Joe Rogan Reviews Claims Coronavirus Was Made in Wuhan Lab


4 years ago



Owen Smith

3 appearances

Owen Smith is a comedian, writer, actor and television producer. Check out his new show "Notebooks" available now on YouTube. @Owen Smith Comedy


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Have you seen all the shit that points to the fact that this came from a lab? Well, yeah, you know what's so funny? I was talking to... I can't say it was her. But they were like, this is a chemical thing that just got out of hand. They were like, they fucked up. Well, they were working on how to mitigate viruses. That's what they were doing. They were working on... and they had viruses in this lab in Wuhan. And they think it came out. And that's one of the reasons why they think China immediately blames it on the wet market. They said, whenever China blames it on something, always look deeper. There are a ton... there's a ton of scientists that are pointing to that. There's one French virologist, Jamie, I'll send you this. There's a French virologist who identified HIV. And this French virologist was looking at this disease. And he was like, this is not a disease that came from nature. No. This is a disease that came from a lab. Did you see that Facebook video where there's some series on Netflix? What is it? It's a series on Netflix that takes place in China that like two or three years ago, they called the coronavirus and they like played the thing. Really? Yeah. It was like episode 13, season three or something like that of this show. Jesus Christ. Man, they knew this stuff was happening. Well, people knew that it was always a possibility. I can't believe it. So I'm on this text thread. But it's here now. And it's just like the reset of like, oh, that's another thing that's interesting. Like what is doing to our TV industry? Like it feels like everything has become YouTube, you know? You know, I mean, like all the time. I know. Even CNN. Everybody's trying to do you right now. Everybody is doing this. Well, the weird thing is they're trying to do it, but they're not adapting. Right. They're not adapting to the fact that they got no audience. So they're doing these whack ass monologues. You know who's doing it? Well, who? Bill Maher. Yeah. Bill Maher. With the fake audience and having fun with it. He's having a great time. He's also, he has here, a French virologist. I'll send you this right now, Jamie. Hold on a second. Bill Maher has some great fucking rants. I mean, these are, I've tweeted twice to him that where I said, Bravo. Yes. Are you playing it? Oh, it's on my phone. Oh, where's the sound coming from? I just sent it to you. Yeah. His fucking shit has been great. Yeah. Hilarious. And also, you know, he's pushing all the buttons, you know, he's doing comedy. He's doing like real edgy comedy while he's pointing out how crazy this all is. I appreciate him right now. He's a guy who's on the left that I really like the fact that he doesn't give in to all the craziness. He doesn't give in to the lunacy of left-wing policies. He's still, he's still like rational about it all. Although clearly left-wing biased, he's still rational and still goes with comedy. But it was one, yeah, I watched some, I don't know, man. I like him a lot and I watch, I watch, no, because I watch some of his stuff and I feel like it's two things. He should have me on his show, basically, because he's always, he would have you on his show. He's always talking about kids. He don't know what the fuck he's talking about. And he's always talking about, but I love, I love how he attacks it like he knows, but it's like, oh, dude, that's, that's your shit. Yeah, that's not it. Or he'll be talking about, he did this whole rant about, why can't we call it the China disease and all that stuff. And I was listening to a Chinese American on, on the daily, just talking about her experience of feeling like being an Asian American. He was always like a probationary experience. As long as I did the right things and stayed out the way, people left me alone. But when this came up, just her going outside, people are like, you fucking Chinese, you chick, you know, and, and it's kind of like, so it's, it's, to me, I love watching him because it's, because it's also these blind spots that he just, his whole rant was really about stop these wet markets. You can do it. He didn't have to do the, the other side of it. Just when they called it the Chinese virus, they don't want to call anything a virus based on the country. They would call it the Wuhan virus. This like they call Lyme disease, Lyme disease. That was one of the examples that he used or like, you know, SARS or MERS or some Middle Eastern respiratory. He didn't make that point. He didn't say he called it the Wuhan virus. He was like, he was like, and that's what I'm saying. The problem is that, yeah, the problem is that he's trying to do comedy and he's trying to make a point at the same time and it really the right way would be called the Wuhan virus. If they called it, but when they called it COVID-19, then it becomes the whole world's problems. That's one of the differences between what that journalist in Germany was saying to the head of China. You know, he was saying that. And then the Chinese guy was saying, hey, this is the whole world's problem. This whole world's pandemic. But yeah, kind of, but it did come from a fucking if it did, if it did come from a lab, you know, right. We should call it the lab created Wuhan virus. There you go. But it's more specific. Here it is. Inaccurately claims the novel coronavirus is man-made and contains genetic material from HIV. Okay. So this guy is Nobel laureate, Luc Montagnier. Do you speak French at all? No, no, I didn't get there. So how do we know that this guy is correct? It says, uh, genomic analysis. Can you make that a little bigger? It says indicates the virus has a natural origin. It was not engineered. The so-called unique protein sequence insertions found the 2019 coronavirus can be found in many other organisms, not just HIV, but that doesn't mean it's organic or natural in origin. See, I think that we are right now in this period of conflicting information and you're going to get it bouncing back and forth from protocon. But I've read multiple sources that seem and from respected scientists to seem to indicate that there's a distinct possibility that came from that lab. One of the things they're saying is the actual bats that they sequence the genome when they found the genetics for this virus, the bats that tested, you know, that were where this originated from were the same. They're from the same exact location as the bats that they do research on in this lab and the lab is four miles away. I mean, it's not it's not outside the realm of possibility. And we're in the wheelhouse right there. Yeah. Obviously, I'm a moron. I don't know shit about viruses other than what I read. But when China says, oh, definitely a wet market, nothing to see here. Sorry. Great point. Look deeper. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, maybe it was a wet market. Maybe it wasn't a wet market, but right. Yeah. Well, the wet markets are fucking gross, you know, it is but that's also a sad thing about you're trying to feed a billion people and you're feeding them wildlife. You know, a lot of what they're eating is wildlife. They're equivalent to like squirrels and stuff here. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, just they're eating whatever they can eat.