year. He got 20 million baller We think his house looks like probably made out of cocaine. It's probably a glue Walks by and licks the walls here's a real question you give the average person 25 million bucks They don't have to work again ever You know if this guy's making 20 million bucks every year or more probably with all these bonuses, right? Like what what when do you get out? Like how much do you have to have in the bank before you go? You know what I'm just gonna fucking live Frugally and never work again that guy does not need to live frugally He doesn't even any of that I mean for most folks like what's the number that you'd have to get to where you like check please Yeah, I don't know what the whatever that driving force is though to attain that that doesn't just magically go away You know it's not like you get to that point and you're like all right now I can retire like what do you fucking do in retirement look at the people who continue to work you have a Thousand things you love to do right and you're good at them, and you're obsessed with them Other people don't have that all they know is their job all they know is to work and They don't they have a hard time integrating when they come out of that Mmm, you know you have to have something that gives your life meaning and purpose. Yeah, that's true It's hard for people to take up new hobbies too, but really fun That's the thing about learning stuff getting good at stuff when you suck There's a little you know there's a period in the beginning where it's frustrating But once you if you do do like anything no matter what it is especially physical stuff something about getting good at things It's very rewarding. You know not enough people go through that not enough people I think try new shit out and I think there's also new pathways that get opened in your brain the more you try something new That you suck at and when you start off from that beginner phase and try to like put it together And I think the little journey of the beginner phase getting good I think we should try something new once a year. I really do I mean maybe more But for me it can't be more than once a year because I get too crazy about stuff For me once a year is like I might be able to squeeze something in once a year and try it out for a little while And not let it overcome all the things. I'm already crazy about You know how often do you go hunting? well it's usually in the fall for elk and then usually we do something in the early spring we go to lanai and we hunt for axis deer