7 years ago
25 appearances
Greg Fitzsimmons is a comedian, actor, and writer. He hosts the “Fitzdog Radio” podcast and co-hosts “Sunday Papers” and “Childish.” His new special, “You Know Me,” premieres on YouTube on 8/27.https://gregfitzsimmons.com/ "You Know Me" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUqkWh_x4U
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
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Hello freak bitches. We're kidding Eliza. We're kidding. Don't call her Eliza either. She's getting mad at that too. Eliza. Eliza. You know she doesn't use the last name anymore? Well neither does, well Christina is Christina P now. Really? Sebastian Maniscalco is just Sebastian now. A lot of white people getting crazy lately. Tignataras just Tig. Is that culture appropriation? Do you use a white person? Do you use only one name? I always forget what's culture appropriation. We need to constantly be reminded. I tweeted something today. I was reading a fucking article and I almost punched my screen. They're saying that hoop earrings are cultural appropriation. Oh no. Girls aren't allowed to wear hoop earrings. Really? Cultural appropriation. Damn. Do you know how fucking privileged you have to be? Like how sought- look at that, hoop earrings criticizes cultural appropriation. Do you know how soft you have to be? To give into that? To give into that? And how fucking dumb you have to be to say that. Yeah. You have to be so dumb. It's almost racist. I think it's the opposite. It's racist against white people. No it's racist against black people. What? They're jungle people that only wear giant fucking hoops in their ears? What I read was Latinas. Latinas are criticizing it and saying it's a part of their culture. Oh it's their culture. Yeah it's like people just picking up. Now black people don't want girls to wear braids. Cornrows. Can't wear cornrows. Yeah you can wear like regular white people braids. But little skinny braids? That's cultural appropriation. What about Goldilocks? She was white. What about golf shirts? Are they allowed to wear golf shirts? Right. They shouldn't be. If we started it- If we started it crazy with these braids. It's not weird. Green pants. Here's the problem. Yellow belts. All this wee bullshit. The entire country is a melting pot of cultural appropriation. You dumb cunts! That is the whole idea of having a civilization. As that you get to share each other's food, share each other's recipes, listen to each other's music, listen to each other's jokes and stories, get by each other's clothes. You know there was this journalist that went to Japan and they were talking about cultural appropriation whether or not they thought that like white girls like Katy Perry wearing the geisha outfit was cultural appropriation and they were they were like universally saying no we're happy that people love Japanese culture and that they do that. They're happy. Yeah. But over here you get these fucking dummies that are just looking to complain and criticize and just call out everything and everybody about everything. Yeah. It's uh- Oh my god. I see this. What is this? No. Jeremy Lin? Yeah so he came out with a uh in the preseason I think he had dreadlocks in his hair and a former NBA player called him out on it Kenyon Martin but Jeremy Lin's response to it was actually really good if you want to check that out. Hey man it's all good you don't have to like my hair and definitely entitled to your opinion. Actually I legit grateful you sharing it TBH to be honest. At the end of the day I appreciate that I have dreads and you have Chinese tattoos. There you go. Because I think it's a side of respect and I think as minorities the more we appreciate each other's cultures the more we influence mainstream society. Thanks for everything you did for the nets and hoops. Had your poster up on my wall growing up. Oh shit. That's what he said right here. That's really classy. Somebody really need to tell him like all right bro we get it you want to be black like we get it but the last name is Lin all right. Well he's a fucking- Wait who said that? The other guy. Who was the other guy? Kenyon Martin. There's a picture of his Chinese. But it's been removed. Yeah well he's a dummy and that Jeremy Lin guy is a very classy character for the way he answered it. First of all dreads are not black they they were a sign of people not washing their hair that dates back to the Greeks and the Romans. There's ancient sculptures of Caucasian looking people with dreadlocks. Dreadlocks were worn by the Vikings. It is not a black thing because some black people wear them does not mean it's a black- I mean the idea that this is a real thing this cultural appropriation that people go around pointing at people saying you can't wear your hair a certain way. Yeah. Like we're limiting hairstyles and it's just so many people are just looking forward to criticizing and getting shitty with people over almost nothing. Yeah. It's just- No the whole the whole energy of this country is supposed to be complete assimilation. Like you said let's pick the best shit from each culture and make it just American hodgepodge and that's what it's about with gentrification. You know you want people to not all live in one neighborhood and all dress exactly the same as each other. You want there to be emerging of different looks. Yeah. Different addresses. Sure. Working in different trades. You know they used to be if you were Irish you were a cop. That's it. That's what we fucking did. You know we were cops or we were soldiers. When we first came over here in like the 1860s during the famine they just we got off the boat hungry and they threw a fucking uniform on us and sent us in to fight front lines against the south or you were a cop. And then after that they got into the trades. There's a lot of Irish people in unions. Right. You know a lot of Irish in the Longshoremen's Union. A lot of Irish in the you know the Carpenters Union. Yeah. But look fusion restaurants. What's a fusion restaurant? You take a couple different cultures you combine their food into some sort of a unique thing and it's it was a big thing for a while. People loved fusion. Yeah. They loved that kind of food and now there's a ton of people complaining when white people cook Mexican food. Yeah. Like there's this famous guy. I forget his name. Can't be that famous. I guess he's not that famous if I forget his name. But he's a famous white guy who loves Mexican food and he opened up a Mexican restaurant and all these people got pissed that this guy is cooking Mexican food. But this guy's been writing books about Mexican cuisine. He goes down to Mexico. He learns how to cook authentic Mexican dishes from people that live in these villages and towns in Mexico and and like has a deep love and appreciation for the culture of Mexico. Yeah. This guy's essentially a Mexican cuisine scholar and all these people give this fucking poor guy that's his name. What is his name? Rick Bayless. Rick Bayless. And he's famous. I mean I've read one of his books on Mexican food and I've seen articles written on him and video interviews and stuff and this guy is getting in trouble with other people. When chefs become famous cooking other cultures food. You don't own your culture you fucking idiot. You know why? Because you didn't create it. You didn't invent pizza. You didn't invent pasta. You didn't invent Chinese food. It's been around for hundreds of fucking years. You were just born. You were born with a certain ethnicity. You don't own that ethnicity. The idea that you can keep other people from enjoying it and appreciating the history of other human beings is fucking racist and it's stupid. This thing that we're getting into where we're criticizing people you know based on various aspects of culture that they enjoy. It's insanity. Yeah. It's insanity. I know. Think about how Italians have affected like fashion in this country. Sure. I mean from high fashion all the way down to like the disco era when all of a sudden. How about rap music? They were all calling themselves Gotti and they were all calling it Al Capone. I mean come on man. I mean how many fucking rap songs like have godfather lyrics in them and it's just cut the shit. It's so stupid. Yeah. It's so stupid and that's my culture. I'll tell you you can have it. That's why I love one of the seminal moments in American culture was Aerosmith getting together with DMC and doing Walk This Way. That's what America's supposed to be. Yeah it's just it's kids today looking to point the finger the world they see and looking to find fault in it and find fault in each other and it's this call out culture that we see. There's plenty of shit that's wrong in the world. There's plenty of shit and I guess this is just a byproduct of people having the freedom to communicate. I mean I guess that's what we're seeing but there's plenty of shit to really pay attention to. Jeremy Lin wearing dreadlocks isn't on that list. You know girls that wear hoop earrings. They're not on that list. It's just fucking white kids that wear baggy pants. So what? So what? Who gives a shit? Yeah to me that's a sign that they're like accepting black culture. Yeah. That they want to inter mix. They want to hang out together and share each other's fashions and ideas and drugs and women.