Joe Rogan | The Benefits of Grass Fed Beef vs. Grain Fed Beef


5 years ago



Ben Greenfield

3 appearances

Ben Greenfield is a Coach, Author, Speaker, ex-Bodybuilder and Ironman Triathlete. In 2008 he was voted as the Personal Trainer of the Year by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and recognized as the top 100 Most Influential People in Health in 2013.


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Yes, yeah. What's the benefit of grass fed beef over regular beef? I know there is a benefit, but I don't, I don't, I never can recall it correctly. It's something to do with the essential fatty acid ratios. Yeah. Cause grain, you're going to, you're going to have more of the omega six fatty acids, which have been unfairly vilified. Meaning that a lot of people are just like, don't eat any omega sixes, don't have any arachidonic acid. Like don't, don't overdo your seeds, your nuts, butter, kind of like the, the orthorexic health world as a whole, you know, like when you read nutrition magazines and stuff, they're like, do your omega threes, but be careful. Americans have a 20 to one omega six to omega three ratio, but the problem is that omega six is that's a lot of those are derived from what are called parent essential oils and your cell membranes need a certain amount of omega six fatty acids from seeds and nuts and plants, and even to a certain extent, grains. And when you have an excess of omega threes and not enough omega six is cause you're going so far into the fish oil category, then it actually damages a component of your mitochondrial membrane called cardiolipin. You actually make less of that. So you interfere with normal cellular activity. What seeds are most beneficial? Uh, uh, I would imagine the most nutrient dense ones. Right. So you have a specific one. Almonds, macadamia, I mean, what I eat is like almonds, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts. I just don't eat the quasi nuts, like peanuts, which are, you know, they're not as high in nutrient density. They're more of a legume than a nut. Um, I eat a lot of my nuts either raw or lightly roasted. You always look at the label to make sure they didn't put a lot of vegetable oil and canola oil in them. Uh, but I'm a fan of nuts in, in moderate. I eat my nuts. Like you'd eat your nuts if you were going to have to shell them. Right. Like if you've ever had the shell a walnut, you're not going to eat 30 walnuts because that'd be exhausting, right? You might have to have like, yeah, it's annoying as hell, but keeps you from eating too many of them. I buy them shelled and I eat fistfuls of them. Yeah. Like last night I ate like a half a bag. Yeah. Pistachios are great for your microbiome too. Yeah. I actually had a couple of research studies on that last year that showed an improvement in the diversity of the bacteria in your gut with pistachios. That's one of the nuts is good for your body. Probably because of the fiber content in pistachios, but grass fed versus grain fed is primarily the omega three fatty acids. Me have less of the arachidonic acid, less of the potentially inflammatory omega six fatty acids. There's probably part of it being that grass fed grass finished beef is generally raised on a farm. That's using less herbicides, less pesticides, raising their meat in a more sustainable fashion. You know, giving it less hormones, giving it less antibiotics. That's painting with a broad brush, but generally grass fed. There's more to it than just the fatty acid composition. It's just a better meat overall in my well, better health wise grain fed beef. I will not lie. Like you can, you can have a pretty damn tasty fatty cut of grain fed beef. Certainly can, but I honestly prefer the, the taste of grass fed. I like the denser meat, the darker meat. I like it better. Just to me, it just, it, it just tastes healthier. I just, I crave it more, you know, and when I go back and forth between the two of them, when I eat grain fed, it feels like, like a lazy cow. Like it's mushy. It's got like, it's good. It's delicious. Don't get me wrong, but there's a difference. It's kind of funny cause I've gone over to Dubai a few times and taught like fitness conferences over there and they advertise grain fed like they want everybody to, like when you go to the restaurants, like this beef is the finest grain fed beef. You know, we fat these cows. Well, if you go to like Peter Luger's, which is a lot of grain, pretty widely recognized as the greatest steak house in the world. That place is all great. Trip. I actually, I didn't like my steak. How fucking dare you. I know. I'm going to get, I'm going to get killed by some rude Brooklyn waiter is going to take me out. But, uh, I didn't like it. What, what didn't you like? Just something about like the meat. Just tasted, it tasted like it was drenched in vegetable oil. Like something about it just didn't taste right. And maybe I had a poor Peter Luger's experience. That doesn't even make sense. I did not enjoy it that much. Dude, I, I ate there and afterwards I'm like, I don't think it gets better. I don't think