Joe Rogan - Roseanne on Becoming a Target


5 years ago



Roseanne Barr

3 appearances

Roseanne Barr is a comedian, actress, writer, television producer, director.


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That's what it was. But that was one that got brought up as well. That was also in the middle of a huge conversation about Ben Ghazi and the Iran deal. Those are the two things, or two of the three things that I like to do on Twitter, although I'm no longer on there. You got off? Yeah. Bad for you? Yeah. I was glad to see Kanye West got off too. Did he? Yeah. When? He deleted all his accounts last week. I'm glad too, because once you're a target, it's just too painful. Yeah. Well, you definitely shouldn't be reading that shit. No, I don't read it. Yeah. Well, when you become a target, how do you know if you don't read it? Well, I know what I lived through when it first happened. That's been four or so months ago. So I just know how I've reacted in my real life since that happened to me. How long did it take for things to die off? To die off? What do you mean? Slow down, where they weren't just coming after you constantly. Like I told you that News Cruise, when they found out that you were going to come on the podcast the first time, they were trying to show up at my house. They were trying to show up at the studio. They were trying to find me at the comedy store. I mean, they were just trying to hunt down anything about you. I know. I was snaking sigs from my boyfriend, because we were at my mom's house when I did it. We were at home in Salt Lake City when I tweeted at 2.11 a.m. I just woke up and tweeted. I had this thought in my head, oh my God, this is going to make so much sense. And then I tweeted it, and then I went right back to sleep. When I woke up at 7, the shit had hit the fan. But I was like, I'm going to expound on this later. It was one of those kind of things. You just want to get it down. I always slept with my computer and tweet. When I wake up like one year old, you have to go to the bathroom a lot, so I always tweet and fall back to sleep. And then on the ambient tweets, my daughter, I used to always, when I took my Ambien, I called my daughter, or she called me. She'd go, Mom, you're starting to do the Ambien tweets. Get off. Get off the Twitter. So I just called my daughter then every night when I was doing the Ambien. And I'd go, you know what? Here comes a big fish. She recorded it. Here comes a big fish right through my window. Uh-oh, he's getting stuck in the mirror. And that's when she goes, Mom, turn it all off and go to sleep. I have to have my family tell me that. You almost need her standing guard by your bed. Yeah. Hold on. Let me read that before you tweet it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's what she does now. She took my Twitter account away. Will you surprise? But then she tweets all these liberal things that I want to just get up in her face and smack her around for. No, on her own. But I'm like, how come it's okay for you to say this? But it ain't for me. Well, mother, I didn't lose everything. Oh, she's trying to help you. I'm like, I hear you and your fucking help sticks in your face. Is your serious liberal? They all all three of my daughters are serious social justice warrior types. And what do they think about your positions? Well, they think I'm a frigging crazy. They think I'm crazy. They always did. Like, you know, they always thought all my choice for president were crazy. But then, oddly, they were all very supportive when I personally ran for president in 2012. They were really supportive of me. Well, you're their mom. Yeah, that was cool. But like all the other times, it's like, oh, God, mother, it's your generation. It's the baby boomers are the reason everything is all fucked up. So stop letting yourself up the hook. Political conversations in the bar household. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.