Joe Rogan Reacts to Video of Lee Syatt on The Church of What's Happening Now


7 years ago



Owen Benjamin

3 appearances

Owen Benjamin is a stand up comedian and actor. Check out his podcast called “Why Didn’t They Laugh?” available on iTunes.


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Hello freak bitches. An IPA can take you for a turn. Like my wife, this is like, here have some, cause I usually come in, like if I get a little buzz, I'll come in, you know, and she wanted to hang and I'm out there just, just drinking and staring at a fire. And she gave me this IPA called Dogfish, and it's 18% alcohol, and like three beers in, I'm like blacked out. Cause I was just drinking them like beers. And I'm like, oh, three beers, now come in. That's so unnecessary. And it was like, why do they do that to people? I don't know. It was like, it's like spike in someone. I was like roofied. But here's the thing. Like you, it's, you can't, this is one of my, I had a bit about this, about my problem with pot gummy bears. One of the problems is, it looks like a regular fucking gummy bear. And my brain thinks, oh, I could just fucking eat the shit out of those. Yeah. If I got gummy bears, I could eat five or ten of them. False representation. But if one of them could just jack your world. There's a video I put on Instagram of LeeSciat. Have you seen that video? One by one design, put it up, and he's got a video that they took from Joey Diaz, the church of what's happening now. And LeeSciat is literally the physical example that you would use of someone who's too high. Oh, that's great. If someone says, what's too hot? You look at this. This is too high. Like, look at him there. He's got his eyes closed. Give me some volume, Jamie. They're all talking. They're playing some music. That sounds good in sound. And look at him. Look at him. Look at his eyes fading in and out. And by the way, he knew he was supposed to be at the podcast. It sounded like he woke him up to do a podcast. He left the camera on himself, too, I think. Yeah, he left the camera on himself. And he's just, he's so paranoid right now. He's freaking the fuck out. Look, he throws his head back. He said, Jesus, I can't do this anymore. I can't work with you, Joey Diaz. I can't work with you. I can't work with you, Joey Diaz. He's just taking a running out of demons, just waiting for him to close his eyes and go to sleep. I can't. I can't give in to the demons. He can just see them over him, just scratching at the ceiling, just waiting for the lights to turn out. And his eyes to close. And they're going to go through his fucking mouth, penetrate his body. And I've been that exact guy on that exact podcast. Yeah, Joey gave me the star. Yeah, and I was, I just, I couldn't handle it, man. He's a different animal. I love that dude. He's the best, but he's a different animal. You can't, you know, don't, don't try to outdo him ever. I was just trying to hang. He was the one, he had the one, he had mercy on me, which I thought was incredible. Because I'm like, yeah, let me just grab another one of those stars to death. And he's like, no way, doc. You're going to fucking die. I'm going to be nice to you. But like what you said about the gummy bears, it's like, yeah, it's almost like the false representation is the thing I don't like more than the representation itself.