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I'm gonna do a podcast in him with subtitles in Spanish And I'm bringing them up here on Friday what yeah I'm gonna completely do it for me in Spanish with subtitles And then I'm gonna bring him up here on Friday, and we're gonna have a three-way about Cuba Oh what it was like to rest on the whole thing if you don't mind whoa mind So I'll do mine about subtitles just an epony on okay I'm gonna go walk a motor ticket. Yeah, they so no we will not clash with you Dude the three of us together would be the greatest podcast ever because I could interpret you would be would be It would be a real MMA you could really talk about on the hooks and do rush. That's a fantastic Training in Cuba where they shipped them because they ship you off when you were young kid That's what a lot of people don't know yeah, they look at you and they go fellow tell you don't have a choice I Look at you, and they go to us and Luciano. That's it now They they take it a certain age and they or they need to send you to Nicaragua or Russia You train and that's why a lot of Cubans are you Dokas? Because they go to Russia and learn judo Wow So he's gonna tell you how they ship them off They don't just tell your mom like we're taking them tomorrow That's it's always been interesting to me because the Cubans and the Russians in particular We're always thought of as being very technical really the Russians Russians are super technical That was what a lot of people attributed George St. Pierre success in wrestling You know George didn't wrestle in college or in high school But he trained with a bunch of Russian nationals in Montreal and apparently phenomenal wrestlers They have this incredible wrestling program like when you see when you see Nirma Gamedov The way he malls people inside the octagon like what in the fuck like that is like a perfect example of that like style of Super-hard super technical wrestling. They're so good at it. There's so many you see, you know You see Lomachenko used to be a wrestler. There's a video Lomachenko looks like he's doing Sambo It looks like he's got a like a gee on and it's him and some other cat and he's like 11 years old or something Like that. So his father put him in everything his father made him, you know Lomachenko is right? One of the best boxers ever like literally one of the most Technically beautiful to watch boxers it's ever lived but this guy used to wrestle too Like his debt this is uh, I don't think this is it is it? Does him okay? Is this him wrestling with somebody? Yeah, this is one now where he can still do this shit This is like pretty recent like he showed some of his wrestling moves But the other one was him when he was a little boy like he's really technical man. He knows how to wrestle This is legit Like when you see the way he's moving his body, he's not faking that he's done that a bunch of times And yeah, this is this is one when he's a little kid man It's crazy. It says Greco Roman wrestling, but they're wearing a gee. So I'm not exactly sure what it is but he gets his kid and Gets behind him and sends him for a ride. So he was he's always been an amazing athlete Like in every I think there's there's something to that there's something to his father had an idea It's crazy ideas father took him out of boxing and put him in a dance for like several years Ukrainian traditional dance style apparently they were talking about it on one of those HBO shows For like four years. I think it was each pro show but for four years I think he just danced you imagine that his father's like you want to learn how to box you got a dance and Now nobody's got footwork. Have you ever seen him Joey? Yes, you've seen like this highlight reel It's insane. Jamie pull up a woman real because my daughter goes to ballet and 80% of the class is Russian So I was thinking about it. Yes, that was watching the movements the last parade movement I'm like Jesus Christ if people did ballet could you and I was thinking of the GSP? Like, you know me. I'm like right. Yes, probably fucking the ballet That's what be good for you. It's great footwork. This guy is the Wizard of footwork It's crazy because he's like right in front of you But he's one step ahead of you at every turn like he knows what you're gonna do right while you're doing it He's moving in a way that you can't move. He's in front of you and then he's not It's crazy. Like he's the one of the most technical boxers I've ever seen Just an amazing stylistic Achievement like what he can do with his body His style is totally unique I mean everybody a lot of guys have done it a lot of guys have moved in now a lot of guys have done it But he's doing it at such a high level such a high level that it makes people confused guys quit in their corner they're like what in the fuck and I really think a lot of it probably had to do with his father's cross training and Particularly with the dance. I mean think about how effortlessly he goes like steps around guys I Mean he's got some incredible control of his feet But it makes sense that like you would learn how to move your feet in a specific way the weren't the way you weren't Learn how to move your hands in a specific way, right? Like think about a guy like Floyd Mayweather, right? His hand combinations with his upper body. They're so precise. It's like that Right, but with his legs is he as precise as he as precise moving with his legs It is with his hands or is he 60% or 70% or 80% Lomachenko is probably Perfectly proportioned for his style with his ability to move but also also his ability to box and hit you well He's got both things going on at the same time with next-level angles So that's what I was saying When you're young in Cuba, they pick you it's not like you wake up and go I want to be a wrestler No, they look at you and go you look like you could go wrestle and like What I was hearing back from them in the early 70s was like they just took you away from your family They write that was part of your training, you know your then they put you in there go We had no, you know where you trained and like their army. Have you talked to you all about this? Turd you well, yeah, like no we've discussed what this thing is. I already have graphics on the podcast Well, so I figured that I put him up and we'll do a podcast in Spanish With fucking subtitles like an English film like a like a jalini movie whatever one of those movies people think they're unique Okay Because his his English is too rough For me and I know he's trying to say and the frustration in his face So now he did a tape the other day of him in Cuba waiting for biz being in Cuba He went to do being went to Cuba. No Romero's back But what is the see if you can find Michael peace being it's it's he's nuts. He's nuts He's nuts. He's fighting rock hold now, which is a tremendous fight on the tensor, right? That's a crazy fight That's a crazy very good fight. It's very good fight You